Lost and found

They drove home in silence. The day was bright the sun beating down on the moving car from above – it didn't match, it didn't make any sense, not when everything had gone wrong. Not when everything bad that could have happened did so. Not when someone had been ripped from life. Callen's fingers drummed against the wheel as he stopped at the red traffic lights. Kensi was in the seat beside him her knees drawn up onto the seat, with her arms circling them – she hadn't fought him for the keys that night.

Sam had been the ones to send them home in the end – before they'd even managed to get inside he'd offered to drop their paper work home. Deeks had agreed nudging his partner towards their car after giving her hand a squeeze who nodded gratefully at him before heading off. Callen hadn't needed that much more convincing either, he muttered a thanks before Sam had told him he would see him later before following his wife to the car.

Kensi wondered if it would get easier, she doubted it would. She could see his eyes. Two bright blue eyes that were too familiar, little fingers and toes.

"He's fine" her husband's voice pulled her from her thoughts and she nodded back at him her gaze not leaving the window,

"He's fine" she repeated.

They didn't bother with anything once they pulled in the drive. Their bags were left abandoned in the back seat as they headed for the door. It was Kensi who unlocked it and Callen closed it behind him. They house was silent….too silent that they could hear their own hearts begin to race as their footsteps quickened. A step behind Kensi, Callen spied their sitter as soon as he walked into the lounge. She was sat on the couch but offered them a tired smile once her eyes found the pair. For a moment she took in the parents, creases lined their foreheads and darkened circles stained the skin beneath their eyes.

"He's sound asleep went down easily enough, although he may have been a little tired because he convinced me to watch the monster movie twice" Kensi's smile was weak but grateful as she nodded to the young woman. Callen had already pulled the envelope from the counter and handed it to her,

"We're sorry you had to stay longer"

"It's all good, anytime" she said smiling before gathering her things,

"I'll get out of your hair, get some sleep you both look like you could use some" Kensi sent the young woman they both knew was definitely not as helpless as she may first have appeared, sent to them by Hetty herself, a mock-annoyed face before waving and escaping up the stairs, two at a time.

"I'll lock the door on the way out" she offered to Callen who nodded knowing he would check it twice later either way.

By the time the senior agent reached the top of the stairs Kensi was emerging from their sons room his little head snuggled into her neck. Her smile was fixed as she simply padded towards their own room, stopping only to let Callen press a kiss to the sleeping boys warm forehead. She lay him in the centre of their own bed not wasting anytime before laying down beside her son.

Once he had mirrored Kensi's position on James' other side he reached a hand up to smooth her brow before wrapping an arm around the both of them for the night.

"He's fine"

So it's been agessss I know…but hope you enjoy! I hope there's still some Callen/kensi lovers out there. Still love Deeks though, but I still feel for kensi/callen first. Let me know if you guys are still around!