I have Co-Written this story with my very close friend RKOMizfit, she is like a sister to me. Please go and read her stories and trust me she is a very Awesome Writer. :)

Katie is my OC and Isabella is her OC.

I would also would like to dedicate this story to Blairx6661 & Luneara Eclipse, both whom are fantastic writers themselves. Plz go and check out their stories.

All WWE Superstars belong to the WWE, only Katie and Isabella belongs to us.

[Isabella Korklan]

Coffees in hand, I bolted down the busy Chicago sidewalk to my work. Dodging people left and right, I finally made it to the door.

Hands full, I looked at the door in front of me.

I pursed my lips as I tried to figure out a way to open it. Luckily, April, our boss's assistant saw me and opened the door.

"Hey Isabella. Looks like you got your hands full there. Need any help?"

"No thanks. But thank you for the offer." I replied giving her a smile.

"Well if you ever need anything, let me know."

"Thanks April!" I called as I raced to the elevator.

I pressed the button with my elbow and prayed that it would arrive sooner. Finally the doors slide open and I step inside and try to hit the number 15.

"Need some help?" Derrick from the mail room asked. He slipped into the elevator just before the door closed.


He hit the number 15 and 12 for himself.

"You're a top designer at a major fashion company and yet you still get the coffee in the mornings?" He asked as the doors close.

"Well we all work hard up there so I thought that having a fresh cup of coffee in the morning would help out. I mean coffee is our best friend after all." I chuckled.

The door slides open and he chuckles.

"Well take it easy."

"I'll try."

The doors close once more and I ride up to the 15th floor and hurry to the office.

Katie, my best friend and fellow designer, layed on the couch reading a fashion magazine.

Spotting me she puts down her magazine and hushes over to open the door.

"Hey! You're finally here!" She says grabbing the coffees from me.

"Yeah. Sorry it took me so long. The guy at the coffee shop must have been new. He took forever!"

"Well at least you're here now. Amanda said she had a big surprise for us."

"Amanda? Is she here yet?"

Amanda Martinez is our boss and Head Executive of our company and one of the the coolest people you could ever meet.

"Not yet," Katie answered, shaking her head.

"So any ideas what the surprise could be?"

"Nope. I have no idea. But I have a feeling it has to do with an assignment."

As she said this, the leggy brunette entered the office and stood before us.

"Good! You're both here! Come with me, I have a big surprise for you!" She said, her face lit up by a huge smile.

She grabbed one of the coffees and headed into her office.

We looked at each other for a moment before grabbing our coffee and following Amanda.

As we entered the spacious office, she signaled for us to sit on the two chairs in front of her desk.

We took our seats and waited for our boss to give us the news. She grinned at us before speaking.

"As you both know, you are two of my top designers. I have gotten an offer and after thinking long and hard about this, I decided you two ladies are perfect for it."

Katie and I look at each other for a moment before turning our attention back to Amanda.

"What's the assignment?" I asked.

"Well, Vince Macmahon, chairman of the WWE called me today asking me to hire some of our top designers. Seeing as you both have ties to the WWE and have a

grasp on the business, I decided that you two would be perfect for this job."

"Wow! Really? That's awesome! Thank you!" Katie exclaimed.

"You'll both be meeting with Vince to go over a few things before the show tomorrow. So to give you time to pack and get ready, you can both have the

rest of the day off."

We both thanked her and left the office to grab our things to head home.

"Can you believe it! We're going to be WWE designers!"

"I know! Our husbands are gonna be so happy to have us around more. Are you bringing Lacey with you?" I ask as we walked together to the elevator.

"I don't know yet. I'll have to talk to Phil about it. I'll see what he thinks. What about you? Are you gonna bring Ari?"

" I don't know. I mean he's still really young and he just turned one last month. I'll have to ask Evan when I get home."

We get into the elevator and ride down. Together we walk out the door before parting ways to head to our cars.

"Call me and tell me what he says!" She hollers to me.

"Okay! I'll talk to you later! Give Lacey a hug for me!"

"I will!"

Finding my car, I got inside and started it up. I checked for cars before weasling my way out into the chicago traffic.

After about an hour of hectic traffic, I finally made it to my house and parked.I shut off the ignition and got out before making my way to the front door.

I took out my keys and unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Evan?" I called, hoping my husband was within earshot.

I waited a moment and still I heard no response.

"Evan." I called again as I made my way towards the living room.

"Just a minute!"

A few moments later Evan made his way into the living room. Smiling he walked up and wrapped his arms around me giving me a kiss.

"Hey. You're home early."

"Yeah. I just got a huge assignment for work. How's Ari?"

"I gave him a bottle and just put him down for his nap."

I gave him a kiss.

"You're a lifesaver."

Smiling, he pulled me over to the recliner and sat, pulling me down on his lap.

"So what's this big assignment?"

"Well, Katie and I got assigned to be designers for the WWE."

"Really? That's Great! That means we'll get to travel together."

"Yep." I nodded. " But what do we do with Ari? I'd hate to just leave him here with a babysitter, but he's still so young that I don't want to have him go everywhere."

"Yeah, I see what you mean." He replied, rubbing my back. "But I think we should take him with us. I mean we'll get a room for wherever we are and the three of us

will stay there.

We'll take him to the arena and I'll watch him before and after my matches. Then when I have my match, he'll stay with you, or we'll find somebody to

watch him for a little bit."

Now if you haven't already caught on, I'm married to WWE's own Evan Bourne. His real name is Matt korklan but everybody just calls him Evan.

We have a 1 year old son named Ari who's got Black hair like his daddy and my blue eyes.

"So you're okay with this?" I ask.

"Of course! I can't wait to have you and Ari on the road with me."

He leaned in and gave me another kiss.

"I love you. This is gonna be great." He smiled.

[Katie Brooks]

I can't believed that I have been stuck on traffic for the past 1 hour! Damn I got to call home.

I took out my I-phone and my bluetooth headset, placing the headset in my ear, I began to dial Phil's number.

Phil answered the phone on the second ring...


"Phil, I'm stuck in traffic right now and I'm running late. Is Lacey still up?" I asked.

"No worries Kat and yeah Lacey is still up waiting for you, but I will put her to bed soon."

"Thanks Phil and I will be home in a while." I added before hanging up.

Can't believed that I have been married to Phil Brooks aka CM Punk who is a WWE Superstar for the past 3 years.

I have never been in love with Phil in the first place, it was dad who asked me to marry him.

At that point in time, marriage was never on my mind, since I was really focused on my career as a Fashion Designer.

So when dad sat me down and told me that I should marry Phil, I had no other choice but to agree.

I loved my dad and to disappoint him will be the last thing on my mind.

So before long we were finally married, but there's no passion in our marriage life. We were just basically two people living together under one roof.

Soon after, I got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We named her Lacey. She is our bundle of joy and having Lacey does makes me grew

closer towards Phil and since then we have bonded closely.

He's a very understanding and a caring husband and even though he tends to get busy once in a while with his WWE Tours, he always makes time for me

and Lacey cause we are his top priority.

Lacey is two years old now and she is daddy's little girl, I don't mind her being close to Phil since I tend to get buzy with work and Phil has always

been the one to look after her the most.

Ever since our boss has offered me and Isabella a job in the WWE, I couldn't be more than happy to break this news to Phil.

He will be thrilled to hear this...

I snapped out of my daze when the driver of the car behind me honked loudly, signalling me to move.

The road is finally cleared and I drived back home peacefully.

My helper Lilly opens the door upon my arrival and I passed her my trenchcoat.

I then walked into the house and found Phil sleeping on the sofa with little Lacey sleeping on his chest, I can't help smiling watching them together.

Awww isn't this the cutest thing ever, I thought to myself. I slowly made my way towards the sofa and woke Phil up.

He open his eyes slowly and pressing a finger to his lips, he motioned me to be quiet, so as not to wake Lacey up. He then gently carried Lacey to her room.

While Phil is upstairs in Lacey's room, I went to my room and was about to take a shower, when I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

Turning around I saw Phil smirking at me, I pat his head playfully when he spunned me around to face him and started kissing me.

As I kissed him back, I finally told him about my latest job assigment.

"Phil, guess what? Our boss Amanda gave us a new assignment, Isabella and I will be working in the WWE cause Vince hired us to design ring gears and other

stuffs for the WWE Superstars.

Phil was so happy that he picked me up and started to spin me around. "Oh Katie, that's great now the three of us will get to have family time together."

I nod my head and planted a kiss to his lips.

"Phil thank you for everything" I said as he embraced me gently.

I must be the luckiest woman in the world for getting such a good husband.

But little did I know that our lives will soon change...

So how was it? Please do read and review.

We would appreciate it.