A/N: I had written and completed this awhile ago. I appologise for not posting for so long or continuing my other stories. I will get to them when I can. I have been away from my own computer for so long. I will start posting again. Please be patient and wait. I'll try to get back to work and sorry for posting so late. As a side note, this takes place in 1957 during the Cold War.

CH 1

"It's been such a long day. I just vant to get back home and sleep." Ivan laid his head down on the controls and stared at the empty bottle of vodka that had tipped over. "I'm out of vodka… I don't vant to have to clean up all the exploded missiles on the launch pads again. Sometimes I vonder if countries can get cancer from that."

A red light began to flash as an alarm sounded. The screen he was supposed to be monitoring shown a small blip had entered the airspace. Glancing at his schedule and realised no one was scheduled to fly in the airspace because of the test launches that were scheduled to occur in the next couple of hours.

"Ebat'! Not them again! I'm going to kill you this time!" Ivan leapt from his seat and rushed towards the direction of the fighter planes that were docked in case of an attack. This attack. "I'm tired of cleaning up exploded missiles!"

Ivan pulled a pilot out of their plane and jumped in. "I'm sorry, Comrade. But I have a score to settle vith them." The soviet pilot just stared up at his superior officer stunned as the plane started up before fleeing as he rocketed off towards the suspiciously glowing ships in the air. "This is MY airspace!"

He caught up with the other pilots as they were already in an intense aerial battle. Gritting his teeth, he un-leashed a stream of bullets to the one ship that seemed to be in the lead of the others. He guessed, hopefully and rather correctly, to be the leader of the attackers. As the bullets made contact with the ship, a ray was emitted from it in a direction of his own plane. He evaded it easily, but lost one of his comrades to the ray as they exploded in the air. Now furious to lose someone on his side, he became more determined to take down his enemy. The beam swung around and targeted the missiles that were prepped and ready for testing, destroying them on impact. Ivan let out a long stream of Russian swears as he continued to fire, setting loose all AAMs equipped at the ship.

Duel explosions occurred on the back half of the ship, engulfing it in a thick fiery smoke. Ivan held his breath, waiting to see if the ship emerged, or if it was entirely destroyed. Part of him wanted it gone to serve as a warning to all the others that decided to invade Soviet Russian airspace, the other, wanted that damned pilot alive for the most severe interrogation that the USSR has to offer.

His face lit up as it sped from the cloud, the front still intact, but the back smoking as it took a steep incline. Losing most of his senses, he continued firing at the downed aircraft yelling repeatedly, "I GOT YOU! I FINALLY GOT YOU!"

Seeing that this was a sign of defeat, the remaining ships retreated so quickly they seemed to vanish in thin air. The remaining Soviet aircrafts, some damaged, a couple un-harmed, began a steady decent to the ground, landing safely, glad they not only survived the un-known attack, but to have taken down one of their enemies. Ivan landed his plane roughly off course, something he was going to hear about later, and rushed over to his kill.

The ship remained smoking, its un-earthly glow gone, revealing a metallic structure. If it wasn't for the dark smoke coming from the back end, Ivan would have thought that they had just landed there to mess with him. He's heard of this description, the one of the UFO's that plagued America. Now that he's up close, it resembles what he heard about. He had to laugh as he stared at it amazed that he shot it down, seeing how the one that supposedly crashed on it's own in the US had exploded on impact while his didn't.

"Silly Americans. Can't have NLOs crash land in their country and break. Guess those vere crappy American quality as well," He chuckled to himself before he, he began to bash at what he assumed was the entrance with his water-pipe. His plan was to get in and pull out whoever was inside himself. He didn't have to; the door opened and the pilot stumbled out themselves. What emerged was a rather skinny, pale creature with large red eyes. "You belong to Mother Russia now, da?"

Alfred paced back and forth stuffing a burger in his mouth as he mumbled incoherently to himself. The soldiers that were standing guard at the gate gave each other worried looks about the young man talking to himself. They both jumped when he threw down his empty drink at the ground and yelled at the sky.

"DAMN IT, TONY! WHERE THE HELL CAN YOU BE, DUDE?" Alfred kicked the cup out of frustration sending it flying over the barbed wire fence. "Don't tell me he stood me up. That's just lame!"

The soldiers stood there paying no attention to the blond on a rampage. He would disappear and reappear with more food soon enough. It was a miracle how he didn't gain any weight with how much he consumes. But they never argued, as long as he had food, he was calm, if not a bit hyper.

"I'm going to call him. I hate being stood up. It's been 4 hours! Seriously, how long does it take him to go there and back?" Alfred muttered to himself as he got into the lower levels of the base. He rudely shoved someone away from the radio and began to turn to the right frequency. "Brit Killer. Calling Brit Killer... Damn it Tony, pick up!"

Ivan paced around his captive. They had brought the ship into the base and out of sight. Luckily, someone else got the debris clean-up duty, so he was left to deal with their little "problem." He wrinkled his large nose at the alien who just looked away from him as if not entirely interested or worried that he is held as a POW in one of the largest Soviet missile bases.

"Vhy don't you speak?" He shouted as he punched him. He didn't care if he knocked him unconscious. At least then the creature will have an excuse to be silent. "All I vant to know is vhere did you come from. Vhy you are attacking Kapustin Yar, and VHY do you alvays come over here?"

The alien remained un-interested in the Russian, spitting his pinkish blood from his mouth. Wait, he had a mouth? Ivan thought for a moment. The attacks were quite aggravating and there was only one person who was as irritating and annoying as the alien invasions on his base. He sighed and switched over to English.

"Vhy did you blow up my missiles?" Ivan asked slowly.

"Fuck you." The alien replied.

'Aha! He is American! I knew it! Those damn capitalists alvays trying to ruin our damn progress! God they are so annoying!'

A faint hissing noise came from the ship along with a gargled noise. Both Ivan and his prisoner looked up at the same time. A grin came across his face as he walked away from his prisoner and into the ship, ignoring it's fantastic technology that out does his own.

"Come in Brit Killer. This is the Hero! ANSWER ME!"

Ivan stared at the radio device for a moment. It didn't seem that difficult to operate, so he pushed a button and spoke into what he hoped was the microphone.

"Not available," He answered in English with a heavy accent. There was a long silence before there was a reply, a soft one at first, but then it grew into a frenzied cry.

"N-not available? Wait... WHO ARE YOU? What did you do to my friend, man?"

"Nothing yet, but I'm getting ready for an autopsy," He lied with a snicker.

"You killed him? You... You DICK!"

"Not yet, my Capitalist friend. But he is now property of the Soviet military. Come and get him, I dare you." Ivan let go of the button and walked away ignoring the yelling that came from the speakers, a large grin on his face.

"That... THAT DIRTY COMMIE!" Alfred yelled as he slammed his fists on the table. "He captured Tony!" He let out an exasperated sigh before perking up. "No worries, I'm the Hero and the Hero always rescues his friends from the hands of evil!"

Alfred ran, or rather speed skipped out of the base with a wide grin. "It looks like this Hero is going to Soviet Russia to kick some Commie ASS!"