'"Hey Bakura, you dropped your pen!" Malik handed the writing utensil to him.

"This isn't mine, foolish mortal!" He snarled back.

The Egyptian shrugged innocently. He looked thoughtfully at the pen, then at Bakura.

"well," he said finally, "you want it anyway?"

The white haired teen snatched the pen wordlessly. He clicked it.


Malik doubled over laughing as Bakura realized that the pen was a trick. A murderous look came over him, and Malik realized it may be a good time to run…'

"Get back here!"

Two blurs zoomed past, one in pursuit of the other. The foremost blur was an Egyptian teenager, a maniacal look of glee on his face. The second blur was a white haired figure in a blue and white polo shirt. He looked ready to kill.

"I am going to KILL you Malik!" the Egyptian's pursuer shouted.

Named teen turned his head around and stuck his tongue out at the White haired boy.

"Gonna have to do better than that, Bakura!" Malik shouted over his shoulder.

Suddenly, Bakura stopped in his tracks. He let out a long insane laugh that would send chills down the bravest man's spine. He pointed a pale finger ahead, still laughing. Malik turned his head around just in time to run smack into a brick wall.


"Ha! Payback!" Bakura swaggered over to the Egyptian teen, who lay flat on his back. Said teen groaned and attempted to get up. He reached his hand up towards the white haired teen, silently indicating that he needed help. Grumbling, Bakura reached his hand down and clasped Malik's hand to give him momentum to stand.


"The joint buzzer never fails!" Malik exclaimed with a grin.