Author's Note: So...I dont really have anything to say except that you for the reviews! I love them all so much. And enjoy this chapter!

"Mom, before you go visit Azula and dad in prision, would you like to meet my friends?" Zuko asked as they walked close to each other to the front doors of the palace. Appa had flown to the back where he slept once they departed off of him.

Zuko was carrying two of his mother's bag, plus his own and she carried one.

"Sure, I would love to," Ursa smiled.

Zuko opened the doors and they walked him. Ursa stood in the doorway for a moment, taking it all in. It's been so long since she's been here and all of the memories of her last night came rushing back. She took a glance at Zuko - putting all the bags on the floor in the corner - and knew that everything she did was worth it.

Zuko turned to face her and she put her own bag down. He took her hand and pulled her through the palace towards the back door. When they reached the back, everyone was doing what they usually do.

Suki and Ty Lee were fighting, but only to test each other's skills. Sokka watched from a short distance, his injured foot propped up. Mai was sitting under a tree, twirling her blades in her fingers. Aang and Katara were petting Appa. Iroh wasn't around and Zuko assumed he was at his tea shop. Toph was sitting on the ground playing with Momo. She was the first one to notice them, because she knew they were coming before they came.

"Zuko's back!" she yelled and everyone looked at the door. Mai's entire face lit up as she got up and walked quickly towards Zuko. Everyone followed close behind.

Zuko welcomed Mai into his arms and held her close. Even though the time apart was short, there was still the dull ache of the three years they were apart. He held her tighter for a second longer, then released her.

Mai looked up at Ursa and smiled, genuienly happy to see her. "Mai," Ursa said, affection clear in her tone. She loved Mai and was looking forward to welcoming her into the family one day. "How are you?"

"I'm great," Mai said and hesitantly leaned in for a hug. Ursa embraced her quickly before letting her go. Mai took a step back, intertwining her fingers with Zuko. He squeezed her hand and when she looked at him, she could see the happiness on his face. There wasn't a trace of pain anywhere in his features.

"Ursa!" Everyone heard Ty Lee's shrill voice in the little crowd and soon the new warrior clasped onto Zuko's mom, huggly her tightly. "It's so great to see you,"

"You as well, Ty Lee," Ursa laughed, letting her go. "You haven't changed a bit. Well, accept for the outfit and make-up,"

"Mom," Zuko stepped in. He still smiled everytime he said the word. "This is Sokka," he pointed to Sokka. "His girlfriend, Suki. His sister, Katara. This is Toph, and this is the Avatar - Aang," Zuko pointed to everyone.

Aang bowed to Ursa and she bowed back. "It's great to meet you," he said honestly.

"And you, too, Young Avatar. I've heard many stories about you in Ba Sing Se. I am honored to be in your presences,"

"Dont feel honored," Aang smiled. "I'm just glad you're here for Zuko's sake,"

Ursa and Zuko shared a look and a smile, before Ursa's face became somber. "Okay, Zuko, I want to see them now,"

Zuko nodded, his smiled fading. He squeezed Mai's hand again before releasing it. "I'll be right back. She wants to visit Azula and Ozai,"

Before Zuko could turn to walk away, Mai grabbed his hand again. "You're not ditching me again. Where ever you go - I go. That's how it is from now on. You're not going to be torn away from me anymore,"

Zuko was about to protest - telling her how it wouldnt be for so long - but he could see the fear in her eyes and tell by the desperate way she clutched his hand...His banishment had taken a toll on her as well. He saw the pain that was inflicked in her when he left and it mirrored his own. During the time Zuko was away, he tried not to think too much of Mai - afraid it would hurt too much. But now that he was with her, he remembered how wrong he felt without her.

He leaned in a kissed her forehead. "You're right. Let's go,"

Ursa watched the two teens as they walked to the prision. She saw the way they looked at each other and without any words spoken between them, she could tell they would be together forever. They needed each other. Even with no more war or violence and no more fear, they still depended on each other and looked out for one another. They fit together.

The trio reached the prision in a matter of minutes. No guard questioned them, just bowed to Zuko. He and Mai stayed hand in hand, his mother walking a head of them.

Zuko cleared his throat at one of the doors and Ursa turned around. He nodded to the door and closed his eyes, turning to face Mai. His father was in there and he was terrified for his mother. Even without bending, his father could do some damage. He kissed Mai on the forehead and Ursa patted his shoulder. "I'll be right back," she whispered and walked inside, closing the door behind her.

When Ozai hear the door shut, he didnt look up. He expected it to be a guard giving him food or even worse, Zuko crying because he couldn't find his mommy. He definetly was not expecting Ursa.

"So you burned him?" Her voice was cold. Nothing like it was when she talked to Zuko - or anyone else for that matter. It was the voice she used when she talked to him.

Ozai looked up and glared. He still hated that she was back in the Fire Nation. Hated everything about this woman. She glared right back at him, but her glare was ten times more harder. First he threaten to kill his son, then he burned and banished him? There was so much more to hate.

"You didnt answer me," she said.

He coughed a hard chuckle. "You saw his face, didnt you?"

Ursa's glare intensified. "And you dont care at all? That's your son!"

Ozai rolled his eyes. "If you wouldn't have gotten in the way, that would have never happened!" he yelled, venom leaking into his voice. Although, he did become Firelord as a result of their deal, he still hated that Zuko had lived. To be honest, he had never loved his son and never wanted him.

Ursa was taken aback by that remark. Her glare didnt intesify nor falter. "What do you mean?"

"If you would have just let me kill the failure, he would have never been burned or banished or injured or anything! He brought it all on himself because of you,"

Ursa's eyes filled with tears at the accusation. Even though she knew he was wrong, it still stung. "No," she shook her head, closing her eyes. He was wrong. "No, this wasn't my fault. I saved him - I saved his life and now look at him. He's Firelord. With friends and a girl that loves him and a real family that cares for him. If it weren't for me - he wouldnt have any of this,"

Ozai sneered and looked back at the brick wall. "It doesnt matter. I had it all once,"

"But you dont have it anymore,"

"Why are you even here?" he wondered. He just wanted to go back to being alone.

"I'm here to tell you deserve a lot wrose than this," Ursa's voice went back to the cold angry voice she had when she came in. She never hated anyone and she always found the good in people, but after seeing Zuko and hearing what he's been through, she couldnt find anything remotley good about Ozai. "You did all of this to your own son and you're lucky the Avatar spared you for it. If I had it my way, you'd be dead,"

She didnt wait for him to reply, she walked out of the room.

Mai was leaning against Zuko, her head tuked under his chin. He was running his hands up and down her back and it calmed them both. It was something he did to her as young teenages whenever they were together. Mai missed the feeling. Her arms tightened around Zuko's back and she closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of him.

Zuko looekd up when his mom came out of the room. Her eyes were still glossed with tears and she didnt speak.

"Everything alright, Mom?" He asked. His hands didnt stop rubbing Mai's back because his nerves hadnt calmed. She still had to visit Azula.

"Yes, everything's fine," Her tone still resembled the cold voice she used in the cell, but it was softening and she saw the two teen lovers. Seeing her son happy made it clear that it was all worth it.

Zuko took his arms from around Mai to hold her hand and they all walked down a little ways to the last cell in the building.

Ursa took another deep breath, preparing herself for what was to come. She had no idea what to expect.

She disappeared into the room and Zuko pulled Mai back into his arms. He placed a long tender kiss on her mouth - trying to erase his thoughts - and then went back to running his hands along his back. "I wish I could know what they are saying," he murmured.

Azula was chained up so she couldn't bend. Her hair was still the tangled mess it was the day of Sozin's coment. She had her hands chained to the top of her cell and her feet changed to the bottom. Her head hung low, but looked up when the door opened. The light that peeked in burned her eyes but once the door was closed, she saw who was in the doorway.

"What are you doing here?"

When Ursa spoke, it wasnt even close to the tone she used with Ozai. The voice she used was soft and gently. Close to how she speaks to Zuko. "I came to visit you,"

"Why?" Azula sneered, just like her father.

"Because I missed you," Ursa said, truth in her vioce.

"You never cared about me! You only loved Zuko!" Azula shouted. She never cared as a child that her mother loved Zuko more because their mother was never around. But now that her mother was standing in front of her, she started to feel what her absence has done to her.

"I loved you both equally. I still do, Azula. You're my daughter,"

"You think I'm a monster!" Azula yelled.

"I dont," Ursa argued. "I think you let power cloud your focus. You always dreamt of having power and you got it over your friends. I think that you would do anything for power,"

Azula didnt answer, just turned her head away. It was true. Azula wanted power. She was born to lead. Not her pathetic brother Zuko. "Will you just leave?" she asked, annoyed.

"I'll go if you want me to go, but I just wanted you to know that I still love you, Azula. And I always have," Ursa backed out of the room slowly, giving her daughter a chance to call her back in.

When she didnt, Ursa closed the door and Azula let out a quiet sob. She let her head hang and her shoulders shook as her sobs began louder.

Mai was running her fingers over Zuko's lower back. She could still feel the nerves buzzing through him even though he was rubbing her back. When she started to lightly caress his back, he relaxed a little more.

Ursa came out of the door, tears running down her face.

"Mom," Zuko said, alert. He stood up straight, but kept Mai tuked under his arm. "Is everything okay?"

Ursa was going to tell him no. That she wanted her daughter to be happy, too, but when she looked into Zuko's eyes - eye's that matched her own - she smiled. They look of love and happiness was so prominent in his eyes that it washed away her sadness. "Yes, everything is fine,"

Author's note: mhmm. it's kinda long, yeah and kinda ehh i guess. i dont really know how ursa is and i dont know how ozai or azula would react to seeing her so it was kinda just my imagination i was going off of. and just fyi, that was only a tease of maiko. there will be more :P