Hello all,

Now I know that I have still yet to finish Sands of Egypt, and Terminal, however I am having major writers block on both of them, so this is my solution. I am going to be doing a drabble challenge set by a friend of mine writergirl99

In each one I am going to be trying out different parts of writing in which I struggle, please review and let me know how you think I did, this is as much to improve my technical skills as it is to help directly with the stories I am writing at the moment (so you may see snippets of the characters from each story, as well as... perhaps... preview scenes to see what people think)

I will be writing two of these and splitting the prompts 50/50 (roughly) inorder to practise with my Doctor who characterisations...

Anyway, the prompt for each drabble will be in the chapter title, and I will also list what area I am trying to improve in the authors' note at the beginning.

NOTE: I do not own Yu Gi Oh or Doctor Who this is purely a fan based collection of stories (also if is actually registered as a fan base... are these disclaimers really necessary?)

Thank you all for reading
