A/N Sorry for the delay in this chapter I've just been busy bustling about with life

Disclaimer: Don't own anything but my own bones so please don't sue me

Chapter 4: The Day Temperance Brennan's Heart Melted

"Booth! Booth get up! We don't want to be late!" Brennan said shaking Booth from a pleasant dream.

"Bones, I care very deeply for you but it's six in the morning and we don't have to be at work until eleven and you're fully clothed. I would like to return to my dream where this same situation is happening but you are wearing far less clothing." Booth said rolling over.

"Booth! I'm serious I don't want to be late for the appointment!" Brennan said shaking him again.

"Bones the appointment isn't until 8:30 even if I slept for another hour I can assure you we would make it with time to spare." Booth said but he was mentally prepping himself to get up as he knew all too well from six years experience that Bones was not going to let him go back to sleep.

"I know that but there could be any number of traffic incidents that could hinder us and I'm really hungry and would like to get breakfast before we go so please get up."

"Well since you said please." Booth said as he got up to go and take a quick shower and get dressed. He stopped for a second to look at Brennan who was frantically rushing about his bedroom straightening things that did not need straightened and adjusting her clothing that did not need adjusted. It was clear to him that she was nervous about their first appointment with the OB/GYN.

"Booth!" she said noticing him standing there and he threw his arms up in the air and headed for the bathroom.

At the diner they both ordered their usual breakfast meals and waited and Brennan continued to be fidgety.

"What is taking them so long?" She asked playing with her coffee cup and folding and unfolding her hands.

"It's barely been five minutes..."

"I know I just don't want to be…"

"Bones, hey look at me. There is no need to be nervous." He tried to make sure that his face showed no hint of the nervousness that had settled in his stomach as well.

"What if there is something wrong with the baby Booth? What if the doctor doesn't think I'll be a good mother? What if…"

"Hey hey hey, stop right there. I'm sure the baby is fine and even if it isn't we will cross that bridge when we come to it and I have no idea what this craziness is about you thinking the doctor won't think you are going to be a good mom because you are and if I so much as detect that she thinks that at all I will whisk you out of there and find us a new doctor ASAP. So just relax and try to enjoy this ok?" Booth said taking her hands in his.

"Ok. Thank you Booth." Brennan said. The rest of breakfast went smoothly and Brennan seemed to calm down quite a bit. They ran into no traffic on the way made it to the doctor's office with fifteen minutes to spare. They went inside the building and looked at the directory on the wall to determine which floor they needed to go to. They found the office easily enough and stood outside the door together.

"Ready?" Booth asked Brennan.

"No." Brennan said her nervousness apparently returning. Booth waited a few seconds before asking again.


"Yes." Brennan said and Booth took her hand in his and he felt her squeeze his hand as they walked into the office together.

The office waiting room was a happy enough place. There were pictures of children's fictional characters on the wall and paintings of sea creatures and rainbows. There was also a bulletin board along the far wall of pictures of babies. Booth assumed these were the children of former patients. There were a few other couples in the waiting room but each of these women were already showing. Booth couldn't wait until Brennan started to show so he could see the life they had created growing. He looked down at the giant stack of paper work she was filling out. Most of it had been routine information such as contact, medical history, and insurance. He was surprised however that she was filling out a medical history form on him.

"How did you know that my Aunt Anabelle died from heart disease?" Booth asked reading all the information that she had put down about him to find that it was correct.

"You mentioned it once like three years ago or something is that not correct?"

"No it's correct." Booth said. He had been a little worried, that with the baby coming just as they started their relationship they might not be able to make it work because nine months is not a long time to get to know the person you are planning to spend the rest of your life with if and in the very least be tied together forever through another life. But now he saw, that that wasn't going to be an issue because for the most part she knew everything about him. He had shared everything about himself with her over the past six years and her with him. There were still a few minor details that had not been revealed but couples married for sixty years had those.

"Temperance Brennan," a nurse called and Booth and Brennan got up and followed her. She took all of Brennan's stats and reviewed the documents Brennan had just filled out.

"Ok everything looks great from out here. Dr. Cassidy will be in shortly to make sure everything is great in there." The nurse said gesturing to Brennan's stomach before leaving the room.

"She seemed nice." Booth said from his spot next to Brennan.

"Yes she did. Booth…"

"Everything is going to be fine Bones." Booth said kissing the top of Brennan's head and then there was a knock at the door and the doctor peeked her head in the door.

"Hello there, I'm Dr. Laura Cassidy. You must be Temperance Brennan." The woman said extending her had to Brennan. She was about the same age as Brennan with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Yes I am. It's nice to meet you Dr. Cassidy." Brennan said shaking the woman's hand in return.

"And I'm going to assume that this is dad?"

"Yea that would be me. Seeley Booth it's nice to meet you." Booth said extending her hand.

"Alright then let's just get through with a few basics and then we can take a look at your baby." Dr. Cassidy said sitting down and opening Brennan's new file. They went through basic family histories and allergies of both Brennan and Booth.

"Why should it matter what his allergies are?" Brennan asked.

"Because the baby could have inherited them and while that baby is inside you part of your husband is inside you essentially."

"Oh he's not my husband. Just my boyfriend and I hadn't thought of that. Should I be concerned?"

"No I just would avoid the things he is allergic to so we don't have to be." Booth had drifted off to his own planet for a second. First of all, Brennan had just referred to him as her boyfriend publicly which about made his heart skip a few beats followed by the comment of part of him living in her while their child was developing. It really brought home to him just how connected he was going to be with this woman. There was going to be a little person in this world who was half him and half his Bones. A person they had made together. The only thing that snapped him out of this was remembering what had sparked Brennan to call him her boyfriend in the first place. No, he was not her husband and from everything Brennan has ever told him about her views on marriage he never would be. That pained him slightly because he would love more than anything to be her husband and come home to her every night, provide for her, be there for here in whatever way she needed him to be, and spend the rest of his life with her. Also, he wasn't crazy about the idea that this was going to be his second child out of wedlock but he was hoping that God would over look that little detail and use some other good deed he had done to refute it. But, he realized that he could be all these things to her without being married to her and if marriage made her unhappy then that was something he would just have to deal with.

"Ok all these looks really good let's take a look in there and see what's going on with your baby. If you could just lie down on the table for me Ms. Brennan and pull your shirt up." Dr. Cassidy said. Brennan did as she was told and pulled her shirt up to expose her still flat stomach and she reached over and took Booth's hand.

"Everything will be alright," he whispered into her ear and kissed the side of her head softly.

"I'm apologize in advance this is going to be cold." Dr. Cassidy said as she squirted the ultrasound gel onto Brennan's stomach and began to move the ultrasound wand around. Booth watched Dr. Cassidy's face for any signs that something could be wrong and Brennan's grip on his hand got increasingly stronger making him fear the day she went into labor in the back of his mind and was relieved when the doctor started smiling.

"We are going to have to wait for the final test results to come back but from what I can see everything looks great. Ms. Brennan, Mr. Booth, meet you baby." Dr. Cassidy turned the ultrasound monitor around to show them a grainy black and white screen.

"That is your uterus," Dr. Cassidy pointed out with her finger, "and that there," she said pointing to an object on the screen that was shaped like a kidney bean and barely bigger than one but with four little appendages sticking out that were becoming arms and legs, "is your baby. There is the body and you can see the arms and legs forming. And then there of course is the head." She pointed next to the profile of a tiny face. Booth and Brennan sat in awed silence for a minute. A giant smile had formed on Booth's face that he wasn't sure would ever leave and he looked down and Brennan to see a look of awed wonder on her face and she reached out to trace the outline of the growing child on the screen with her finger.

"Hello baby," she whispered and she looked up at Booth and smiled more brightly then Booth could ever remember seeing her smile before. He smiled back at her and bent down to kiss her when a sound filled the room.

"And that, is your baby's heartbeat." Dr. Cassidy said. It was at that moment that tears filled Brennan's eyes and she turned her head back to the screen.

"Oh my god," She whispered and reached out to touch the screen again." Booth also felt his eyes fill with tears.

"Would you like me to print some pictures out for you?" Dr. Cassidy asked.

"Yes please!" They both said together enthusiastically making Dr. Cassidy laugh.

"No problem, here you go." She said handing Brennan some tissue's to wipe her stomach off with. "I'll go get those printed for you and meet you in my office in a few minutes. The nurse will take you over there but first she is going to come in and get a blood sample from you Ms. Brennan to make sure everything is also fine there."

Ten minutes later they were sitting in Dr. Cassidy's office and she came in and handed them several copies of the ultrasound pictures.

"There you are, your baby's first picture. Ok, now let's see, let's get down to some of the more nitty gritty stuff. How have you been feeling?"

"Fine, I haven't had any notable pregnancy symptoms other than no menstruation."

"No morning sickness or tiredness?"

"No, I'm no more tired than usual and I haven't experienced any nausea."

"Well from what I can see you are about ten weeks pregnant so there is plenty of time for the morning sickness to set in but you could be one of the lucky women who don't experience any. That being said, I'm going to say your due date will be the end of February or beginning of March so let's go with the twenty-eighth of February."

"February, that seems so far away right now." Booth said looking at the calendar on the wall that was set to May.

"It will go by very quickly believe me!" Dr. Cassidy said. "Now how about your diet? Do you know the sorts of things you should be avoiding and the sorts of things you should be eating?"

"Not really actually, I don't know much about the mechanics of pregnancy." Brennan admitted worrying a little again that Dr. Cassidy could judge her for that.

"No worries most of the women who come in here have no idea what's going on so you aren't alone. Let's see how you are doing, what did you have for breakfast this morning?" Brennan felt a little relieved to hear that.

"Um, let's see I had two eggs, bacon, and two pancakes and some coffee and…"

"Woah no! Absolutely no coffee! Or anything with caffeine in it for that matter!"

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know…" Brennan said hanging her head. "I didn't hurt the baby did I?"

"Not by doing it once I'm sure but please don't do it again. Now I'm going to go get you a sheet with foods you should be eating and others you should be staying away from. I'll be right back."

"I told you Booth, she thinks I'm going to be a horrible mother! I could have hurt the baby! Just by eating coffee! She's right I am going to be a horrible mother I don't even know what I shouldn't eat!" Brennan said as soon Dr. Cassidy left the room.

"Hey Bones no no she didn't say anything of that sort. She was just making sure you knew that you shouldn't drink coffee anymore while you're pregnant. She was just looking out for you! You are going to be an excellent mother do you want to know how I know?"

"How?" Brennan said looking down at the ultrasound picture on the verge of tears.

"Because you are so worried about being a bad mother and the baby's well being and it's not even here yet. The fact that you care that much definitely means that you are going to be a good mother." Booth said as Dr. Cassidy came in with the sheet.

"Here you go and I'm also writing you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. I want to see you again in five weeks you can set up your next appointment with the front desk on your way out. Congratulations you two!" Dr. Cassidy said before turning to go see the next patient.

After scheduling her next appointment Brennan and Booth headed to his car so they could get to work. Brennan sat in the front seat looking at the little ultrasound pictures tracing the outline of her child's face.


"Yes Bones?"

"Do you really think I'm going to be a good mother?"

"Yes I do Bones. You are such a kind, caring, and giving person. The three main qualities needed to make a good mom!"

"There are set qualities for motherhood Booth, I would know."

"There are just understood. Once you hold that baby in your arms you will see and all your doubt will be gone. Tell me what you felt when you saw our baby for the first time on the ultrasound machine today?"

"I don't know, I don't think I could accurately describe it. It's a feeling I have never felt before. Like, nothing else in the world mattered at that moment but that person inside me. Which I know is totally ridiculous because it's not even a person yet it's just a fetus but I have been having a lot of irrational feelings lately. Hormones I suppose. But when I heard our child's heart beat, it was like everything inside me got really warm and I couldn't help but feel like everything in the world was ok and I had this funny feeling inside my chest and I was overcome with emotion and I fell in love with our child."

"I think your heart melted in there Bones."

"It is impossible for hearts to melt Booth, oh you are using that a figure of speech. Yes, I think that would be an accurately way to describe what I was feeling if it were possible."

"Mine melted too."

"Thanks Booth."

"No problem Bones."

"February is a really long time away."

"Tell me about it!"