Forgive me please for the lack of updates I could write a novel with the last few months events, Oh wait I did lol just having it edited to send off to a publishers. Fun and games, no angst, no drama (well not much) and best of all no parents!
Disclaimer: I own nothing only my own Charley and she co wrote this chapter with me. This story isn't betad never has been so there are mistakes and they are ALL mine :)

Its said there are 4 types of drunks:
#1..The happy drunk ~ Finds all things funny, even if they are not!
#2.. Angry drunk ~ Who feels it's their god given right to be pissed at everything and everyone.
#3..The weepy hysterical drunk...Whose emotions are in overdrive.
#4..The person who becomes a stripper..Need I explain?

Thanks to Glee for these hilarious descriptions.

Now we had our debate to who should be who in this story, we agreed on most. Lets see if you guys agree with us.
So lets be a fly on the wall at the party to end all parties.


Chapter 44

The house was decked out in a myriad of colours, streamers hanging from every available surface.
The kitchen counters had various sizes and shapes of bottles and a plastic beaker holding cocktail umbrellas sat neatly on the side.
All the girls had helped , the house had been a hive of activity Bella and Rosie had been to the store for the party food whilst Alice had helped the guys decorate and hide their parents breakables.
After protests from his sister Edward finally talked Alice into the non alcohol rule showing her the colourful Mocktails online.
The theme changed as Edward and Emmett vehemently refused to dress as girls , they decided on a Hawaiian night that way the girls still kind of got their waye. So the house ready the girls left the guys with a kiss and went up to Bella's to dress for the evening.
Bella appeared in the living room in her grass skirt of cornflower blue and an halter neck bikini top in the same colour decorated in white lotus hair in curls hanging over her shoulders.
Rose smiled and gave everyone a twirl her skirt was red grass and thigh length., she wore a red vest top that complimented her ample cleavage, her toe nails painted the same colour.
"Bear is gonna freak" Alice giggled clapping her hands.
"I love the colour of yours Tink Jasper will love it."
She looked down at her outfit, he grass skirt was bubble gum pink and she wore a hello kitty fitted T shirt, Kitty was dressed in black goth clothes.
She smiled twirling round.
Bella laughed hugging her "That's an awesome idea Tink, Rose is right Jazz will love it"
"I hope so, I want to show him I'm growing up"
"Alice, honey believe me you are exactly where you should be, don't grow up too quickly, Jasper loves you for who you are" Rose smiled as she kissed her cheek.
"You two are the best sisters..EVER!" she sing songed.
Now dressed they made their way to the main house, the thumping of the beat already filling the Cullen's large living room.
Emmett was stood against the makeshift bar, a beer in his hand.
Rose stopped in her tracks her mouth gaping open "Oh my bad boy" she giggled.
Emmett's eyes turned at the sound of her voice, his jaw slack he smiled a giddy smile, before kicking off the wall and stalking towards her.
"Oh baby you look hot" he chuckled.
Emmett was wearing a grass skirt that fell just above his knees and his converse with a T shirt thats stated WTF would Scooby Doo?
Alice stood at the doorway rocking on the balls of her feet, she wasn't good in crowds and although she knew everyone there it still made her nervous.
"You okay there young lady?" Jaspers voice whispered behind her. She spun on her heels and was rewarded by her favorite dimpled smile.
"Wow sugar I hardly recognised you." he smiled leaning forward and kissing her cheek.
Alice pouted "What is it sugar?" she looked down at her feet wringing her hands.
Jasper placed his hand under her chin and lifted her eyes to his "Alice?"
"IwantedyoutokissmelikeEdward kissesBella." she exhaled.
"Alice baby slow down and tell me again." he smiled.
She took a deep breath "I wanted you to kiss me like Edward kisses Bella." she sighed.
Smiling Jasper cupped her face in his hands and slowly moulded his lips to hers giving her a sweet slow kiss. Alice peeked her tongue out and traced his lower lip Jasper hummed in appreciation.
"Sugar if I keep tasting your lips I'm never gonna want to stop."
"Thats okay because I don't want you to, I know I'm different and I know we have to take things slower but you make me feel good, my tummy feels funny when I'm not with you." she whispered.
He kissed her head and hummed "Sweetheart I want all those things too and in time we will lets just take it slow okay?" Alice nodded and placed a soft open mouthed kiss on his jawline causing him to groan.
"Sugar?" He warned chuckling "You gonna be a tease darlin?"
"Uh huh." she grabbed his hand and turned towards the party stopping as she entered .
"I got you sugar when you've had enough we'll leave okay?"
"Okay." she answered in a small voice.
Bella found Edward stood on the outside of the crowded room looking on at the bustle of grinding bodies.
"Hey baby you ok over here?" Edward nodded then shook his head.
"I don't know any of these people and they've been in my classes for years ." he sighed. "Hey its okay you weren't ready then but you're not too old to start to enjoy yourself." He pulled her into his arms pressing his lips to her forehead. I
"I love you future Mrs Cullen."
" Mm I like the sound of that but don't let your fans hear you they are having a hard enough time not ripping me to pieces without the added amo ." she laughed.
Edward's eyes widened "They're scary." he whispered dramatically his hand cupping his mouth.
Jessica was leant against the makeshift bar glaring at them. "Well if you have no objections i'm going to grab myself a drink its kinda nice being off momma duty for a night." She turned to look at Edward "Thats okay isn't it, it isn't wrong to enjoy myself without her for one night is it?"
"Of course it is baby shes being spoiled as we speak. "
Bella looked at the clock on the wall. "She better be in bed by now."
Edward laughed out loud "Oh baby you're such an amazing mom i'm sure she is mom and dad know her routine come on lets go get a drink."
"Sugar i'm just going to the bathroom will you be okay here on your own?" Jasper asked Alice nodded "I'll go and talk to Bear and Rosie."
Jasper gave her a peck on the lips. Alice danced her way over to her older brother however Jessica stopped her in her tracks halfway across the dancefloor. Alice put her hands on her hips "Jessica I don't wanna be your friend anymore you just wanted to get into Edwards pants and I know what that means now." she pouted " You didn't really like me." Jessica laughed placing her hand on Alice's arm "Oh Alice don't be a meany I just wanted to say hi let me get you a drink."
Alice's eyes narrowed "Please Alice I really do want to be your friend."
"Okay then." she smiled.
Jessica moved to the bar and grabbed the cocktail menu.
"Jessica I can't have one of those Edward said so."
"Alice are you always going to do what edward says?" Alice thought for a moment then nodded.
"But you're the same age as him and look hes drinking."
She pointed to Edward and Bella who were sipping on their beers, Alice's eyes narrowed putting her hand on her hips. "Thats not fair." she pouted.
Jessica smiled "I know exactly what you would enjoy Alice do you trust me?" She fluttered her eyes at Alice.
"Of course you're still my friend aren't you?"
"Oh we're best friends Alice." she smiled passing her a vibrant blue drink decorated with a glittery umbrella and pink curly straw. Alice giggled and took a long slurp of her drink. "Whoa take your time." Jessica laughed.
"But its so fruity and yummy."
"Okay enjoy yourself I would never tell you what you couldn't have." She cupped Alice's arm and pulled her over towards a quieter part of the room. Alice finished her drink and hiccupped.
"Would you like to see my room Jesssssica it looks like a real ballet studio."
Jessica rolled her eyes but smiled sweetly "Of course let me just grab some more drinks first"
"Can I have a pink one this time?"
"Of course." she laughed.
"Cool you're the best."

Jasper wandered around the room looking for alice Rose was in full ranting mode pointing her finger at Emmett who was slowly sliding down the wall in fits of giggles.
"Don't you dare laugh Emmett Cullen you don't know what its like being a woman in a mans world!" she shouted.
Emmett finally collapsed onto the floor "Oh baby you would look wonderful in a pinstripe suit." he sniggered.
"Urgh you just don't understand." She staggered away huffing.
Jasper pushed through the crowded dance floor he was beginning to get worried so he decided to find Edward and Bella to help with the search. However when he found them he couldn't help but laugh. Bella was sat on a chair with a tearful Edward knelt beside her half draped over her lap. She was shaking with laughter her cheeks flushed as he declared his undying love for her over and over .
"Baby girl you know I lurve yoooo ssoooo much, your hair is ooo soffft ." he blubbered clumsily sitting up and stroking her hair.
"Yes baby I know, I know."
"I don't love anyone else nooooone selse evvverrr." he sniffed .
"I know baby really I do." she giggled looking up at Jasper.
Her laughter stopped however when she saw the look of worry on his face.
"I can't find Alice I went to the bathroom and she went to talk to Emmett and Rose but shes not there."
Suddenly becoming sober Edward stood up closed his eyes to gain equilibrium took three deep breaths.
"Alice?" Jasper nodded "Maybe shes had enough and gone to bed?" Edward slurred slightly.
"Without saying goodnight?" Jasper enquired.
"I'll go check her room." Bella smiled and left the guys to find Emmett and Rose and search the rest of the house.
Bella stopped outside Alice's door on hearing voices, placing her ear to the door she listened closely to the two sets of voices.
"You see Alice if you just put this letter in Edwards drawer then she will find it break up with him and then me, your new bff will be able to be with Edward."
The hairs on the back of Bella's neck bristled, the bitch!
"Jessss ireeely dnt feel well." Bella heard Alice moan, what the hell had she done to her? SLAP!
" Are you even listening to me?"
Bella heard Jess snap, and was Alice drunk? She'd heard enough pushing the door open she took in the scene in front of her. Alice was lay on her side in the fetal position her face grey. Jessica was stood over the top of her hand on hips empty cocktail glasses strewn on the bed.
Alice's head shot up and her hand flew to her mouth tears streaming down her cheeks. "What do you want?" Jessica spat turning on her.
"You gave Alice alcohol!?"
"She said she was allowed." Bella looked over at Alice who was frantically shaking her head.
"You bitch!" Bella shouted moving into the room "I also heard what you asked her to do, how dare you use her to get to Edward ." Bella screamed.
"He belongs with me not some slut who got knocked up by a stranger." Bellas hands balled into fists.
"When will you get it through your thick skull hes happy with me?"
"No he isn't." Jessica screamed stamping her foot.
"Then why did he ask me to marry him?"
"No its not." Came a voice from behind her, she turned round the rest of them were stood behind her, Emmett pushed past everyone and moved towards Alice.
"I'm sorry Bear." she sobbed as he cradled her in his arms. I
"Its okay baby girl lets get you sorted out,." he nodded at Jasper who followed him from the room with Rose.
Edward moved forward standing in front of Jessica. "She better be okay or there will be hell to pay." He growled before turning around to follow Emmett.
"But I love you Edward i would be so much better for you, no baggage." Jessica moved forward but Bella blocked her exit. However Edward turned and walked back towards her.
Jessica's face dropped as he took a step closer.
"I love Bella and Charley with all my heart and soul and you will NEVER be close to being the woman or mother she is." he spat before leaving .
"You are a sad ,sad little girl Jessica." Bella whispered "I think you should leave." Jessica nodded and Bella moved to the side to let her pass.
Meanwhile upstairs Alice knelt hugging the toilet sobbing as she vomited.
"My sick is blue." she sobbed "Why is it blue?"
Her hand moved towards her mouth as her body trembled.
Emmett was knelt beside her stroking her back., Jasper was knelt on the other side whispering in her ear.
"Calm my Sugar darlin, stay calm you are okay we are here, I am here."
"Its okay baby girl its just like gatorade that's why its blue. " Emmett assured her slowly pulling her hand from her mouth.
Once she had finished Rose drew her a warm bubble bath and helped her into it and Bella washed her hair. Emmett paced the floor as they waited for the girls.
"What the fuck was she playing at giving her a drink?" He shouted.
"She was trying to get her to plant a fake letter in my drawer." Edward sighed sipping on a cup of black coffee.
"What why?" Jasper turned towards them moving away from the bathroom door where he had been stood ever since it had closed.
Twenty minutes later Alice was tucked up in her bed fast asleep , with Jasper lay on top of the covers beside her singing her a lullaby.
Edward, Emmett and the girls decided to call the party to a close as they were tired and not in the mood to continue. As they neared the living room they heard the chanting of voices each looked at one another in confusion. They entered the room and everyone was stood in a circle around the coffee table, all that could be seen was arms waving in the air and brown hair swirling wildly whilst everyone shouted "Off, Off, Off."
The front door opened and Carlisle entered holding a wrapped up Charley, Bella rushed forwards taking her daughter from his arms and shielding her from the noise.
"She's fine, Esmes sister got the flu so we thought is was best to fly home."
"You got mom to fly home?" Emmett laughed he knew his mom was terrified of flying and usually got prescription sickness tablets before she flew.
"Yeah." Carlisle looked towards the noise that was in his living room.
"Good night?" he asked.
"We'll tell you all about it in the morning dad we were just about to wrap things up." Edward shouted "So how did you get mom to fly?"
"She had a few drinks before and a few on the plane." he laughed softly. "Did you see her come in, I can't seem to find her?"
All heads snapped round to the table at the dancer now visibly stripping on the coffee table.
"Ah fuck." Carlisle choked.