Author's Note: Alright well, you guys are probably expecting a Degrassi fanfic from me but this isnt Degrassi obviously. I've recently gotten back into my Avatar The Last Airbender obsession and I wrote this about an idea I had a while ago. So erm, yeah. Takes place a little after Sozin'g comet. Here is goes...

Mai and Zuko were sitting in Zuko's library. They could hear the others talking and playing outside. It sounded like some Earth bending was going on and they could hear Aang's laugh. Zuko and Mai were with them, but wanted to be alone to talk.

"So you asked your father where she was?" Mai concluded. After the story Zuko told her about confronting his father, she was anxious to hear the answer. Zuko's mom was always good to her as a child and she never quite understood what happened to her.

"Yeah. He told me she was on Whale Tale island,"

"That's great, Zuko! You can find her now,"

"I know," Zuko smiled. "I just need to make sure he's not lying,"

"How are you gonna do that?" she asked, sitting back down next to him. Zuko was drumming his fingers on the desk.

"I'm not sure. I know that there is no way I can trust him, but I cant just ignore what he told me. What if she really is on Whale Tale island and I dont go?"

"You could always go there and come back. See if she's there and if she isn't go back and ask. You have enough time," Mai put her hand on Zuko's back and leaned into him. He seemed like he needed comfort.

Zuko stood up, pulling away from his girlfriend. He ran his fingers through his hair. "But then he'll just tell me somewhere else! He knows that this is my weak spot and he'll keep playing with me!"

"Well, he'll eventually run out of places to tell you and have to tell you where she really is," Mai said, her tone much softer than usual. It was always obvious as kids that Zuko and his mom were close. She saw the change in him when she disappeared and then soon after, he disappeared, too. But she remembered those years of Zuko's heartache and depression when his mother wasnt around.

"I dont wanna wait that long, Mai," he said, his voice softer, too. He was finally breaking down and Mai saw a tear fall. She stood up from the desk and went over to him, wiping away the tear that fell from his good eye.

"I know how much you miss her," She smiled sadly. Before he could contriadict her, she spoke, "That's how much I missed you when you were gone,"

Zuko smiled back and her and leaned in for a small kiss. There was a knock at the library door and Zuko pulled his lips away, keeping his hands on Mai's waist. "Come in!"

Aang stepped through the door, holding his staff. "We're all about to go to your uncle's tea shop. Do you want to come?" Iroh had just opened another one identical to The Jasmine Dragon in the Fire Nation.

Zuko shook his head and turned to Mai. "You can go. I wanna stay here and figure out what I can do,"

"What's wrong?" Aang walked towards the couple. His face went from playful joy to worry in a matter of minutes.

"I talked to my father about where my mother is and he told me, but I dont know if he's lying and I have to way to be sure,"

Aang smiled. "Yes you do,"

"How?" Zuko's head shot up and he was staring intently at the Avatar. He was willing to do anything to find his mother.

"Toph can tell when people are lying. She can feel the vibrations in the Earth and when you lie, your heart increases pace and she can sense it. It's worked many times. It's worth a shot,"

Zuko smiled and followed Aang out of the room, keeping a solid hold on Mai's hand. Mai's face lit up watching Zuko get so happy so fast.

"Toph," Zuko greeted the bling Earth bender. "I need your help. Please," he added the last word in a begging tone.

At first Toph smirked -prepared to make him do something in return for her favor - but when she heard that last word, her face softened. Anyone could detected the desperation in his voice. "What is it, Zuko?"

"I need you to tell me if my father is lying about something,"

"That's easy. I can do that,"

"Really? Thank you," Zuko said feverently. Mai smiled at Toph, even though she couldnt see it. In the few days Mai has gotten to know everyone, she really took a liking to Toph. They had the same attitude.

"So when you do wanna do this? Now?" Toph asked.

"Yes, that would be great,"

Zuko turned to Mai and kissed her goodbye. He began walking and Toph followed, eventually falling into step next to him.

"So what do you need to ask your dad?" Toph wondered.

"I need to know where my mother is,"

"What do you mean?"

Zuko sighed. "When I was kid, my mom was banished and I haven't seen her since. I asked him where she was, but I dont wanna go all over the world following his lies. I need to know for sure,"

"Well, I'm happy to help," she said sincere.

They walked a little farther and got to the prision.

Ozai was just as he was when Zuko visited him a few days prior. He was leaning against the wall and glared when the two kids entered the cell.

"What do you want now, Firelord Zuko?" he sneered the term and looked away.

"I want you to tell me where my mother is," Zuko said, his voice gruff and serious.

"I already told you,"

"Tell me again!" Zuko ordered. Toph put her hands against the wall and concentraited hard.

"Whale Tale island," Ozai said evenly, glaring at the Earth bender.

Zuko turned to Toph and she shook her head.

"You're lying!" Zuko yelled at his father through clenched teeth. "Where is she?"

Ozai raised his eyebrows. "So you found a lie dector? Well, I might as well tell the truth now. She's in Ba Sing Se,"

Zuko turned to Toph once again and she nodded. Zuko's eyes filled up with tears. "Has she been there the whole time?" His voice wasnt angry anymore, but the softer tone he used with Mai in the library.

"Yes," Ozai answered.

Zuko didnt look, but Toph nodded anyway. Zuko clenched his eyes shut, stopping the angry tears threatening to spill over. He wasnt angry at Ozai anymore, he was angry at himself. He'd spent a good amount of time in Ba Sing Se and he never found his mother. He was so close to her.

Zuko turned and made a haisty exit, Toph following quickly behind. "I was there! I was in Ba Sing Se! I could have found her!" he yelled more to himself than Toph as they walked back to Zuko's house.

"How would you know she was there?" Toph asked.

"I still could have looked for her. After I was banished, I wasnt worried about her anymore. Just myself. I'm so selfish!"

"You're not, Zuko," Toph promised. "Not anymore. You had no idea she was there. But you can find her now,"

Zuko took a deep breath. "You're right. That's all in the past. All I know is that I'm going to get to see her again. It's been so long,"




When they got back to Zuko's house, Mai was still there. The other kids had gone to the tea shop and Toph went to catch up with them.

Mai was in Zuko's room, sitting on his bed. She was expecting him. "So is she in Whale Tale island?"

"She's in Ba Sing Se," Zuko said and grabbed a bagged. He throught one of his outfits in there and the picture of his mother he had. "I'm going to find her. I'll be across that wall tonight,"

"I'm coming with you," Mai declared.

Zuko shook his head. "I want you to come, Mai, but this is something I need to do alone,"

Mai smiled and nodded once. "I understand. How are you going to get there?"

"I'm gonna ask to borrow Appa,"

"Well, good luck. When do you think you'll be home?" Mai asked, trying not to let the sadness take over her voice. She and Zuko were finally able to be together now, with nothing their way and she didnt want him to be gone for too long. She's been away from him long enough.

"I'm not sure. It's a big city, but I hope this picture will help. I hope someone recognizes her,"

She placed a tender kiss on Zuko's mouth and he smiled at her. "When I come back, I will be with my mother," Zuko promised to himself and to her.

Mai nodded again and he slung his bag over his back. He took Mai's hand and they walked out of the room.

Author's note: well I was gonna have this as a one shot but i'm liking it more as a chapter book. so erm yeah please review? thanks(: