A/N: Like so many others, I was entranced by Tom Hiddleston's performance as Loki. Loki is such an intriguing character—so intelligent, cunning, and powerful, but at the same time, he's broken and just hanging on by a thread. It's strange for me to be so drawn to the antagonist of a film, but Loki isn't really a villain at all, is he?

Compassion makes me think of kindness. Compassion makes me think of forgiveness. Of empathy. Yes, those are the things. Compassion is kindness, forgiveness, and empathy. Lack of judgment, care, concern. Weirdly, I have this picture of a woman smiling. I don't know. That's the first thing that comes to my head. Compassion is about understanding. Compassion is without ego.-Tom Hiddleston

This story is about Loki finding compassion.

"No, Loki," a disappointed voice called.

Loki's arms, already tired from hanging on so dearly, began to slip. It was as if all of his will power vanished at the sound of those words. A cruel affirmation that everything he tried so hard to do to make his father proud was nothing. He was nothing.

Sweat fell in beads off of Odin's brow—his father's brow. It did not matter that Laufey was his parent, Odin was the man who raised him. And now his father struggled to save both his brother and him. His father could not hold onto both of them much longer. They would all fall if he didn't act. A dangerous idea entered Loki's mind as he looked up at the family he was never really a part of. I know how to make father proud. With a small smile, Loki let go of the staff.

Annie had move to New Mexico to leave her life. After graduating college, she felt so lost. She couldn't stand disappointing her parents—they had always hoped that she would have done better in school, get a job right away, and marry Jeff….Jeff, the man who had so nearly derailed her life completely. Her parents didn't know that he had hit her. She didn't think anyone would believe it. Not sweet Jeff…

She shuddered as she thought of her last night in her hometown. She had walked in to their apartment after a long day of helping a friend move. He was just sitting at the kitchen table staring at the door. Fear had struck her and felt like ice rushing through her veins. He had promised he wouldn't hurt her again, but the glint in his eyes worried her.

"You're late." Jeff whispered hostilely.

"I told you I was helping Sarah move today. All those boxes, don't move themselves, you know?" She answered hoping desperately that a joke might alleviate some of the tension.

Before she knew it, he had rushed at her, shouting terrible things, hurting her. She was only saved by his cell phone ringing; a friend of his was going out for drinks. She remembered how adrenaline coursed through her veins once she heard his car leave. She had never moved more quickly in her entire life. She grabbed everything she could and packed it in her small car. Her cat mewed in confusion as Annie put her in a cat carrier. She left that night. She drove for hours not caring about her destination as long as it was far away.

She ran out of gas and money in a small town in New Mexico. She called her parents and told them that she got a once in a life opportunity to work doing research. It was all a lie, but there was no reason to disappoint them further by her flight.

Time struck her as so odd. All of that happened just the week prior. She got a job working at a bookstore. Stanley, the owner, had been very kind to her. She thought that he must have taken pity on her pitiful state. Bruises riddled her face. He went so far as to letting her stay in a small studio apartment he had never bothered selling on the edge of town.

Annie sat outside her new home admiring the stars. She pulled her blanket closer, tucked a loose strand of auburn hair behind her ear and reached for her cup of chamomile. A cool New Mexican desert breeze fluttered through the moonlit valley. Her lips curled upwards as she saw a spectacular shooting star. She shut her eyes hard as she wished. Please let something make my life a little moreshe let out a nearly inaudible sigh bearable.

When she opened her eyes again, the star was so much closer. A meteor? She wondered. A spectacular impact lit up the sky only blocks away. She let curiosity get the better of her as she walked to the crater. As she neared closer, she heard pitiful moaning sound. Concerned her walk turned into a run. Finally she stood at the brim of the crater and a gasp escaped her mouth as she saw what lied there.

Loki felt like he was falling for hours. Stars, planets, and the blackness of space all seemed to fly past him. He wondered if this is what dying felt like. Before he could ponder it further a blue and green mass got closer and closer. Loki felt unimaginable pain when he fell to the strange planet. The impact would have killed a mortal. He sputtered hopelessly, tears slipping down his face. His magic began to heal himself, and he found that he just cried more. The gravity of the situation came upon him. He had fallen to one of the nine realms with no way home, with no one even knowing he was alive. Loneliness and self-hatred for the actions that got him here swept over him.

Suddenly he heard a soft voice cooing to him "Shhh, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." Hair was brushed from his face when he saw her. His light green eyes met her dark doe eyes. A smile lit up her soft features. He felt his heart swell—someone cared.

A/N: Sorry this is so short. It's hard to set everything up. So I think I'm going to make this a real fic. I haven't written anything in ages, so forgive me if I'm a bit rusty. I know very little about the comics, so this fic will be largely based on the movie and what I know about the Norse mythology. Anywho, I haven't fleshed out the whole story yet, so if you folks have any suggestions, I'm definitely open to them =]