Two stories in a day? What? This one actually came to me right when I laid down to sleep. Damn you, Chelley, for being so cute and easy to write! I WILL write another Portal couple eventually!

All characters and plots mentioned belong to the makers of the portal games

I woke up with a barely contained scream. My mind still felt trapped in that dream world, even if it wasn't real. My blood was rushing and I could feel the cold sweat as I sit up in bed. I could barely move. Terror and depression raged inside of me all because of some dumb dream. I barely heard the door open and you sitting next to me. I didn't even notice it was you until you touched my arm. I jolt and panicked, but you pulled me into a hug.

"Easy, luv. It's okay now." I recognize the voice from both real life and the dream. It's just you, Wheatley, the love of my life. But I still can only see in my head the little mechanical ball from my dream. You're is stroking my hair, humming lightly to calm me down as I cling to you. "It was just a dream, my darling."

"It was terrible!" I gasp out. Normally, it took more than a bad dream to set me off, but this was so vivid. "I was trapped in a containment center and I was forced to do these tests! A-And the robot was trying to kill me! She sounded like my mom!" You're listening to me while you clapped lightly for the lights to flicker on. "A-And I killed her! Then, I'm asleep in this relaxation room after years and years!"

"Go on." You encouraged, still holding me tightly.

"And this little robot ball woke me up so we could escape and," I choked on a sob, "And he sounded like you! He had your name! And we woke up the robot lady so I have to d-do more tests and then we beat her, but y-you, i-it betrayed me!" I would never directly say it, but that part was what upset me the most until the end. "And I'm trying to save you from space and I had to let go!" So far, you've just been letting me ramble, but at this part you finally break in.

"Chell, sweetheart. I would never betray you." I try to blurt out that it was the machine's fault, but you continue before I can. "I would rather die, or float in space, than hurt you."

"I-I know, but..." You laugh, not mockingly but in that comfortingly rambling way you have. You start twirling a strand of my hair, letting me relax. "I couldn't speak, I just watched you get pulled from my arms... I couldn't hold on..."

You watch my face as guilt and fear flicker through my mind. Its silent for a second before you put your hands on my cheeks and pull me into a kiss. I instantly melt. "Maybe, but you're so stubborn that you, well, you'd never stop till we were back together." You laugh, "Knowing you, you'll do something rash and steal a spaceship."

I scowl, even though I know that I'm in the 99th percentile for stubbornness. "Watch it, you're dating this rash stubborn mule."

"I-I didn't mean it in the bad way, I love that about you! Well, some- I mean most! Most of the time!" Smiling, I bury my face in your neck. I feel you relax and wrap an arm around me again. "You should go back to sleep."

The fear of having the dream again scares me, so before my pride can kick in, I blurt out, "Only if you hold me!" Your face flushed into a nice red pretty quickly, matching your hair. But you give in pretty easily.

I snuggle into your arms and sigh with quiet happiness. My head resting on your chest, I can hear your heart slow down and your breathing soften. Typical you, you're already out. But I don't mind. After all, everything is okay now that you're here. Finally, I drift into undisturbed, robot-free dreams.

Thank you, Wheatley