So here is the first chapter in my new story.

It takes place directly after the end of season 4. It will explore those days after Booth woke up and thought Brennan was his wife and the aftermath of that. What if Brennan didn't run away after he woke up? What if she stayed?

Read and Review please! The first chapter is mostly just setting up where this story is going to go. The pace will start picking up- promise!

I know this kind of story has been explored before... but TRUST me... this is different. It just may start in a similar place as past stories.

'You see two people, you think they belong together, but nothing happens. The thought of losing so much control over personal happiness is unbearable. You love someone, you open yourself up to suffering, and that's the sad truth. Maybe they'll break your heart, maybe you'll break their heart and never be able to look at yourself in the same way. Those are the risks. That's the burden. Like wings, they have weight, we feel that weight on our backs, but they are a burden that lifts us. Burdens that allow us to fly.'

Dr. Temperance Brennan looked harshly down at the words she had just written. Her intention had been to write a novel; another best seller that she could hand over to her publisher. But as she read back to herself what she had just written, it proved to be nothing less than a confession. She had meant to write a simple crime drama in a night club, but somewhere along the way she lost herself in the fantasy of an alternative life. A life where murder was an abnormality to her routine, her friends were always around, and she could have a family and life with the man she'd always wanted.

Her eyes shifted to that man. It was deeply upsetting to see him looking so weak and small. For four days she had hardly left his side and if it took another four, she'd be there. However long it took, she was determined to be there when he woke up- because he had to wake up. Her happiness depended on it.

She might love that man.

The thought repeated in her mind. She wanted the life she had just dreamed and she wanted him. Why had it taken her so long to admit it and why had she been so scared too?

'Booth... Booth wake up. I need to tell you something...Please wake up'

She instantly scolded herself for the thought. Booth wasn't going to wake up simply because she willed him too and she certainly couldn't tell him how she felt. After all, these thoughts were probably nothing more than a manifestation of the lack of sleep. DELETE- the confession was gone. Hopefully the confession was out of her.

"Such a weird dream..."

Brennan's head bolted up, "Booth..." She went to him instantly. Had it worked? How had heard her? "You're awake," she smiled fighting back tears.

"It felt real..."

"You're operation was a success but you reacting poorly to the anesthesia. You've been in a coma for four days..." She stared into his dark brown eyes; she loved him. "What took you so long to wake up?'

"It felt so real..." He repeated.

"It wasn't real," Her hand grabbed hold of his. Tell him. Tell him.

"Who are you?"

Brennan instantly felt like all the air in her lungs had been sucked out. Her dream had suddenly turned into a nightmare, "Booth... it's me. Bones..."

"Bones?" his hollow eyes looked at her without recognition.

"Booth... you have to remember me. You have too!" She pleaded with him as a tear rolled down her face.

"I don't... Bren?"

"Bones- it's Bones, Booth. You call me Bones," her heart was breaking. "Please remember. Please..."

Booth didn't speak. He just lay there frozen with his eyes transfixed on her.

In panic Brennan ran for the doctor. This had to be a side effect from the coma- four years of history couldn't be erased so easily. Not for them- no.

Booth watched her run away. Why was his wife running from him? What had he done to her? His eyes scanned over his body; there were tubes coming out of him and his head throbbed. The last thing he remembered was holding his wife in his arms after she told him of their baby... But that woman back there... that wasn't his wife, was it?

Soon after his room was full of doctors and nurses, in the background stood the woman. The doctors checked his vitals and began to ask him a series of standard questions. What year was it? When was he born? What was his full name? He knew all of this; but his mind could not wrap around his environment. His eyes remained locked with the woman in front of him, she stared at him angrily. He didn't understand why but he knew that look- he knew those eyes. A tear ran down her cheek and she quickly whipped it away.

So this first chapter was mostly just setting up for the whole story. More action to come.

Review and tell me what you think!