Author's Note: Updates

So last night I discovered that the power cord for my netbook is now broken. This is a problem. In fact this is a REALLY BIG problem, because I have very limited access to the other computer in our house.

Basically, I can't get things written nearly as quickly as I would like. I'm still trying to at least handwrite from where I left off, but that means I have to type it all up later, making each chapter take probably twice as long.

Well, maybe not twice as long. That depends how quickly writing the chapter goes. xD Once I have everything written at least I don't have to think anymore, just put it into the computer.

Either way, it will take considerably longer to get anything posted. Updates are probably going to be significantly less frequent until I get a new power cord, which could be weeks from now. I just thought I ought to warn everyone who's been reading this story that it might be a while before my next update.

On a related note, I'd like to thank all of those readers. As of this morning, this story is my most popular one on the site, and it reached that status in less than two weeks. To put that in perspective, it took my previous most popular story a YEAR to reach the number of reads and reviews it finally got. So thank you so much to everyone who's read, faved, alert-ed, and reviewed in the past twelve days. You guys are just amazing. :D

This note will be modified/removed as the status of my power cable ownership changes. Wish me luck in getting a new one ASAP.

DG out.