Fortis Vitae

"Must I... really marry-

"-The choice is yours."

The man's impatience steadily grew and he forced himself to remain calm. "But must I actually-

"-The. Choice. Is. Yours. You know the consequences of your actions."

The Dark Ace glared down at the drink in front of him, a growl rising from the back of his throat as his thoughts whirled around his head, nagging at him to get up and leave.

I can't believe I'm fucking considering this. He thought to himself angrily, thrusting back into his chair to cross his arms and purse his lips. A nervous looking waitress stood in front of him, waiting to see if he would place another order, but he only looked up to glare at her, causing her to scurry away. He rolled his eyes before returning to his drink, taking a small, swift sip. Good. Leave me alone.

"Dark Ace." A cool, bored voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he lifted his head, his eyes darkening instantly when he saw who it was. The woman sat down without another word, only looking at him to lead the conversation. He gritted his teeth before forcing himself to speak.

"Piper." He only looked at her before nodding roughly to the menu on the table. "Do order something."

"I will." She replied pleasantly, enjoying his discomfort as she lifted it, barely glancing at it as she called over a waiter. "Yes, I'll have a lemonade please."

"Very good- Excuse me, miss, but you aren't Piper of the Storm Hawks are you?" The waiter's eyes lit up in excitement as he turned his attention towards the young girl, his back to the Dark Ace to which the Dark Ace did not take kindly- he sat there and simply glared at Piper.

She smiled at the waiter, offering her hand. "Yes, yes I am."

"Wow." He beamed at her, shaking her hand eagerly. "I'm-

"-Can I get a lemonade too." The Dark Ace interrupted loudly, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Now."

Piper didn't flinch at his rude tone, only smirking at him. He narrowed his eyes at her. "What?" He asked irritably, lifting the menu and glancing over it. "I don't see what's so bloody amusing."

"Don't you?"

"If you're referring to this ridiculous condition I'm being forced into," The Dark Ace threw back at her immediately, flinging down his menu. "Then yes, I don't see what's amusing."

"Now, let's not exaggerate there, Dark Ace. You have a choice. You can marry me, or you can go to the Wastelands."

He snarled at her, clenching his teeth. Her orange eyes rested upon the pulse twitching in his jaw, but she kept herself together, now meeting his eyes to prove to him she would not back down. He sized her up, pondering how far he could push her. He desperately needed to irritate her; it would make him feel better.

Immediately, it hit him. Slowly clucking his teeth against the back of his teeth, he smirked at her before leaning forward and allowing his eyes to roam her. She kept his gaze, but he glimpsed her hand slide onto her lap. A nervous gesture.

"You seem very keen to marry me," He remarked eventually.

She glared at him, only causing his smirk to widen: Yes.

"I am not keen." Piper fought to keep her voice down and not reach over to throttle his neck.

"Then why did you agree to meet me?"

"Because you have no one else."

"Oh how sweet. Piper's full of good intentions," He leaned back now as the waiter placed their lemonades on the table. "Even for the man that betrayed her boyfriend's father and his little comrades."

"It's not your concern what I feel," She told him flatly, gulping down a large amount of lemonade before slamming it back on the table. "You should count yourself lucky. A marriage between us is the greatest advantage for you and will keep you from exile. Take it, or leave it."

She had now stood up and it took him a while to realise that he too, had followed her action. Piper paused to raise an eyebrow at him, struggling not to laugh when he glared across at her.

Finally, he spoke. "I'll... consider it."

"Very well," She turned to leave, but he snapped out her name. Turning her head back towards him, she blinked at him innocently. "Yes?"

He gritted his teeth. "I'll do it."

"Do what?"

He resisted the urge to punch her smug face. "Marry you."

"Oh." She started to grin with interest, now fully facing him. "Well, go on then."

"Go on what?" The Dark Ace nearly yelled, causing a lot of faces to turn towards the unlikely pair.

"Propose," Piper stated simply.

His mouth dropped open in shock as he started to shake his head. "No."

"Well then." She picked up her purse, making to move again. "Bye." And with that, she walked down the aisle of the cafe, leaving him standing there helplessly. A sudden force propelled him to follow her, stomping towards her.


She swung around, her eyes brightly lit with comprehension. "Yes, Dark Ace?"

"Will you... marry me?"

Her eyebrow rose up again. "Get down on your knees, Dark Ace."

"You're fucking winding me up now," He snapped at her and Piper only laughed, backing away from him.

"Leave it for later then. I'll contact you soon, Dark Ace, I have somewhere else to be." She informed him before swinging around to leave the cafe, leaving him staring after her in both confusion and shock, shaking his head as he realised just what he was doing.

'How dare she', he thought angrily as he slammed some money down on the counter and made to leave. How dare she embarrass him. He was the Dark Ace. And the Dark Ace does not listen to stupid little chits- especially Piper of the Storm Hawks.

"Stupid little cow," He muttered to himself as he practically sprinted with determination down the street, ignoring the many whispers that were circling him as he did so.


"He'll do it," Piper informed Aerrow as she swung her leg around the skimmer in their hidden corner, her arms weaving around his waist before she buried her nose into his back, breathing in his scent. "He's still the same as ever."

He squeezed her hand comfortingly, before starting the engine. "I still think the conditions are ridiculous."

"Well, it's an effective way to prove that he's 'changed'. He hasn't, of course, but we'll show that."

"Are you sure this is right, Piper?" He sighed, pausing to turn around and look at her, biting his bottom lip. "This is marriage we're talking about."

"Trust me," She kissed him gently, stroking the small of his back. "He won't last in marriage. We'll make sure he does something bad and they'll force him into exile, where he belongs. But it has to be me Aerrow. No one else wants to risk it."

He nodded before bending to kiss her again and turn back around. "I swear you're having too much fun teasing him though."

"Can you blame me?"

Aerrow laughed.

"I refuse to do this," The Dark Ace marched into the Council, stopping when he reached the centre and glaring angrily at the men sitting above him. "This is some stupid, twisted little joke. There is no law saying I have to marry a Storm Hawk-

"-Ah," The old man with spectacles raised his hand to hush the Dark Ace. "No, but if you marry Piper of the Storm Hawks, you will be proving that you are sorry for your actions."

The Dark Ace held his tongue, mentally kicking himself for his outburst. But he couldn't help it. The thought of marrying Piper infuriated him- he forced himself to keep a civil tone. "Yes, of course, my Lord. But surely another way apart from marriage-

"-No, no. Marriage is the best option. You will be bounded with her- unless, of course, you break the rules," The man looked down properly at Dark Ace as he said this, before returning to the many papers before him. "Now leave, Dark Ace. And think of changing your name back to its original one."

That was that. The Dark Ace was dismissed. He bit so hard into his lip he could taste the blood rising from it and swung around to storm out and leave, slamming his fist into a nearby tree when he reached outside, causing a woman to jump.

"What?" He snarled at her, before pushing himself from the tree and sliding effortlessly onto his skimmer.

"About fucking time."

Aerrow raised an eyebrow in amusement at the angry man before him, choosing only to smile sweetly. "That's rather rude, Dark Ace."

"Where's Piper," He strode past Aerrow to search for her, the angry click of his heels echoing down the hallway as he did so. "PIPER."

Aerrow rolled his eyes before following him immediately, his eyes narrowing. "Dark Ace, you can't just storm in here and-

"-Shut up," The Dark Ace growled before banging on Piper's door. "Piper, I know you're in there, you have a fucking sign that says your fucking name on your fucking door!"

The door immediately swung open, revealing a very tired-looking but shocked Piper, standing only in her thin robe. She raised an eyebrow at Aerrow, who merely shrugged, before deciding to address the Dark Ace.

"What do you want?" She asked him curiously. 'Was he really going to go ahead and ask marriage?' She thought as she felt a wave of nausea hit her, clenching her teeth to stop herself from screaming. This was mad. The whole idea was mad.

She hadn't expected of all things for the Dark Ace to require her to save his own skin through marriage at all. When the War had ended and Master Cyclonis killed, she had assumed that of everybody, the Dark Ace would be imprisoned. But he was clever. He insisted to the court that he had been under a powerful influence, feeling trapped and had no other choice. He claimed he'd do anything to prove he was different and sorry for his past- so the court, who did not forget the Dark Ace's actions towards them, agreed to test him in return for information of the rest of the survivors of the War who were on Cyclonis's side. He immediately gave him the informations they needed and it paid off. The Council did not believe in executions, but more in peace. However much the Storm Hawks protested that it was absurd to give him a second chance, he was given one: Marry a girl from a squadron and stay loyal. A method used way back in the years by previous councils and proven to be successful.

They had expected him to refuse, clearing not knowledgeable of his character. He would do anything to survive. He had looked over his options and decided he disliked all of them, but agreed he would think of it. That was, though, until Piper had secretly talked to Aerrow of her plan, and suggested herself to the Council. Everyone else, of course, had no desire to marry the Dark Ace, too frightened of him. But Piper was the only girl who could challenge him. Everyone thought her single- her relationship with Aerrow was, thankfully, unknown. So the Dark Ace had written to her, agreeing to meet her.

But he didn't expect he'd be proposing in the same day.

He gritted his teeth, before bending down onto his knees and forcing himself to look up at her. He would do it. He swore to the whole of Atmos, that he would marry her and make her pay for what she was doing to him. He would destroy her.


This comforting piece of information allowed the Dark Ace to take a deep breath before making himself speak. "Piper, will you... will you marry me."

Piper's eyes snapped up to meet Aerrow's before she looked down at the bent head of the Dark Ace, suddenly realising this would be the greatest mission they would ever proceed with.

"Yes." She murmured after a long, painful phase of silence. "Yes. I'll marry you."

A/N: This idea is literally something you either hate or love. I understand it isn't for everyone- in which case, all I can say is simply don't read this.

This story is exploring the contrasts between the relationship with Piper and Dark Ace and also, Piper with Aerrow. I think the Dark Ace is fascinating and really would love to delve into his past and see why he did what he did.

Marriage, of course, seems a very out of the blue 'test', but is the best course to create all that tension between the characters. People might argue Piper would never agree to marry the Dark Ace, or that Aerrow wouldn't allow her to, but I think she would. She's a strong girl- if she has a plan with a 'conclusion', she'll go for it. Especially if it means that the Dark Ace will be locked away.

A lot of people would also argue that the Dark Ace would never be admitted a test, but again- anything is possible. I think he could easily be very charming and convincing, but quite intimidating and it allows him to 'beg' for a second chance. Even though he has done wrong, his actions are never fully revealed to us- all we know is that he is a strong supporter of Master Cyclonis, but now she is dead and he has panicked, choosing to become a traitor again and reveal information of those on Cyclonis's side.

Sorry for my babbling. Reviews make me happy!