I hope you like this story! I don't own dbz or their characters!

Mace (may-ce) is pronounced like this

Ease my Pain Chapter 1

As the dust was blowing, gohan was sitting on a hilltop of rocks looking at the sun setting behind the mountains, just starring wishing his dad was with him.

"Gosh dad, I wish you would of said yes when we ask you to come back but, you told me you didn't want to endanger any more lives!"

It was four years after the cell games and gohan was in his third week of high school his mom didn't let him start until his second year. Gohan stood up and turned around and goten came running out of the bushes and jumped him.

Smiling. "Hey you!" said gohan. Goten started tickling gohan. "Ha ha ha ha!" "Ok goten!" He grabbed goten and tickled him. "Let's go, I'll race you!" said gohan.

They ran back to the house. As he walked in the house his mother approached him. "Enjoyed the nice walk son?" Smiling. "Yeah mom!"

Standing just two inches taller then his mother. "Dinner is done and you boys can eat now!"

Goten came running to the table. "I heard that!"

That day came and left and it was the next day and time for school. Gohan was up early and showered and got dressed and ate breakfast. "That was good! Anyway, I got to run!"

"Have fun at school gohan and remember to listen to your teachers!"

"Yes mom!"

Gohan opened the door and walked out and flew away.

At school drew was talking to sharpner. "Hey man you just got to meet this guy, he is way cool, you can get places with him!"

"Yeah, what's he like?" said sharpner.

"Let me just say he can get you dates and.. You just GOT to meet him!" said drew. Sounds cool! "When can we meet him?"

Smirking. "Come to my joint this weekend and I'll take you to his house!"

"Great!" said sharpner.

Gohan came in the door taking his seat with Angela sitting next to him. "Is that the great smart boy everyone is talking about?!" Said drew.

"Yeah it's gohan!"

"I wonder how smart he is at finding a girl?" said drew "If he gets a girlfriend it's probably a nerd just like him!" said sharpner. They started laughing.

Videl and erasa walked in. "Hey guys!" said erasa and videl.

"Hey babes!" said drew.

"Would you stop calling me your babe!" said videl.

Sounding sexy." "Ooh touchy touchy and fiery just HOW I like EM!" said drew winking at videl.

Erasa and videl got mad and sat over on the other side of the room where gohan was sitting.

Slamming her books on the desk. "The nerve of him calling me his babe!!" said videl.

"Drew really enjoys giving you those lustful looks of his!" said erasa.

"He can just keep on looking, I don't like him and I don't see why sharpner wants to hang out with him anyway, he's such a jerk!"

"Ok class lets get out our Books and turned to page 59 and lets continue with the reading from yesterday!"

Later on that day when school ended Angela approached gohan at his locker. "Hi gohan!" said Angela smiling.

Nervous. "Hi! What brings you. here?"

Smiling "I just wanted to ask you if you like to study at the park with me today?"

"Uh, well its kind of unexpected right now! If you would have asked me yesterday maybe I would of said, yes!"

"You have plans?" said Angela.

Lying. "Yes, but my mom wanted me to come straight home after school today we have some stuff to do! I'll ask my mom and maybe tomorrow we can study!"

"Sure I'll see you tomorrow!" said Angela, walking away.

"Bye!" said gohan. Sighs. "She gets on my nerves following me! Maybe if I study with her she might stop following me!"


"So how's everything going with you guys?" said bulma sitting on the couch.

Smiling. "It's been ok, but lately gohan has been acting strange and it has me worried! He's not so talkative any more!"

"Is he angry with you?" said bulma.

"No.. well I don't know for the past two weeks he's been taking long walks and sometimes he goes to bed real late or he wakes up in the middle of the night going outside looking in the sky!"

"Have you asked him what's wrong?" said bulma curious.

"Good question bulma. but no! I was hoping he tell me!"

"Chichi I don't think it's a good idea to wait for gohan to tell you something, just ask him!"

Gohan walked in. "Hi sweetheart! How was school?"

"It was great! Hi bulma!" Grabbing a soda from the refrigerator.

"So gohan have you made any friends at school yet?" said bulma.

"I'm starting to get to know people and this girl name Angela wants me to study with her in the park after school tomorrow but I don't know!"

"Why not gohan it would be good to make some lady friends!" said chichi.

"I just don't want to mom."

"Well your not going to make friends being a hermit! That's the reason why I sent you to school gohan so you can make friends!"

Sighs "Ok mom!"


Friday after school sharpner and drew was headed for Drews friend house. Knocking on the door. "Hey man! What's up come on in!?" said Zedrick.

They walked in. "This is my friend I was telling you about, meet sharpner!" said drew. "What's up!" said sharpner shaking Zedricks hand. "So man where are the girls?" said drew

"Chill, chill man! That's next Saturday night were having this party and you'll get to meet them and bring some of your friends from school the more the better were going to have a blast and here I got some flyers so you can give out at your school!" said Zedrick smiling.

Drew looking at the flyer. "This is at somebody's house?"

"Yeah his name is mace he's lives in this mansion!" said Zedrick.

"Remember I told you about his party before?" "Yeah, you said it was the bomb!" said drew. "Cool!" said sharpner.

"Yeah, and all the hotties you WANT!" said Zedrick giving drew a high five. "Oh and drew would you mind dropping off this little package to that house I told you about earlier?" "Yeah sure, no problem man!" "Check you later!" said Zedrick.

Drew and sharpner left. "So sharpner what did you think?" Excited. "He seems pretty cool!"


Later that evening gohan was sitting on his bed looking out the window. "Dad why did you have to leave us it's been four years." With tears seeping out of his eyes. "I wish you come home!"

Chichi knocked on the door. "Gohan!" He wiped his eyes. "Yes mom?"

She walked in and sat on his bed. "I've meaning to talk to you about what's been going on lately?"

Looking at his mom confused. "Like what!"

"Gohan I noticed you've been going to bed late also you've been distant and waking up in the middle of the night! Now would you tell me what's on you mind!?"

He knew he couldn't hide the truth cause his mom wasn't going for it. "Mom, I just miss dad I told him I needed him! Starting to cry. He said he didn't want to put the planet in danger like if my feelings didn't matter!"

Chichi hugged him. "Gohan I'm sorry that your dad's not here!" Pulling his face up towards her. But he could be wished back.. please, don't stop your life because your father's not here! Remember, son I love you and I appreciate you helping me with goten and still taking out time to study!" So come on let's go to bulma's she invited us over to watch a movie!"


Monday after school. Videl and Erasa stopped by the locker to talk to gohan. "Hey gohan! We need for someone to help us with our math homework and for some reason you're the one that seems to be making straight A's on the test!" said erasa looking at gohan.

Smirking. "Yeah your not paying the teacher to put A's on your paper are you?" said videl.

Scratching his head. "Ha ha, ha, ha!!" "Why videl whatever would make you think that!"

"It just seems you're the brain in this class!"

"Oh come on videl he just studies and we don't!" said erasa.

"Ok erasa you made your point!" said videl.

"So when do you guys want to study?" said gohan.

"How about right now in the park!" said erasa. "Yeah!" said videl dropping her notebook.

Gohan picked it up and handed it to her noticing the flyer that drew passed out earlier. "I saw those flyers earlier!" said gohan.

"Oh that idiot drew passed them out to everyone, didn't you get one?" said videl.

"No, drew doesn't like me!"

"I rather be around you than that idiot drew!" said videl

"Why doesn't he like you?" said erasa.

"I don't know, him and sharpner always seem to enjoy talking about me!"

"Well me and videl were thinking about going, it's going to be a teen party and it would be good to get out on a Friday night and have some fun!" said erasa.

"Why don't you come along gohan and hang with us!" said videl

"Guys I never been to a party before so I don't know!"

"Oh gohan that will give you a chance to meet other people and we could all get to know you!" said erasa.

"I have to ask my mom first! I hope this isn't anything out of control!"

Smiling. "Don't worry gohan anything is better then a boring Friday night at home!" said videl.


Gohan walked in his house "Hi mom!"

"Hi sweetie have a seat dinners ready!" As they were sitting and eating gohan was being hesitant about asking. "Mom theirs this party Friday night at a mansion and I was asked to come!"

"A party, can I go too mom!?" said goten.

"Sorry goten for teens only not little kids!"

"You can go as long as its not going to be any drinking and getting wild!" said chichi. "I don't think that's allowed, mom!"

"Why does gohan get to have all the fun?"

"Come on goten you don't have to go to a party to have fun!" said gohan.

"Well it would be nice to mingle and make some friends!" said chichi. Standing up. "Well its time for me to do my homework before I get tired!"

"Ok goten help me dry the dishes!"

Faking. "Oh mom I don't feel so good I think I going to throw up!"

Smirking. "OOh..that's too bad and I was going to invite trunks over to play with you for a while. but sick people can't play!" said chichi smiling.

"Did I say sick?!" Slapping his head. "I mean a stick to throw up that I found!"

Folding her arms. "Goten, stop trying to get out of drying the dishes!"

"How come when gohan does it you don't say anything?!"

"Probably cause I'm real and your not! I just have to teach you how to get away with it!" said gohan whispering to goten. Goten started giggling.

"Ok you two lets get going!"


In the other world. "Ha, ha, ha!" "Can catch me!" said goku.

Gregory and bubbles ran into each other. Goku was running and ran into king kai.

"GOKU, can't you LOOK!?" "Sorry king kai, I was just running from Gregory and bubbles!"

Goku started doing his strectches. "You know king kai I been thinking. its been four years and I was thinking about going back to earth!"

"Are you sure goku, you've gotten so use to this place!"

"Yeah, but to be honest. I miss my family! I'm not for sure if I want to go but I haven't made up my mind yet so when I do, I'll let you know!"


Meanwhile on planet earth. "So you have things set for this weekend?" said mace. "Yeah, I had the some boys pass out some flyers!" said zedrick.

With an evil look on his face. "Good, soon I'll be building my empire!"


It just got to be a cliffhanger like all my stories but anyway the next chapter will come out soon! See ya!