A/N: No matter what anybody says about Marti and Dan, I'm sticking to my guns about shipping him and Savannah. They are just too darn cute in my eyes! Hope you like this drabble. RxR!

For some unknown reason, people have this ridiculous notion that you're fearless.

It's a pretty reasonable thought. After all, you are Savannah Monroe, the captain of the Hellcats. You strayed away from your parents and their religious beliefs even though you knew it would rock the boat. You let people who used to hate you toss you up into the air. You flip and dance around clad only in a short mini skirt and a top that exposes your midriff. What exactly could you be afraid of?

It can't be the future. You have high expectations for your future. Like you always say, positive outcomes only. Even if you're unsure about something, you have faith that God will take care of it. It's all part of His plan, and today's pain just might mean tomorrow's pleasure.

It certainly can't be the judgment you get from other. Absolutely everyone judges you. Your parents, or more specifically your mother most certainly took that to the extreme, along with your sister up until you two reconciled. And let's not forget the Hellcats. The day you tried to audition for the team you knew they would judge you based on rumors; the silly, petty little things they had heard about you and not your real cheering ability. That's why you had to cut your dark chocolate locks and dye them blonde. Had they recognized you before hand they probably wouldn't have given you a chance to transfer to Lancer.

So what is it that you're afraid of?

Oh, that's right. Him.

You're not afraid of Dan Patch per se, but what he does to you? Now that's pretty terrifying. The way he gets your heart beating faster and faster like you're going into cardiac arrest; the adrenaline rushes his kisses give you; the control he has over you is worrisome.

But more than anything, you're afraid of what might happen because of him. You've fallen so hard for him so fast... but what is he thinking? Does he return your deep feelings? Or is he just stringing you along until he finds another? What if he still has feelings for Marti? After all, he cheated on you with her once already. Who's to say he won't do it again? The stress he gives you is enough to make you lose your mind.

But then there's the way he shows you how much he cares. The way he tousles your hair when you're being difficult to comfort you. The way he looks you dead in the eyes and makes a smart remark just to get a rise out of. You haven't told a single soul, not even Marti or Charlotte, but you just might be in love with him. And for some reason, that scares the daylights out of you.

But you can't let him know that. After all you're a cheerleader, "You could be with broken thumbs and twisted ankles, smiling through the pain." No matter what happens, you'll wear your perfect smile so no one sees what he does to you. You'll never let him know how much of a hold he has on you. You'll never let anyone know just how much you care.

But more than anything, you'll never let them know that you aren't fearless.

Hope you liked it! Don't forget to review!