Strike Witches 3: Witches Forever

Okay I know crummy title ^^; and yes this has been done a bit before but until we are graced with the season 3 of Strike Witches as announced us fans must do with re runs or in some cases rewatching the dvd's and Fanfiction. As such here is my version of things after episode 12 of season 2.

Of course I added my own OC Neka.


Ht: 5'7 Gender: Female (Duh) Age: 1,000,001 but looks 17

Species: Neko Catgirl WT: 107 lbs Eyes: blue Breasts: C cups

Hair: Blue, often done in various Anime girl hairstyles

Clothes: Often dresses as a maid or Anime schoolgirl with short skirts.

Origins: Originally from the Naruto realms Hidden Leaf Village she was experimented on by Orochimru but later merged with and interdimensonal being.

Powers: Various ( Too many to mention here ^^; )

Anyway so this will pick up at the battles end of season two episode 12. Hopefully you all enjoy, read and review. Rated T to fall in line with the Anime as well as some possible girl X girl fluff and such. Note the characters may be OOC at times.

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Strike Witches *sob*

Chapter 1 (Episode 1): Legendary Witch? To the skies once more!

A young girl around 17 with cat ears and a tail was walking along the beach having just watched the 501st or rather one sergeant Yoshika Miyafuji defeat one hell of a tough Neuroi as well as rescue one Major Sakamoto. "Hmm so that's Miyafuji eh" said the girl as she watched the witches fly off. Once they were out of site she continued walking along the beach until she found a heavily damaged striker unit half buried in the sand and a sword.

*Four months later*

Yoshika with the help of her friend Michiko had been nursing an injured sparrow back to health. Her mother and grandmother had been trying to help Yoshika regain her lost magical powers but to no avail. It was a peaceful morning and Yoshika and Michiko had just released the now recovered bird. The girls were getting ready for school when she spotted a witch flying their way. She landed clumsily in a heap at the two girls feet.

"Ouch that hurt" said the witch getting back up.

"Hey I know you. You're that witch from a few months ago" said Yoshika.

"Wow I am flattered you remember me LT. Miyafuji. Anyway I have two more letters for you. One from and the other is anonymously addressed to you and Major Sakamoto" said the witch handing Yoshika both letters. She then quickly took off. Yoshika watched sad that she could no longer take to the air but quickly remembered the letters. The two girls rushed off to school. Yoshika knew she needed to speak to Mio who was now the schools new gym teacher.

At school Yoshika had found Mio making a group of boys do pushups presumably punishment for rule breaking. With the loss of Reppamaru she had once again taken to carrying and training with a wooden sword which she would often times use to place fear in her students.

"E-excuse me Sakamoto" Said Yoshika. "Ah Miyafuji you're early today" said Mio. "Well you see I got a couple of letters this morning I need to talk to you about" replied Yoshika.

They read the letter from Yoshika's dad first. It was another picture this time one of Hime and a few striker units. On the back was writing:

Dear, Yoshika

I hope you are well. By now I am sure you have grown a lot. Also I am sure you have met Mio Sakamoto. If so trust in her. She is a very good friend and clever young woman. One last thing should my letter come with a second follow the instructions carefully. Take the strikers you are both presented and be brave my dear daughter. Never forget you have great power and much potential.

Love always your father.

"Daddy" said Yoshika starting to cry.

'Hmm his letters seem to come at interesting times' thought Mio. "Ahem lets read the other letter" said Mio. With that they opened the second letter.

Dear Mio and Yoshika

First let me start by saying congrats to you Miyafuji on your recent promotion and victory against the Neuroi. Next to you Mio I say hi again and am glad to hear that you have survived such a hard battle. I wish this letter could come under better circumstances but alas things are not as well as the military would like to think. With that let's get to business. It has come to my attention both you and Miyafuji have a dilemma of sorts. If so there may be something of interest for you. Go to the place of training within no more than five weeks of receiving this letter. I am sure you know the place and person to whom you should meet Mio. Though the hag may not like things the situation has changed.

Signed NKA

P.S. I there may also be few gifts and surprises in store for you.

Mio narrowed her eyes in thought. "So she has returned eh? Miyafuji go home and pack now! I have some arrangements to make" said Mio.

"Uh yes mam" said Yoshika.

*4 ½ weeks later*

Mio and Yoshika had arrived at an oh too familiar place. "Huh this is that training ground from before" said Yoshika. Sure enough they were greeted by a certain elderly witch on a broom. In the sky a few young female witches and even a couple of male witches were flying around no doubt training. One boy and girl were flying side by side kissing while the other boy and the rest of girls flew around in various formations.

"Well well if it isn't young Miyafuji and Sakamoto" said the old woman. "Long time no see Anna" said Mio. "Hi mam" said Yoshika. "Hey cutie" said one of the boys flying by Mio and Yoshika narrowly missing them.

"Damn it I am getting too old for this" said Anna. She then led to her barn. "So I assume you know why you are here Mio" asked Anna.

"Yes I have a pretty good idea" replied Mio.

"Well then let's get down to brass tacks. Though I am not a bit happy being put into this position I trust you know the Neuroi have become a problem once more" said Anna.

"Yeah I heard that they reclaimed the territories that the witches had won in our last two battles" said Yoshika sadly.

"Yes that's right. Furthermore it seems that a certain general is out for revenge against the witches, namely the man who tried to disband you all before with the use of the Warlock. It is rumored that he has now somehow teamed up with these new Neuroi. Anyway I think our guest should explain more" said Anna grinning at the last part.

"Well hello there Mio I see you brought Yoshika Miyafuji as requested" came a voice from above.

All three of them looked up to see a young witch around 17 with blue hair, cat ears and a tail hovering via the use of a Striker Unit. It resembled one of Shirley's but was gold with a few buttons on the side.

"I was right then it was you who sent the letter. You have returned" stated Mio.

"Um who is… Yoshika started but was cut off.

"I am the one who sent the letter. I'm glad to see that my military contacts were willing and able to discretely get my letter to you both. I have been wanting to meet you for a while now Yoshika" said the witch slowly descending to the ground.

"But why me? And you you still haven't said who you are" said Yoshika.

"Miyafuji this girl is a special witch. She is not only one of the first in this world but she was also a teacher to many and hero. She is a legendary witch and an old friend. She was the legendary witch who gave the military their first victory over the Neuroi as well as the first and only to do so on a broomstick using a combination of ancient magic and the only available weaponry at the time before strikers came to be. She also assisted us in the inventing of them and testing them worldwide" explained Mio.

"wow that's so cool" said Yoshika.

"Ah Mio you give me too much credit. Besides none of the witches at the time had the guts or the training to do something and the military would surely have lost without my planning and intervention. Anyway allow me to introduce myself, the names Neka and this here is my Striker XLT Mach 2" said the witch.

"Wow it's so quiet! I never even heard you hovering" said Yoshika

"Yeah it took a lot of work. I bet Shirley would just love to try it out once I meet her. That brings me to business; I've seen video footage of a few of your battles Miyafuji. In addition I also had the pleasure of watching you battle to save Mio. You Miyafuji are the strongest witch I have ever seen" said Neka causing Yoshika to blush.

"I'm not really all that great and besides me and Sakamoto…we both lost our powers" said Yoshika sadly.

"That is part of why I have summoned you both. Let me ask you Miyafuji, if you could would you rejoin the Strike Witches no matter what" asked Neka.

"Of course but it's not possible is it" asked Yoshika.

"Actually it is" said Anna pulling out a very large and very old tattered book from a shelf.

"Yes that is correct. Depending on the situation and circumstances there are five ways for a witch to regain his or her lost powers. I will restore both your powers but only on a few conditions" said Neka.

"Okay we're listening" said Mio.

Neka then landed her striker unit and walked over to Yoshika first.

"I bet you're curious why my tails and ears haven't vanished huh" she asked.

"Uh m-maybe a little" said Yoshika.

"Well you see I'm not an ordinary witch. I have no familiar and my tail and ears are the result of experimentation I was forced to undergo as a child" replied Neka in a cold emotionless voice.

Yoshika gulped a bit before Neka bent down and whispered into her ears the terms of their agreement the stood back up. Neka looked at the blushing girl. "Don't worry though my experimental pills are harmless and carry no side effects" she said to reassure Yoshika.

"Okay I agree. I wanna be able to fly again" said Miyafuji.

"Ha ha ha that's the spirit Miyafuji" said Sakamoto.

"As for you Mio here are your terms, one you agree to help with new witch trainees. Two if you plan to train Miyafuji I will supervise and you must include Perrine, three if Minna or any other superior orders you out of danger you will follow orders and lastly you will agree to assist me and Shirley in flight testing and striker design on occasion" said Neka.

Mio was a little hesitant at first but agreed.

"Now then let's do the rituals. I shall restore Yoshika's powers first then Mio's since hers will be a little more complex" said Neka.

*A few hours later*

Both rituals were successfully completed without any problems. To put things to the test Mio flew a broom while Neka cut herself and had Yoshika heal it.

"Ahem now then third reason I brought you both here is I have something for you both" said Neka. She then took a cloth off of a crate nearby revealing two strikers and a sword.

"Is that.. started both of them.

"Yes I retrieved Reppamaru for you and did a little magical blacksmithing to it. It should be a little safer for either of you to use. I also took the liberty of retrieving Miyafuji's striker and performed repairs to it. I even made a few modifications to it, and lastly since Mio lost her striker I built a replica of the original but with the same modifications. You'll both notice less of a drain on your magical powers, a speed boost, easier control and a small boost in defensive powers as well" explained Neka.

"Oh wow thank you" said Yoshika.

"Ahem why don't you explain the last important piece of the puzzle" said Anna.

"Right then, the fourth and final reason I brought you her in case you hadn't already guessed is to announce the reforming of the 501st or as you know em the Strike Witches. I will be joining as well since my original squad the 3rd fighter wing is no longer around. I will answer your questions later as well Sergeant Miyafuji" said Neka spotting the look on Yoshika's face. There was a few minutes pause before she continued.

"Our base shall be the same one that was used by the witches at the time Miyafuji joined and all of the old members will be there. I have sent correspondence to Minna and she assures me that the room assignments will be mostly the same. Now as for the teaching duties we discussed earlier I'm sure you noticed the six or seven witches that Anna is currently training outside when you first arrived" continued Neka.

"Let me guess, they're new witches in training right" asked Mio.

"Ah yes very perceptive major, indeed those witches outside as well as a few others that will be joining us at base will be the newest recruits to the witches. We need to increase our strength and more importantly end this war once and for all. The military has already continued work on the Neuroi technology the used before but have learned by now the enemy won't go down easily. They realize now is the time for the witches to shine" finished Neka.

"Ha ha ha quite the planner as always eh Neka? Very well then but everyone will train like hell" said Mio.

"I wouldn't expect anything less" said Neka.

"Well then you three should go. I'll send the witches along in a couple more weeks" said Anna.

"Right, then whats say we test out your new strikers" said Neka.

With that they went outside and Mio took her sword and sheathed it on her back while Yoshika equipped her striker, then Mio did the same.

"Alright girls let's move out" said Neka.

"Yes mam" replied Yoshika.

"Eye eye mam" said Mio earning a look from Yoshika.

Neka spotted it and spoke. "Oh yeah we problobly should have told you before, I'm the same rank as commander Minna or rather was when I left the military" Said Neka as the three took off.

The witches in training clustered together and watched in awe.

"Oh wow it feels so good to fly again" said Yoshika.

"Yeah it does" said Mio softly.

To Be Continued

A/N: phew been working on this for about a month or so. And no writing this doesn't mean I have abandoned any stories. To those Strike Witches fans I admit I'm a tad rusty. I may have to re watch stuff again but yes the base will be the one from season one also the "delivery witch" is the same one who delivered a mysterious letter to Yoshika at the end of season one whos name and rank I can't seem to find *sob* if anyone knows please leave it in a review. Well bye for now. Oh and some stuff will be explained later on for those with questions.