DISCAIMER: After all that we've been through with this fanfic, I still do not own The 39 Clues.



Three Days Later.

Nellie Gomez adjusted the camera slightly. "Fiske is so paying me big for putting the serious face on," she muttered glumly. With a deep breath, she pressed the button. The light beside 'Gideon Satellite News Feed' lit up in a blinding bright green glow.

"This is Nellie Gomez, a Madrigal agent, speaking to all of your branches today. All of us are aware of the previous events which has..." She pursed her lips at the next few words on her cheat she- oops, speech copy. She swallowed another gulp of air. Just let it out.And yet I CANNOT believe Fiske is making me say this. "Which has shattered the lives of Cahills around the world in one way or the other."

"The children," – kiddos – "are safely hidden, away from our affairs," – craziness– "for now. You would all agree with me that they have been through a lot and heck, if we want them to experience more!" She exclaimed that last part with so much fervor (with matching, slamming of speech copy) that she forgot she was supposed to be 'businesslike and professional'. She mentally exclaimed an award-winning 'Oops!' and quickly recovered.

She cleared her throat. "Anyways, as I was saying, there were casualties but thank God, there were only injuries. Although..." She glanced quickly at the pictures of the kiddos present in what they like to call, Human Chess Casualty. Amy Cahill while rolling her eyes at her brother Dan while at the Janus rehearsal with the Wizards' class. Ian Kabra with his sister Natalie Kabra during the Cahills' trip to the pool. Phoenix and Keightlyn wearing weird masks. Ned, Ted, Reagan and Madison during that day when they pretended to be their twin for a whole day and everybody bought it. Hamilton and Sinead outside one night, talking when they thought nobody knew or taking their picture for that matter.

Her eyes stopped at the grinning picture of Angelle Saunders with her arm slung over Jonah Wizard's shoulder. "We couldn't exactly say the same with my fellow Madrigal agent, Angelle Saunders. She's still under intense medication – our deepest gratitude to our dear Ekats – but without the knowledge of what exactly was inside the poison, her fate hangs on a tipping balance. We do appreciate the help of Lucians in our quest to help her, of course," she added quickly. She knows how that branch requires the give-credit card. "To sum that up, Angelle is still under comatose, her vital signs unpredictable and..."

"With regards to those who were part of the not-so-recent Vesper kidnapping, they are all recovering to their full health. Phoenix Wizard and Reagan Holt are now undergoing certain physical therapies which would quicken their recovery."

"Now..." She looked at the camera humourlessly. "We all know that Natalie Kabra is taken hostage, yet again, by those charming Vespers who happens to be a bunch of murderous, maniac idiots. We are doing our best, but somehow we could not ascertain her location. We would like to ask for your cooperation. And –" Her perfect speech got cut-off by the sound of her phone ringing coaxingly. She held up a finger on the camera. "One moment," she mouthed with a grand exasperated roll of her eyes.



"No. Yes, this is Gomez."


"I'm doing the message right now. And may I remind you that I'm going live here." Another roll of her eyes.


"What? Whoa! Hold up -"


"No of course. I understand. Of course. I'll tell them. Yes, I understand. No, of course not."


She looked at the camera once more. "Looks like we'll be asking more help from you guys." She took a deep breath again, calming her jittery nerves.

"It's Oh, Alistair of the Ekat branch. Something has happened."



* As you can see, I am using bullets here in my A/N because I don't when I'll be able to post another fanfic. Especially a multi-chap like this one. So yeah. I hope you enjoyed The Start of Train as much as I do. I hope that people wouldn't stop reading this fanfic. Honestly, I've grown so much in the field of writing because of FanFiction and this is the first time in my entire life that I have finished a story with TWENTY freaking chapters only. Usually I tend to be a lot draggy.

* I have zilch idea whether to continue this story or not. Actually, from the very start, that ending is the exact ending I've been leading up to. The entire Alistair fiasco... And that's all there is to it, actually. An ending. The Ending.

* Oh wow. Is that dramatic or what? But anyways, to all of you people who have been with me, weaving this story for six months or so? I cannot thank you enough. Sayings that words are not enough to thank each and everyone of you is a huge understatement. Thank you all so much! And I hope we keep in touch. PM me!

* So basically I'll be open to help anybody who needs help in any way that I could help. Yeah! Help is word of the day!

* That's it! I hope I didn't disappoint. Oh yeah. I put up a poll and I hope you guys vote! Please, please, please! It's regarding The Start of Train. XD

For the last time, (till next time)

Read and Review?

MuchLove, PeaceOut!

AngelicSpring, Over and Out!