Chapter 4: Natalie's been kidnapped?

Ian was sitting at his office at the Lucian stronghold, in London. He might be under age, but he still had the Kabra blood by which came his great talent in business. Turned out to be that his father, Vikram Kabra, had stolen half of the money of the Lucians, and ran away. The Lucian branch lost that money. The Madrigals gave them money, but they could not give them all of it that they lost. They too needed their money to carry out operations to keep track of the Vespers, and that meant—a lot of travelling and equipment. So, Ian had to work. He and Natalie had to go to school instead of having a private tutor, but they did go to a rich school.

Ian was dealing with some clients on the internet, when suddenly he got an alert message on the special Lucian computer screen: MAGRIGAL ALERT. It was hack proof and contained secret information. Ian waited for a while and then clicked on the answer button. A window popped up showing Fiske's face. He was on the other side with his webcam on.

"Ian Kabra, this is an emergency. Please switch on your webcam." said Fiske. Ian switched on his webcam and asked Fiske.

"What is the urgency?" asked Ian.

"You don't know?" asked Fiske.

"No" said Ian.

"You're sister has been kidnapped by the Vespers" replied Fiske.

"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" panicked Ian. Natalie was at school. Despite the shortage of money, he had kept two bodyguards for Natalie. Plus, their school had enough security. But still, the Vespers are dangerous. They are capable of everything.

"IS SHE OK? I AM SENDING A TEAM TO LOCATE HER RIGHT NOW" Ian said loudly still in shock. If Natalie was not in school I would have got a call from her teacher. But why didn't anyone inform me? I should have known…the teacher must be involved. Natalie usually calls me at least twice when she is in school. She only called once in the morning after reaching school. It is my fault. I was all worked up. I should have been aware.

"Calm down! I have already sent my best team of Ninjas and they have located her. The only thing they have to do now is to get her out under the Vesper's nose." said Fiske.

"When did this happen? I didn't even know. She has bodyguards. How could someone possibly take her?" said Ian, tears about to flow out of his eyes. He maybe trained to be emotionless, but this was his sister. How could he possibly be emotionless? He loved his sister. She was the only one with him now.

"The Vespers killed her bodyguards. Dan got a love letter in the name of Natalie. Dan was surprised and he wanted to speak to Natalie about it. It turned out to be a trap. Dan sent a message to Natalie on Skype. A reply came and we saw Natalie tied up. The Vesper guy was actually trying to find our location. He hacked Dan's computer through this trap. We are very sorry about this. We all care about Natalie, but don't make a wrong move by sending an entire force to get her. You might end up harming Natalie. Please be calm. We will bring back Natalie in no time. I have to go now. I am leaving for Switzerland in half an hour. The Vespers are after us. Amy, Dan and I are going to be on a mission. This mission is very important because this is what the Vespers are after. By the way, I am not sure if Natalie sent that letter or the Vespers, but we will find out as soon as Natalie is back. I am keeping track of the rescue mission. I will keep sending you reports. Remain calm and collected, and everything will be alright. Trust me." explained Fiske and then the screen went blank.

Ian could not say anything. He was still in shock, and blank. He had no choice but to wait. He wanted to go rescue Natalie himself but he thought about what Fiske said, that it might harm Natalie. He began to cry. He hated his life now. He was responsible for Natalie and he failed in it. He should have gone to school with her. He skipped a day of school for his work and now he regretted it.

Suddenly a window popped up saying: INCOMING MAIL. It was from Fiske about Natalie's rescue mission. He clicked on it and started reading. The location got his mind thinking. DURNESS, NEAR CAPE WRATH.

Ian wanted to go save his sister. He was confused and he sat there crying. He couldn't let anything happen to Natalie but he had no other choice than to trust Fiske.