This takes place just seconds after Natalia announces her engagement to Bella.

"Oh, Lovi! Isn't that so sweet? They're getting married! We should get married. Then I could fuck you every day and no one could-"

"Don't say stuff like that, you bastard! There are people here, dammit!"

Antonio grinned lewdly at his boyfriend. "Oh Lovi, you know no one's listening. See? Look!" He held his hands up to the sides of his mouth, so as to amplify his voice to break through the chaos that was currently plaguing the meeting room. "HEY!" he yelled. "I wanna fuck Lovi every day!"

Lovino twitched at this, quickly becoming livid. "Spain! What the hell is wr-"

"Onhonhon! Is that so, Antonio? I'd like that too! May I join?" Lovino froze at the interruption. Francis was grinning over at him, wearing what could only be accurately called a "rape face". The blond winked at the poor little Italian, loving the look on his face.

"Lo siento Francis! Lovi's only mine!" Antonio called out to his friend, sounding as if Francis had simply asked for a bite of his super-delicious-sandwich-that-he-did-not-want-to-share, as opposed to stealing the most important person in his life.

Lovino shot Antonio a death glare at his light tone. He does that all the time. He acts like he wouldn't really care if that pervert did rape me. Like I don't even matter. Antonio continued to be oblivious to the hole being drilled into the side of his head by his boyfriend for several minutes before the younger country finally gave up. See? He doesn't even notice me! "Stupid bastard," he mumbled sullenly.

"Eh? What was that Lovi?" Antonio asked, finally noticing him.

His eyes looked so genuinely bright. Like he was happy just to be. How can one person be so happy all the time? I could probably just up and leave and he'd keep smiling. Lovino sighed. "Nothing."

Antonio looked concerned at his sudden change of mood. "Lovi, are you all right?" His green eyes darkened with worry, a look that Lovino often saw when the Spaniard looked at him.

I've only ever seen him look that way with me. It seems like he's always smiling otherwise. Why am I the only one that he frowns at? "I'm fine bastard," he muttered half-heartedly.

"Okay Lovi!" he replied brightly, satisfied with the answer.

The ruckus around them continued for some time. Feeling unwell, Lovino put his head down on the table and listened to Antonio's idle chatter with Greece until he finally succumbed to sleep, the room around him going black as consciousness slipped from him.

Lovino opened his eyes and saw the Spanish countryside. Not Spain the person, but the country. The sun beat down on him and it was hot, but he did not find it entirely unpleasant. He looked around. Everything that he saw on the ground was either green or red. He was in a tomato field. Of course. It's always tomatoes, isn't it?It was the middle of summer and the tomatoes seemed to be doing very well. Lovino's mouth began to water at the sight of them, but of course they were a couple dozen metres away. Figures.

Hungry, the Italian slowly made his way toward the juicy red fruits, anxious to finally bite into them. They just looked so perfect! He approached the edge of the field with a small smile. Reaching out, he grabbed one of the round fruits. Yet even as his hand closed around it, the tomato fell apart, the juice running down over his wrist. He jerked back, surprised that it had been destroyed so easily. He looked at the tomato. It was no longer red, but a sorry brown. He sniffed it and found that it was giving off a most foul stench. He waved his hand wildly, trying to get the disgusting juices off.

He stepped back in his mild panic and slipped on a tomato which had fallen. He fell hard, but found that the ground was soft with filthy, rotten tomatoes. He was sitting in a pile of fruits which should have been eaten weeks ago, hungry flies beginning to buzz around them. Lovino jumped up, feeling rather unsettled by the repugnant mess.

He was standing now and looked down at himself. He was covered in debris. Surely he smelled as bad as the tomatoes themselves. Suddenly, the tomatoes began to pile up around him, the level growing higher quickly."Shit! I don't know what to do!" He looked around wildly for assistance. "Spain!" he called. He was nearly up to his thighs in putrid tomatoes."Spain!" he tried again. They were past his waist now. "ANTONIO!" he cried desperately. Just as he did, he hand was pulled roughly, making the tomatoes around him fall away immediately.

"Lovi! Lovi, mi querido, are you all right?" Antonio cried, yanking on Lovino's hand, trying to wake him from his apparent nightmare.

The little brunet awoke with a start to find himself shaking, sweaty, and in Antonio's arms. But not in a good way. He looked around with wide, frightened eyes. He was still in the meeting room, just where he had been sitting before. The only ones in the room were he, Antonio, and Feliciano, who was staring at him with big doe-eyes, looking terrified. "Oh God," he groaned. "It was only a dream." His voice was hoarse and positively dripping with relief.

So was Antonio's when he spoke. "Lovi, I'm so glad you're okay. I was really worried!" He hand was over his heart, trying to drive the dread that had settled there away.

Lovino looked up at the man. There's that look again. He frowned. "I'm fine. It was just a nightmare, dumbass."

Antonio stared at him intently for a few more moments. "If you say so. But it's time to go home now. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm ready. Let's go," Lovino said moodily, standing up and stretching a little bit.

"Fratello, are you sure you're all right?" Feliciano spoke up for the first time.

The older Italian turned to his brother. "I'm fine Feli. I promise." He always did hold a soft spot for those sweet little eyes, even though they were so rarely open, as they were now.

Antonio looked blankly from one brother to the other, looking like he was beginning to see something unpleasant. "Let's go Lovi," he said quietly. Lovino nodded and the two left, leaving Feliciano to go find Ludwig alone.

There will be no itacest in this fic. Just letting you know. But I'm sure you can see that Antonio worries about it. Yes, SpaMano is my otp, and yes, I tend to make them angstier than is necessary. But I can't help it. They're both so dense, it's bound to lead to problems. Anyway, review, take my poll, etc.