Author's Note: Hi guys my name is Bee and I'm co-Author of this here brand new fanfic. This story is rated M for Language and Scenes of a sexual nature that will appear later in the story. My partner HermisiaDraco and I devised this story together and we're proud to present to you the first chapter written by yours truly. Hopefully Hermisia will have her chapter up and ready to read soon. :) And now without further ado, Chapter one.

Reckless Abandon

POV: Dom Weasley: Back to Hogwarts

There was absolutely no warning. Why is there never any warning?

With a million cousins that are ready to strike, there should be a warning. But of course there isn't. We're Weasleys. We don't speak before we do something. We just do it. So it really shouldn't come as a surprise that Lily just attacked me without warning. I was just walking along Platform 9 ¾ and WAM! I was tackled into a hug by my best friend and cousin, Lily Potter. Sometimes I don't mind, sometimes I do. This is one of those times that I don't mind being attacked. I've missed Lily this summer. I was vacationing in France with Grandmere (my mother's mother) and while we kept in touch with owls, they just aren't the same as seeing Lily face to face. I really missed her and I know she missed me too.

"You're going to have to tell me everything when we're on the train!" Lily demanded as she let me go. Lily was really pretty and we looked a lot like each other. We both have long red hair, we're both the same age and height, and we both have clear blue eyes. Most people mistook us for sisters when we arrived at Hogwarts for our first year. Truth is, we're closer than sisters. We're certainly closer than me and my sister, Victoire. I can't stand Victoire. Anyway, Lily grinned at me and I grinned back.

"Absolutely," I agreed before heading over to the rest of the family. There was a lot of excited conversation going on in the mass of the Weasley clan. All of my cousins, and my little brother Louis, were excited to be going back to school, where we'd be with each other a lot more often. The adults were sharing whispered conversations of their own, but they were careful not to be overheard. Lily and I joined the crowd and split up to chat with everyone that we hadn't said hello to yet.

"How was your summer, Dom?" Rose asked politely when I reached her. Most of the time, I got the feeling that Rose didn't like me all too much. A lot of it had to do with the fact that she was in Gryffindork and I was in Slytherin. Another thing she didn't like about me was that her father spoiled me like I was his daughter. Rose was jealous of me and it didn't make for a tight bond with my older cousin.

"It was excellent, thanks," I answered just as politely. "How was your summer?"

"It was alright," she said somewhat lamely. "I made Head Girl." I was about to ask her why she didn't sound happier about the good news but instead I made a gasping noise as the air was forced out of my lungs. The strong arms of a red-haired, freckle-nosed someone had wrapped me in a death grip.

"Fred!" I gasped as he lifted me off the ground." Can't. Breathe!" I managed through gritted teeth. I swore I could hear my ribs cracking from the pressure. When had Fred become so strong? After one more moment of the bone-crushing hug, Fred put me firmly back on the ground and let me go. I rubbed my sides gingerly, and glared at my silly cousin. I was going to have bruises for weeks. I opened my mouth to yell at Fred but with mock surprise, he pretended to see his Quidditch teammate, and shouted, "Oi! Markus!" before running away. I'm really starting to hate the no warning thing. Rose just shrugged when I gave her a questioning look. Sighing, I made my way over to my Uncle Ron as he smiled at me.

Uncle Ron was the single most awesome guy in the world. He was the one that taught me how to ride a broom at age 6, even when my mother had strictly told me I couldn't. He said he'd be damned if his favorite niece didn't know how to ride a broom when my other cousins did. We also have the same sense of humor. He got some of my jokes when no one else did and we both loved all the same comedians. Best of all, he didn't forget me when he was around Victoire. His attention was divided equally and he spoiled us both the same. He seemed to know how much I hated being Victoire's shadow and he was determined not to make me feel like I was in her shadow. He spoiled each and every one of the Weasley children. I suppose it has something to do with him being poor when he was little, but I can't really be sure.

"Uncle Ron!" I shouted as I ran to give him a hug. See? It's not so hard to give people warnings when you're about to tackle them. Why can't my cousins do it? Anyway, his hug was warm as always and I smiled into it.

"So how as your summer, brat?" he asked me affectionately as we let go of each other.

"It was fun. I did loads of stuff with Grandmere," I shared vaguely. I had had my first summer fling in France, and I wasn't too keen on telling that to my favorite uncle. Favorite or not, he was still overprotective and likely to hunt down the poor bloke back in France. Uncle Ron raised his eyebrows at me but didn't press me for details. Somewhere in the background I could hear a whistle signaling five more minutes until the train departed.

"Well, I'm glad you had a good time, sweetheart."

"Thanks," I said, beaming at him. Suddenly an idea popped into my head and my smile grew even wider.

"Uncle Ron?" He looked at me, nervous of the sudden change in my voice, which was now sweet and delicate.

"Yea?" he answered suspiciously.

"Well, I was just wondering if you could tell me…" I trailed off a bit. I knew he'd tell me anything if I just asked. There wasn't much that he could deny me. "Mama and Daddy said I'd find out soon enough but I don't understand why I can't know now. What have all the adults talking about lately? They seem really excited about it." I tried to keep my voice casual, but I really wanted to know. It hardly seemed fair that they were keeping things from me. I was almost of age, only three more months and I would be seventeen. What on earth was going on? Uncle Ron smiled at me and I thought I had it, but what he said next disappointed me.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I can't tell you that." He sounded genuinely sympathetic. "It would ruin the surprise, but I guarantee you'll know by the end of the night." It was infuriating. Why couldn't I know now? An impatient voice was screaming in my head. I hated waiting.

"But I hate surprises!" I whined to my Uncle. And it was true I hated surprises when I knew about them beforehand. I hated knowing that something was going to happen but not knowing exactly what or any of the details. It was torture. Another whistle blew and late arriving students were making quick goodbye to their family and getting on the train. All of my cousins and family bustled to say their own goodbyes and we all got on the train, me pouting the entire time.

"Oh, come on!" Lily ordered me, rolling her eyes and pulling me by the arm. We found an empty compartment and shoved our trunks on the ledges above our seats. Putting the basket I was carrying down on the seat, I opened the lid and let my cat, Scratch, out. She hissed at me unhappily and slunk to the other side of the compartment, glaring at me the entire time. She hated the basket. Lily gave me one last hug before I slid the compartment door open again and was about to step out. I was the 6th year Slytherin Prefect and had to report to the Heads compartment before returning to my compartment. Someone, however, was blocking my way out.

Scorpius Malfoy stood in front of me sneering. He had long white blonde hair that was tied in a low ponytail that reached the middle of his shoulder blades. He was pale, unimaginably so, and his blue eyes were almost just as pale. His face was angular, sculpted, and just under his robes you could tell his body had the same sculpted and toned quality. Scorpius Malfoy was very good-looking. He was also very mean.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I glared at him. I wasn't in the mood for his antics just yet.

"Careful, Weasel. You might want to be a bit more polite to me from now on," he told me, his smug and imperial tone making me want to hex him.

"And why would I be polite to the son of a ferret? What? Daddy dearest never told you what happened in his fourth year? I guess not. I've heard loads of stories about the ferret though, none of them all too flattering." I smirked at his reaction. He had lost his smugness and he was now glaring at me. Oh, if looks could kill I'd be stone cold. I had hit an exposed nerve. He changed tactics and looked over my shoulder to glare at Lily who was standing behind me.

"So Potter, I guess you'll be expecting special treatment this year, now that daddy will be underfoot?"

"What are you talking about Malfoy?" Lily said sharply behind me. Lily was usually shy and she didn't like much confrontation, which is why it was a surprise that she spoke up. But she had made a mistake and let Malfoy know that he knew something we didn't. His eyes lit up with the information and he smirked again.

"Oh, so you don't know?" he asked, barely holding in his glee. "Well then, I wouldn't dare spoil the surprise for you." He cackled and left Lily and I alone, slightly confused as to what that was all about. I looked at Lily and she shrugged. Knowing there was nothing I could do about it now, I said goodbye to Lily and left. The Prefects' meeting was towards the front of the train and I made my way up the Hogwarts express. We were gliding along the tracks, just outside the city. The houses were fewer and far between and the country side was greener than in London.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Lorcan Scamander waiting for me until it was too late. He grabbed me by the arm and shoved me into an empty compartment. The only thing I had time to process, before his lips crashed fiercely into mine, was that the blinds were closed on the door. I responded immediately, nipping his bottom lip so that he would let my tongue glide past his lips to meet his tongue. His body was pressed against mine tightly, pinning me between him and the window. I could feel the heat coming off him in non-stop waves. His hardness was pressed comfortably against my thigh. I sighed into him as he smirked. Oh, how I missed him this past summer. Lorcan was the other 6th year Slytherin prefect and my sometimes… well, sex buddy, I guess. Things with Lorcan and I were complicated. We didn't want a relationship, we were friends only some of the time, and we were really attracted to each other. It made for a confusing bond, to say the least.

"Miss me?" he asked, smirking and eying my panting form. I was slightly out of breath and my body was still humming for contact with his. I glared at him, straightening my robes and hair.

"Of course not," I lied smoothly, "you surprised me is all. Do you always go around attacking girls or is this a new creepy habit you've developed over the summer?" It was his turn to glare. We weren't both in Slytherin for nothing. Sliding past him, I opened the compartment door and started towards the Head compartment again. Lorcan fell in step next to me and together we reached the Prefects meeting in silence. Not everyone was there yet so Lorcan and I took our seats at the table and had brief conversations about our summer. My mind was only half listening to Lorcan. The other half of my mind was focused on Lorcan's Gryffindor Twin, whose eyes kept wandering over to me.

Lysander Scamander was as different from Lorcan as you could get. They were almost complete opposites in every way, including looks. Where Lorcan had straight coal black hair and dangerous deep blue eyes, Lysander had wavy blonde hair and speckled hazel eyes that were somehow always warm. Lorcan had a very sharp and pointed face with high cheek bones. Though Lysander had the same high cheek bones, his face had a softer touch to it as if someone had blurred the hard edges of Lorcan's face. In build and body shape they were the same. Both were slightly stocky but taller than me. Well muscled from Quidditch training and slightly calloused hands from holding a broomstick too tightly without gloves. One wouldn't guess that they were fraternal twins let alone related.

All this I had noticed in the few short minutes before the meeting started. I hadn't even realized I was checking out Lysander until the door slammed open, breaking my thoughts, and a very angry Rose walked in followed by Malfoy. It looked as if the two had been arguing, which wasn't at all uncommon. Rose, like every other person in our family, couldn't stand Malfoy and Malfoy never passed up the chance to torment Rose. The pair made their way quickly to the head of the table and Rose began a quick head count as Malfoy sat down and examined his clean fingernails. So that's why Rose had been unhappy about making Head Girl. Malfoy had been made Head Boy. When everyone's attention was on Rose, who opened her mouth to address us all, Lorcan put a possessive hand high up on my thigh, stroking his thumb very close to an inappropriate place for him to touch. Ignoring his hand, I turned my attention to my cousin.

"As prefects," she started, "you all know you are responsible for your houses passwords and helping the younger students should they get lost. New 5th year Prefects, you're in charge of showing the 1st years to your dormitories tonight and patrolling the train every once in a while. Prefects can take points and give detentions as deemed necessary. Anyone found abusing this responsibility will be stripped of the Prefect title." Malfoy stood then, with a stack of papers in his hands. With a flick of his wand, the papers glided in front of each of the prefects.

"These are the new passwords to your common rooms and to the Prefects' bathroom and lounge. There is also your hall patrolling schedule at the bottom of the parchment. Memorize this and then destroy it at your soonest convenience. We wouldn't want someone from another house finding the password to a common room they don't belong in," he ordered. I took a quick look at the parchment in front of me. In big black ink letters was the name "Dominique Weasley" and under it, in smaller letters, "Sixth year Slytherin Prefect." It had the Slytherin common room password as expected, plus the other junk Malfoy had mentioned.

"Any questions?" No one answered and Malfoy nodded satisfied. "Good. Fifth years are to patrol the train corridor. The others may go back to their own compartment." We were dismissed. Lorcan lifted his hand from my thigh and left before me, without so much as a word goodbye. I shrugged it off and went back to the compartment with Lily. She was patiently waiting for me, reading a book I had leant her a million years ago.

"So?" she demanded as I sat down and I dived into the story of my summer fling and Lorcan's behavior on the train. We spent the hours on the train talking and by the time night had fallen my mind completely forgot all about Lysander Scamander, Scorpius Malfoy, and the surprise waiting at Hogwarts. I would soon learn that forgetting about those things had been a big mistake. I hadn't known then that those three things would turn our sixth year at Hogwarts upside down. After all, how I could I have?

A/N: Hey all… Hermisia Draco here. I couldn't be happier to be co-authoring this story. I am super excited to be able to present this to all of you. My friend will be doing all of the odd number chapters and I am doing the even numbered ones. The next chapter should be up shortly (it's my chapter). I will be writing Lily Luna Potter and Scorpius while my friend is writing Dominique and Lysander/Lorcan. I hope you all enjoy this story so be sure to review. We would love to hear your comments.