Title: A Father's Love – Chapter 3.

Genre: NCIS

Pairing: Eli David – TIVA

Rating: T – Well get up off the ground, the muse can behave herself – at times.

Timeline: Season 8 – 9 AU. Read in conjunction with Share My Life Chapter 4.

Spoilers: Everything is game up until season nine.

Summery: Eli on Ziva, her relationships and possible marriage.

Disclaimer: I think we have established by now that they are not mine.

A/N: Those following this story should thank Nicole301608 for the gentle nudge regarding this chapter. "Miss temperamental" relented from her other stories and allowed the editor in me reign for long enough to "polish" this one.

Written: September 2011 – Edited February 2012

Word Count: 1,805


Eli was sitting at his desk, going over a report one of his foreign operatives had submitted when his private line rang. 'Shalom,' he answered, slightly sitting back in his chair, expecting it to be one of his close friends.

'Where is Tony?' Ziva voice demanded over the line. He could hear the agitation it contained and smiled slightly, having expected her call earlier. He had known that she would be agitated when she discovered the whereabouts of her partner.

'Ziva?' he returned, wanting to gauge her level of agitation before continuing.

'Yes father, where is Tony?' Ziva demanded, the level of irritation having escalated in her voice.

'Agent DiNozzo?' Eli returned, leaning back fully in his chair, hoping she could not hear the smile in his voice. It was not often that Ziva became as agitated as she was at that moment. It was a reaction he knew would only surface when her emotions were involved, in particular, her fear of losing someone close, or having them taken from her.

'You would have had him followed, I know Mossad procedures with regards to known foreign operatives.' Ziva returned. Eli was quick to pick up the strain in her voice, knowing that she was fighting hard to contain her wrath.

'He is safe,' Eli returned nonchalantly, after having taken a deep breath. Liat had earlier that morning reported Tony's agitation, stating that his intent to return home had been much stronger. Eli had stalled him for as long as possible, knowing it would not be overly long before Ziva uncovered his whereabouts – Mossad had trained her. Now that she had, and the fact that she was upset by it, gave him the perfect opportunity to play with her knowledge of the man, in order to ascertain if his suspicions were correct.

'Then where is he?' Ziva reiterated, fiercely.

'He is with officer Liat, in Ramla,' Eli returned, thinking back on the reports Liat had called in, and how they had defied his expectations. Having known of Tony's disposition towards Ziva, he had tasked Liat with both protecting and seducing the man. He wanted to gauge Tony's reactions to a receptive woman, knowing how he felt about Ziva. Liat had swiftly accepted her orders, leaving him as to no doubt that the woman wanted to discover what Ziva saw in the man.

'Of all the officers in Mossad you assign Liat to him!' Ziva exclaimed in exasperation. Her reaction confirmed his suspicion, that Ziva did not want Tony anywhere near another woman, whom like her, had been trained in the arts of seduction.

'She is capable, as is he,' Eli reasoned in reply, knowing that he had hit a sensitive cord. Liat had reported earlier the day that Tony had failed to respond to any of her advances or suggestions, that his conduct had been strictly professional throughout his visit, with none of the superciliousness behaviour that has always been associated with him. Even Malachi had confirmed Liat's report. 'Or are you afraid she may entice him from you,' Eli taunted Ziva slightly, knowing it would rile her.

'Tony is not mine.' Ziva's frank reply came over the line. He could almost hear the unspoken but I wish he was, and was tempted to tell her that her concerns were unfounded, that in every aspect where it mattered, Anthony DiNozzo was as good as her life partner already.

'This I know,' Eli dismissively stated instead, well aware that Ziva would be more likely to react to the threat of another woman infringing on her territory, than a confirmation that the man she cares for reciprocates her sentiments.

'I'll be flying out on the next available flight, I expect to be taken to him as soon as I land,' Ziva's cogent request followed, causing him to sit up suddenly, knowing that he would most likely be faced with a war between the two women if he did not soothe over her concerns.

'That would not be possible.' Eli quickly but calmly returned, relenting that it was time to let Tony return home, especially since both Kort and Cruz had left Israel that morning and he no longer had a valid reason to detain Tony any longer. He also did not want to give Ray the opportunity to reach Ziva, before she and Tony could talk.

'Why not?' Ziva's demand rang over the line.

'Because agent DiNozzo will be on his way back to America,' Eli returned steadily.

'I'll just pick him up at the airport, and then kill him.' Ziva's impassioned reply rang down the line, causing Eli to smile and shake his head slightly in response.

'Shalom Ziva.' Eli returned, before ending the call and breathing a sigh of relief. Drawing out his mobile phone, he checked his contacts list for Liat's number and called her.

'Shalom director,' Liat's voice came over the line, the background noise indicating that they were in a street, somewhere.

'Bring agent DiNozzo back, it is time for him to return home,' Eli commanded, glancing down at the report he was reading.

'That may be a problem,' Liat returned, her voice slightly hesitant causing Eli to frown.

'What has happened?' Eli demanded, his heart pounding, realizing that Ziva would never forgive him if anything were to happen to Tony whilst in Israel.

'Nothing, he was here with me a moment ago,' Liat's response came over the line, from the changes in the volume he could make out that she was looking about her.

'Where are you?' Eli demanded sitting forward even more, well aware of the fact that Tony was capable of blending in with a crowd when he needed to, he would not have survived as an undercover agent were he not capable of it.

'We are at the marketplace,' Liat returned, the noise in the background confirming her statement. 'There he is,' Liat returned a moment later, slightly relieved but also slightly bemused.

'Where is he,' Eli demanded, not liking the manner of her voice.

'He is with a jeweller,' Liat replied, confused.

'Bring him back,' Eli commanded, breathing a sigh of relief.

'Yes director.' Liat replied, before ending the call.

Eli sat back in his chair, for a moment contemplating what Tony would want with an Israeli jeweller. However did not ponder on the thought for long, before returning to the report on his desk.

A while later there was a knock at his door. 'Come in,' he commanded lifting his head to see whom it was, only to be greeted by Liat and Tony. 'Agent DiNozzo, please come in, take a seat.' Eli invited, indicating towards the sitting area whilst rising from his desk.

'Director David,' Tony replied following the man's instructions. Eli watched as Tony took a seat, displaying a level of calm that berated Liat's earlier reports.

'My men reported to me this morning that both Agents Kort and Cruz have left the country,' Eli opened up the conversation. 'I am just awaiting their reports, then I will hand them over to you and you can go home.' Eli stated, looking over the man, noting the slight indication of relief, before turning towards Liat. 'Officer Liat, why don't you see if you can track down officer Arick, he should be in the building.'

Liat nodded her head in response, 'yes director,' before exiting his office.

Once the door had closed, Eli turned towards Tony. 'I feel I should forewarn you agent DiNozzo,' he started.

'Bad news,' Tony asked heedlessly, not wanting his concern for Ziva show.

'That depends on how you view it.' Eli started. 'Ziva called this morning, looking for you.' Eli looked closely at Tony, noting the slight altering in Tony's expression. 'I forewarn you in that she will be waiting for you when your flight lands, and that she is not in a congenial mood.'

Tony simply nodded his head in response. 'Thank you for the warning.'

'You do not seem overly concerned,' Eli returned not understanding Tony's response.

'I understand Ziva,' Tony replied shrugging his shoulders slightly.

'I sometimes forget that you have been her partner for the better part of six years,' Eli relented, ' and that in that time you would have learnt how to direct her passion.'

Tony remained silent for a while, mulling over Eli's words. Just then, a knock sounded at the door again, followed by Liat's entry.

'Thank you officer Liat,' Eli said as he took the folder from her, opening it and flipping through the contents quickly, before closing it and handing it to Tony. 'That is the last then,' Eli commented. 'I had my secretary book you a ticket home, you will be leaving in a few hours.'

Tony closed the file and looked towards Eli. 'Thank you for your assistance,' he replied before getting up.

'You are most welcome agent DiNozzo,' Eli said rising from his seat. 'Officer Liat will drive you to the airport.'

'Shalom director David,' Tony greeted.

'Shalom agent DiNozzo,' Eli replied, before allowing Liat to escort Tony from his office.

The following afternoon Eli set the phone back on its hook, a slight smile crossed his face as he sat back in his chair, partly in elation but mostly in relief. Knowing that if they kept it up it would be unlikely that he would ever need to give the order. It was different with Ziva, her heart has always remained pure, just, unlike Ari. She has defied death so many times that she deserved to have some happiness in her life.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the officer's words still rang in his ears. "Ziva David arrived late last night at agent DiNozzo's apartment and has not since left." Glancing at his watch, he calculated it to be mid morning, Saturday, in America. He sincerely hoped that Tony had understood his insinuation, hoping that the situation he had created between them, would finally push both of them to admit what was so plain for everyone else to see.

Many thought of him as careless and calculating, but few knew how well he truly understood his daughter… Ziva was like her mother; fiery, passionate, loyal… but like him, she was driven to succeed. She would willingly sacrifice herself, to achieve what was requested of her. And much like her mother, Ziva would only truly give her heart once. That was why he knew Ziva would not talk. She protects those she is close to. She is loyal to them… and she is most loyal to that man, as he is to her.

He would have chosen another for her, but then one's head and rational thought has no say when it comes to matters of the heart. When Ziva loves, she loves purely, unconditionally, and she will guard those, closely. Hers has been a long and trying wait…
