Okay. Here's my last chapter. It's a sexy scene. I hope you like it. Thank you for reading.

I don't own Naruto. Wish I did, though. Lemme tell you...heh.

"You don't have to hold me up, man, I'm not that hurt." Kiba said as he twisted out of Shikarmaru's grasp outside of the ramen shop.

"Yeah you are." Shikamaru rolled his eyes but let his boyfriend go. "You're just embarrassed to be close in front of everyone."

Kiba glared at him as his face began to turn red. "N-no I'm not." He turned and walked into the shop. Okay, yeah I am. What if they all get weirded out or something? I don't know how to handle awkward situations like that.

"Hey! Kiba!" A familiar beaming blond was waving at the new arrival. "Over here! We got a table already!"

"Naruto! Hey! You guys got here fast." Kiba smiled as he made his way over to the table.

"You okay, Shikamaru?" Choji put his hand on his buddy's shoulder, still outside the ramen shop.

"What?" Shikamaru looked up. "Oh. Yeah. I'm fine." He gave a smile and followed his best friend into the restaurant. Why did he get mad at me for not telling my team if he doesn't want everyone to know? What a confusing boy.

Once everyone had ordered some food (Naruto more than the rest), the chatter began to build. Everyone was talking to everyone else all at the same time. Shikamaru smiled to himself as Naruto stood up, trying to get everyone's attention but failing.

"So I hear Lee's out in the sand village again this week."

"Oh man. Those two can't be apart from one another for a few days!"

"How was your last mission Naruto? I heard Sai and Sakura had to save your butt this time."

"What? That's not true! If anything I had to save them!"

"Oh, Naruto. You don't have to be ashamed of your short comings." Sai smiled and tugged on Naruto's sleeve in hopes to make him sit down.

Naruto sat down, quiet and pouting. Shikamaru laughed and patted Naruto's arm. "It's okay. Sometimes we all need the ladies to save us."

"I'm not a lady." Sai gave Shikamaru a confused look.

"Coulda fooled me," Naruto muttered.

"You're the one who has a small-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH SAI!" Naruto yelled before gulping down his whole glass of water, face turning red.

The chatter continued after the group got their food, and after it was gone.

It's so nice to see everyone. Shikamaru thought as he absentmindedly sipped his drink. He set his glass down and looked at Kiba who was engaged in a conversation with Ino. We all needed a night to ourselves. Shikamaru smiled and reached for Kiba's hand.

Kiba squeezed Shikamaru's hand back and turned toward him, smiling. Shikamaru smiled back and turned to talk to the still embarrassed Naruto.

The chatter stopped as everyone noticed the two boys holding hands. Kiba's eyes shot to everyone as he realized that no one knew and that now he wouldn't be able to hide their relationship anymore. Oh, fuck.

He pulled his hand out of Shikamaru's just as Naruto asked, "Are you guys….?"

"What? No. No no no. We're. No." Kiba got up and bolted out of the restaurant, leaving everyone staring at Shikamaru like his head was on fire.

Rolling his eyes, Shikamaru stood up and put some money on the table. "Yes. We are. Don't make a big deal out of it because I don't want to deal with that. Not tonight anyway." Sighing he turned to leave. "Sorry. Thanks for the gathering. I'm going to go try to fetch my boyfriend now. See you all later." He smiled and walked out.

After a few moments of silence, the loud blond spoke up. "Wow. Did anyone else see that coming?"

"I saw it coming." Sai said as he gave a smile.

"What? No you didn't. I didn't see it coming. If I didn't see it coming, I doubt anyone else did!" Naruto claimed.

"Naruto, we all saw it coming. Do you even pay attention to your friends? Geez." Ino rolled her eyes. The group began to laugh.

"I pay attention!" Naruto huffed. "Well, anyway. I hope they're happy together."

"Like us?" Sai said, giving another infamous smile.

"WE'RE NOT TOGETHER SAI!" Naruto stood up and left the table, laughter followed him.

Shikamaru sauntered out of the ramen shop, half-heartedly looking for Kiba. Ugh, what a drag. And it's cold out now. Shikamaru shivered and lit a cigarette, continuing his slow paced walk.

As he looked around, he found himself walking towards the hill where the two boys had their first night together. Well, it's clear out again. Might as well relax a bit.

Shikamaru roughly sat down on the damp grass, puffing on his cigarette.

After minutes of looking at the sky and the nighttime village lights, Shikamaru heard soft footsteps behind him. Knowing full well who it was, he didn't turn around, but chose to instead blow smoke into the cold air.

"You know. Cigarettes cause cancer." Arms slid around Shikamaru's shoulders, holding him close to a warm body behind him.

"Yeah. I know." Shikamaru put what was left of his smoke out and relaxed his head onto the man behind him. "Why'd you get upset, Kiba."

It wasn't so much of a question as it was a confession of hurt. Kiba sighed and ran his hands through Shikamaru's hair, once again pulling out the hair tie. "I don't really have an answer. I just got, scared I guess. I don't know." He kissed Shikamaru's forehead. "Can we deal with it tomorrow?" He whispered against Shikamaru's cool skin.

The Nara closed his eyes. "Mhm," he mumbled in agreement.

Kiba continued to run his hands through his lover's dark hair, loving how it felt in his fingers. He kissed Shikamaru's cheek, down to his ear, continuing down his neck to his right shoulder. He snuck his hands down to the other's waist and under his shirt, lifting it up and over his head. He set it next to them and did the same with his own, pressing his naked chest to the other's back.

"You're so warm." Shikamaru raised his hands over behind his hear to hold Kiba's hair.

Kiba began to softly suck on Shikamaru's neck, drawing a soft moan from the other.

"Kiba," Shikamaru whispered. "I love you."

"I love you, Shika." Shikamaru twister around to face his lover. He lightly pushed his lips to the other's, coaxing him onto his back on the cold grass.

Kiba let out a gasp as the cold ground hit his heated flesh. He grabbed Shikamaru's hair and roughly brought their lips together in a needy kiss. Shikamaru ran his tongue over Kiba's lips, which parted almost immediately. Kiba didn't put up a fight, letting Shikamaru take complete control.

Once air was needed, Shikamaru pulled back, gasping. "Do you…want to go back…to one our houses?" He asked, kissing Kiba's neck roughly.

"Nnnghh…no…" Kiba tightened his grip on Shikamaru's hair. "I don't want to stop."

"Good. Me either." He ground his hips harshly into the boy's beneath him. Kiba moaned, loudly, and bucked up.

"Ha…ha…wa…wait..Shika…" Kiba put his hand on his lover's face. Shikamaru slammed his lips against Kiba's before breathing, "What, love?"

"Can…um…Can I…" Kiba turned red in the face and looked away.

Shikamaru leaned up on his elbow and looked down at the dog-nin, stopping all motions. "Can you what?"

Kiba bit his bottom lip. "Can I be on top?" The question was almost inaudible.

Shikamaru gave a small laugh and leaned his forehead against Kiba's. "How does your chest feel?" Kiba gave a pout and turned his head away. "Hey. Look at me." Shikamaru turned Kiba to face him again. "I'm not saying you can't. All I'm saying is that you just got out of the hospital and I don't know if your body can handle it."

"But it can handle being roughly violated, hm?" Kiba spat.

Shikamaru sighed and sat back on his knees. "You asked for it. Yesterday and today. I didn't start this."

"Well, I'm not making you do anything. If you didn't want it you should've stopped me."

"I'm not saying I didn't want it. What is wrong with you tonight, Kiba?" Shikamaru shook his head, staring at the other.

Kiba sighed and sat up, facing Shikamaru. He put his head in his hand and said, "Ugh, I don't know. I'm tired and stressed and scared. And I don't always want to be the bitch." He groaned and fell back with his hands covering his face.

The Nara gave a chuckle. "I know you're tired and stressed. But it's getting better. Akamaru's walking and everything."

"Yeah. That's not all I'm stressed over."

"Well," Shikamaru leaned back over his lover, his lips just inches from the others. "I don't think you should stress what our friends think. They are our friends and I think it would take a lot more for them to dump us because of something trivial like this." He lightly kissed the lips in front of him. "So don't be scared about that, mk?"

A grunt was his answer.

"Can you uncover your face so I can look at you?"

"I'm not a girl."

"I'm not saying you are. You're very much a man. But I'd like to see my man's face."

Kiba gave a small laugh and took his hands off his face. "You can be so cheesey."

Shikamaru sighed and rolled his eyes before kissing the other again. "You can be on top. But if you pass out or pull a muscle or something, don't expect me to feel sorry for you."

Kiba smiled and then turned red in the face again. "Really?" he whispered.

"Yes really. Besides, you think I always like doing all the work?" Shikamaru smiled and kissed Kiba, feeling his smile through their kiss.

Shikamaru, continuing their kiss the best he could, rolled them over so Kiba was settled between his legs looking down at him.

"I love you." Kiba crashed their lips together, a whole new feeling taking over him. What if I screw up? Oh god. I don't know if I can do this. I don't have the confidence he does. Ah shit shit shit what have I done?

Shikamaru could feel the doubt washing over Kiba. "Hey. Just do what feels natural. Go with the flow. You're not going to disappoint or hurt me, okay?" He bucked his hips up making them both gasp.


"And if it starts to be too much or you start to hurt, just tell me okay?"

"Shikamaru, I'm fine. Just…Just let me."

Shikamaru smiled and pulled his lover down for a slow kiss. He entangled his fingers in Kiba's hair, deepening their kiss. Opening his mouth, he invited Kiba to dominate him.

The Inuzuka plunged his tongue down the other's throat. He grabbed Shikamaru, one arm around his waist and the other on his bicep. He thrust his hips down, growling into the Nara's mouth. Moving from his mouth to his neck, Kiba bit a path, making sure to leave marks.

The dog-nin began to lose himself. His grip on Shikamaru's arm was so tight, the other was sure he was going to have a bruise the next day. Shikamaru put his hand over Kiba's on his waist and pushed it towards their pants.

Kiba, getting the message, moved down his lover's body, nipping as he went. He grazed his teeth over Shikamaru's hip bone as he clawed the other's pants off. After they were rid of them, he quickly whipped his own off.

God…my body is on fire. Kiba thought as he roughly rubbed against Shikamarus erection with his own, making the other moan. The dog-nin moved back down Shikamaru's body, licking and sucking until he got to the other's leaking manhood.

Shikamaru propped himself up on his elbows and placed a hand on Kiba's head. Oh, for the love of god. Please don't stop. He bit his lip to keep from saying anything that would rush Kiba.

Taking a deep breath, Kiba hesitantly licked Shikamaru from base to tip, pressing his tongue against the weeping slit. A moan passed Shikamaru's lips as he grabbed Kiba's hair in a tight grip. "Let go, Kiba. Just let your instincts take over."

Kiba swalled, the lump in his throat growing. Okay. It's fine. Just let go, you can do this. Without a second thought, he engulfed Shikamaru's cock and swallowed around it, gagging himself as he did.

"Oh my god, Kiba!" Shikamaru threw his head to the sky, using every ounce of restraint he had to keep from jerking up into the wet heat. Kiba, hearing his name called, began to slid Shikamaru in and out of his mouth.

I don't know what I do now. Kiba thought back to when they last fucked. Stretching. I don't know how to fucking do that. Ah shit.

"Kiba…Kiba slow down…" Shikamaru pulled Kiba up by his hair, making him release his cock with a small pop. Kiba let out a small growl at being stopped. "I don't want to cum yet." Shikamaru pulled Kiba back to his lips by his hair and latched onto Kiba's neck. He worked his way up to his ear and whispered "I want to feel you inside of me first."

Kiba groaned loudly and ground his hips into Shikamaru's. As the Nara was assaulting his neck, Kiba sucked on his own fingers before trailing his fingers down Shikamaru's side and behind him. Pressing against the other, Kiba slowly pushed one digit into the ring of muscle.

"Ngh…uh…" Shikamaru closed his eyes. Wow. Okay. This does kind of hurt.

Kiba rocked his hips in a slow, hard movement. Shikamaru focused on the pressure against his erection, hoping to forget the pain in his rear. Precum was leaking from both boys, slightly slicking them up and allowing Kiba to slide fast against Shikamaru.

Kiba soon slipped another finger inside Shikamaru, scissoring them as he did. God, please hit my spot soon. Shikamaru closed his eyes and bit his lip.

"Sor…sorry, Shika," Kiba whispered. "I'm…huh…trying."

"I know. I'm fine." The Nara crashed their lips together in a hungry kiss, clanking their teeth together in the process. Kiba, letting more of his animalistic side out, nipped at the lips in front of him. He plunged his third finger into Shikamaru, causing the other to cry out in pain.

Gotta find it, gotta find it! Kiba sat back and lifted Shikamaru's leg up to change the angle. As he did, his finger lightly brushed over the Nara's prostate, causing him to moan out in pleasure.

"God. Please touch that again." Kiba, however, decided to pull his fingers out. "What the hell?" Shikamaru barely got his question out when Kiba smashed his mouth into his, pushing him into the wet grass. Before Shikamaru could comprehend what was going on, Kiba let loose a growl like no other and thrust hard and fast into the tight heat of Shikamaru.

"Oh! Fuck!" Shikamaru cried out, pain ripping through his body.

Kiba was too far gone to actually care how his partner felt. All he knew was that his painfully hard erection was surrounded by Shikamaru's tight ass. He pulled out and slammed back in again, moaning into Shikamaru's chest as pleasure wracked his body.

"Kiba…Kiba wait…please." Shikamaru could feel tears beginning to peak at his eyes. Fuck don't cry. Kiba wasn't listening. He was pulling out and snapping back without a rhythm, lost in his own pleasure. Ugh. Fine. Animal.

Shikamaru shifted his hips up. This time when Kiba snapped forward, Shikamaru let out a moan that finally caught the other's attention. "God Kiba. Don't stop now." He looked with half lidded eyes at his lover. "Please."

Kiba inhaled sharply before smiling at Shikamaru. He sucked on Shikamaru's throat, letting small growls out as he thrust in and out of the body below him. Shikamaru scrapped his nails down Kiba's back while Kiba bit and tore at his own flesh. Small beads of blood were forming on each boy.

Shikamaru wrapped his legs around the hot body above him and entangled his hands in Kiba's hair, pulling. "Shika…" Kiba shifted his hips slightly away from the body beneath him so that he could touch Shikamaru's own neglected member.

As soon as Kiba's hand wrapped around his erection, Shikamaru moaned and threw his head back.

"Shika…I'm….gunna cum…" Kiba grabbed his hip with his free hand with a grip so tight, Shikamaru knew he'd have a black mark there.

"God…please cum…" Shikamaru begged as he held onto Kiba's bicep. "Fill me up."

Those words coupled with Shikamaru's lustful look and tight heat sent Kiba over the edge. He stiffened, shivered, and emptied himself inside of his lover. The intense heat of Kiba's seed and his still-pumping hand, made Shikamaru moan and cum onto his chest and Kiba's hand.

Both boys rode out their body-wracking orgasms. When they'd passed, Kiba didn't more. Breathing heavy, Shikamaru asked, "Kiba, you okay?" He put his hand on the other's face.

All he got was a nod before Kiba slid out of him, catching him by surprise. The Inuzuka nuzzled into his lover's embrace. They were a pile of entangled arms and legs, both trying to catch their breath.

After a few moment of nothing but panting, Kiba asked, "Was…I good?" And looked up at his lover.

"Mhm." Shikamaru lazily kissed the other, his eyes drifting closed. "We should move before the sun comes up. You think it was awkward when we held hands at dinner? Try being caught on a hill, naked, in each other's' arms."

A laugh escaped Kiba's lips. "Okay. Can we go to your house? It's close."

"Yeah. In a bit."



"We can hold hands in front of people if you want. I don't care."

Shikamaru opened his eyes to see Kiba tracing random shapes on his chest. He smiled and tightened his grip around the other's shoulders. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

The boy's drifted off to sleep in the chilly night air.

"Sai, what's that?" Naruto squinted in the rising sun.

"Where?" Sai stretched his arms over his head, trying to wake up.

"There. On that hill." Naruto pointed to the top of a grassy knoll.

"Hmm." Sais squinted and then let out a laugh. "I think it's naked people."

"Um. What?" Naruto looked at Sai like he was crazy.

Sai linked arms with Naruto. "No. I'm serious. There's a pile of clothing next to them, too. Why would anyone sleep naked out there?"

"Don't link arms with me!" Naruto pouted, but didn't remove his arm. "And I think you're right. Let's go see who it is!"

Sai smiled. "Okay." He grabbed Naruto's hand and began to run towards the hill.

"Don't hold my hand! We aren't a couple! SAI!"

Alright. Well. There it is. And it is 2 am. Woo. I hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading all the way through! I appreciate you! =)