Okay, so in some sort of boredom, I just watch all three Parent Traps last night. Yes, the original, the sequel, and the remake. And then, to top it off, I had trouble getting to sleep. What did this become? Well, I began another new fic. One guess what it's about. Anyway, here it it. Hope you enjoy. And, in case you're worried, I'll still be working on my other fics, when I can find the time.

The Demigod Trap

Prologue - Years Ago

"If you want my honest to goodness opinion, you're crazy," Connor Stoll said as he pulled on a tie. He was speaking to his older brother, Travis. The two were at a courthouse in New York City, along with quite a few of their friends.

Travis was head over heels in love. He didn't know exactly how it happened. After all, he had known Katie Gardner for years, he couldn't count the years. But, one day, she arrived at camp for the summer, and Travis just knew. All those pranks he had spent years pulling on her were all because he wanted her attention.

"How do I look?" Travis asked.

"You look fine, Travis," Percy Jackson said.

"Anyway, I highly doubt she's marrying you for your looks," Connor said. "I'm clearly the better looking one." The rest of the crowd consisted of Nico, Will, Thalia (along with several Huntresses), Piper, Leo, Jason, Drew, Clovis, Rachel, most of Cabin Eleven, all of Cabin Four, Malcolm, and so on. Pretty much anyone at camp older than seventeen.

"Shut up," Travis said, punching his brother's shoulder lightly. He looked at the watch he wore. Katie was running slightly late.

"I still think it's a little silly for me to be so dressed up," Katie said to Annabeth Chase and Miranda Gardiner. "I mean, it's not supposed to be super formal."

"Trust me, Katie, in five or ten years, you'll be glad that you wore a dress," Miranda said. "You'd never forgive yourself if you got married with dirt under your fingernails and wearing your Camp Half-Blood shirt."

She was wearing a simple sundress, despite her insistence that she didn't need it, and a twenty dollar ring which Travis had used to propose to her with. A courthouse wedding wasn't supposed to be all formal. However, when she walked through the doors and spotted everyone else, she was glad. In the center of the crowd stood Travis, looking rather dashing, if she thought so herself.

"Wow, you look... wow," Travis said, taking her hand. It had been just two and a half months since they had begun dating, and already they were getting married. Both were sure that their parents... their immortal parents that is... would never approve of the union, so as secretly as they could, they planned a wedding. Granted, with about tweny friends, they doubted it was any kind of secret. They especially knew that it wasn't when Chiron wheeled in.

"You didn't really think that you could get away without your parents knowing, did you?" he asked.

"Oh, is Demeter going to smite me?" Travis asked.

"No, of course not," Katie said. They walked into their courtroom and waited until they were called. They smiled brightly, signed the papers, and had their first kiss as a married couple.

Immediately after, they all went to a small restaurant, reserved for the wedding courtesy of Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Everyone congratulated the newly weds. And, of course, there were gifts. Household appliances, kitchen needs, even a bit of furniture, all things they'd need to start their new life together.

Everyone ate, danced, and had a jolly time. Even the arrival of several Olympians didn't spoil the mood. And, of course, Aphrodite promised them a bumpy ride.

Demeter and Hermes surprised the two with a home. One full year of paid rent and utilities for a decent apartment in New York. It would give them time to find jobs, at the very least.

They had been married a year and a half when the twins were born. Addison Lily Stoll and Isabelle Sophia Stoll. By that time, things weren't going as smoothly as they had been the first few months. Travis and Katie were both working a lot harder than they had thought, and now that the twins were in their lives, Katie had to take maternity leave.

The twins were three months old when they lost their electricity for a week. Four months old when Katie had to beg her father for a loan so that they could keep their phone bills paid. They had already lost their internet, and sold their television, just so they wouldn't be tempted with cable. Travis, while he had no trouble finding a job, was always having trouble keeping it.

And, when the twins were six months old, the two couldn't take it anymore. Katie packed everything of hers, and half of the baby things, and walked out, taking Isabelle with her.

Travis, of course, was sad, and angry, furious even. However, he knew he needed to be strong for Addison. The baby, after all, was now his full responsibility, and he loved her more than anything in the world... well, tied with his love for Isabelle. When they finalized their divorce, it was agreed that each would have one child, and there was no reason that they needed to know that the other existed.

Katie moved shortly after to Orlando where she was eventually able to open her own floral arrangement business with the help of her father. Travis, on the other hand, was swayed west to Oregon where he eventually landed an honest job as a corporate spy.