Hey sorry guys about the chapters; some of the reviews couldn't read it well so I've fixed the whole thing and also updated some of the wordings on here and made it a little different. Hope you enjoy and I will put up more chapters, hopefully soon, with school in the way it's a little hard.

A blast from the past.

15 year old Trunks and 5 year old Bra were accidently sent to the past... On Namek...

It was a nice sunny day at Capsule Corpse, Bulma was finished with the time machine she built, it took her nearly 6 months to accomplish.

The time machine is built for the company she knew she was going to make a lot of money from this invention. Bulma-After this I am taking everyone for a long relaxing time at the beach.(Said to herself)

Bulma heads out of her lab and walks to the kitchen she nearly forgot about making dinner for her sayian husband and two demisayian kids. She opened the refrigerator and noticed she hasn't really taken the time to go grocery shopping.

She decided to order pizza for tonight and tomorrow she will go grocery shopping with her son, daughter and husband. Even though she knows how much Vegeta hates any kind of shopping.

Bulma picks up the phone to dial the number for Pizza Hut.

Bulma happily and with a tired voice says "Hi, I would like 10 large pizzas with meat lovers topping please".

Pizza guy on the phone with a kiddish voice says "would you like anything else"?

Bulma says "no thanks that would be all".

Pizza guy on the phone says "that would be 119.99".

With that she shut the phone and went to check up in her family to see where everyone is.

As she was walking out of the room to check on her husband, only to notice he is not in the gravity room she gets a little worried, she hasn't seen her family all day. She goes upstairs to see if her children know anything only to find Trunks and Bra's room empty.

Now she is worried and pissed that they didn't inform her if they went anywhere. Suddenly she hears a little girl's voice and follows the voice from where it's coming from.

She gets to the kitchen and glanced at the window at sees her small family outside in the backyard.

She sees her daughter cheering on her brother and father while Vegeta and Trunks were sparring.

Her worries and anger drained away and approached the lovely scene before her.

Bulma says "Hey guys" although her kids and husband can tell how tired she looked, so they greeted her with excitement.

Trunks and Vegeta stop what they're doing and looked at Bulma. Bra turns her head and runs to her mommy.

Bra very excited says "Mommy I missed you"

And with that she jumps into her mother's arms and gives her a hug.

Trunks says "Hey mom" he missed his mom but won't show it too much, especially not in front of his dad.

Approaching his mother Trunks kisses his mother on the cheeks.

Vegeta with a dry somewhat harsh voice says "Are you finally finished with whatever you were working on".

Hiding any worry in his voice, which he was worried about her well being. All she did was lock herself in the lab and work on her technology. He admired her for that.

Bulma annoyed from his lack of interest in anything says "Yes I am finally finished, on Monday I'm going to present it and we're all going for a little vacation".

Her vacation may never come.

Trunks can sense the hurt in his mother's voice says "So what's the great invention this time"?

(With excitement in his voice even for a 15 year old)

Bulma happy that her son is at least interested in what she does says "I'll show you guys after dinner, I've ordered pizza for us, so it should be here soon, i want you all to go wash up".

Her children go inside the house while Vegeta kept starring at his mate, he truly loved his family, and

he's grown so soft around them, but why not, they gave him a reason to live (life).

Bulma walks closer to Vegeta, he has no shirt on and pretty sweaty but damn even after all these years his body is smokin hot.

Bulma with a soft spoken voice low enough only he can hear her says "I feel like I haven't seen you all day".

Vegeta had a smirk on his face and said "well you haven't you've been working on that damned invention of yours".

Bulma gave a warning look to Vegeta which meant 'screw you'. "Well that 'damned' invention is going to give me some relaxation tomorrow, not that you care about my well being.

Vegeta came so close to her within inches, he put his arms around her waist and looked into her ocean blue eyes.

Vegeta realized he needed to show her how much he appreciated her work so he says "how about I take you upstairs and show you how much I really care".

With that he leaned over and gave her a passionate kiss on her lips. Bulma broke away and looked at her prince charming as much as she wanted this moment to last she knew she had to take care of other things.

Bulma-As nice as that sounds, I have three hungry sayians waiting for their dinner and after I want to show you guys my invention, then later on you can show me how much you care.

Vegeta chuckled, and let go of Bulma and the two walked inside the house waiting for pizza. Dinner came by.

All ten boxes were gone in moments, Trunks had three boxes to himself, Vegeta had five boxes to himself, little Bra had two boxes while giving her mother two pieces which is all Bulma wanted.

During Dinner Vegeta saw how tired Bulma was so instead of her cleaning up Bra after dinner he will do it himself. Bra was putting the last piece of pizza in her mouth she looked pretty stuffed.

Vegeta saw his daughter put the last piece in her mouth and he had a smirk on his face, and smiled at her, then he looked over his son, and he was stuffing his face with the last two pizzas Vegeta was truly amused at his children.

He loved his children so much; they were his pride and joy. Of course his wife too, who gave the gift which are his two children. Vegeta gets up and grabs Bra in his arms.

Vegeta looked at Trunks and said "Trunks take out the boxes to the garbage, I'll wash your sister".

Trunks knew better than to argue and said "Okay".

But Bulma was a little surprised that her husband took Bra to get cleaned up, and asked trunks to take out the garbage she's thinking either he hit his head on a rock or he really cares for his family.

Bulma thought for a moment, well of course he cares, or else he wouldn't be here right now, right? Vegeta was washing Bra's face, there was sauce all over her face, and Vegeta held her against the sink and took his hands and put some water on it and gently pat some water on her face to clean her up.

Vegeta annoyed by the mess his child made he says "You are so messy".

Bra giggled and said "Daddy I wish you can clean me all the time".

Vegeta a little shocked by her words he's not sure why she said that or why she wants him to clean her up after dinner. But he was curious so he asked her.

Vegeta hiding the curiosity in his voice says "And why is that".

Bra without warning says "because I love you sooo much".

Now Vegeta was completely speechless he was also shocked because his daughter wanted to spend every second of her life with her father, which amused him in some way.

Vegeta finished watering her face now he took a dry rag and gently dried her face, before he did that he put her down and he knelt next to her and whipped her face while looking at her as she is waiting for him to say something.

Vegeta would never say those words or at least he thought he would never only says "I know".

Immediately Bra threw herself on her father wrapped her arms around her father's neck and Vegeta wrapped his arms around her and then she gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheeks.

Bulma saw the whole thing which made her heart melt and Trunks just walked in from taking out the trash. Bulma got up and told everyone.

Bulma saw that everyone is ready to see her greatest invention. "okay are you guys ready to see my greatest invention".

Everyone said yes at the same time and they walked towards the lab where Bulma has her greatest invention.

Bulma led the way and finally reached the end of the hall where it was her lab she opened the lab door and then the kids ran in there to see what's the big commotion and then Vegeta saw it, he remembered it from his future son, his eyes wide he didn't want the kids near that thing.

A worried voice starteled the three in the lab.

Vegeta looked at the machine and saw what it was that Bulma built and said "get away from there now".

Bulma shot an annoyed look to her husband

wondering why he's acting like it's a disease. "It's not a disease you know and you could admire my work and appreciate it for once" Bulma says. Vegeta looked at her with a dark glare in his eyes.

Vegeta says "you know if they accidently send themselves to the past"…

Bulma-They won't, no one is able to get into my lab without my password and besides you I am the only one that knows the password.

Trunks looked at his dad and said "Dad this thing is so cool…what is it".

Vegeta ready to explain the death of his son "It's a time machine it can send you anywhere you want. Which means no one is going to touch it, or get anywhere near it you hear me if you do I'll make sure you won't touch anything ever again in your life".

Vegeta really said the words with harsh hatred of his own past really, he didn't want his children exposed to his past, at least not yet.

Trunks and Bra looked at their father he never threatened them like this, and the voice he said it with no emotion so they said "Yes".the two children say with their heads down.

Vegeta saw how down his kids looked his words came out pretty harsh, and his heart hurts when he sees his children unhappy of course he would never tell them that but sometimes they just need reassurance.

Bulma looked at her husband she wanted to get him annoyed so she said "Vegeta I see how you're showing your care because from what it seems to me you're worried about the children".

Bulma stated with a huge smirk on her face. Vegeta shot her an annoyed look.

Vegeta didn't know what to say all he said was "don't get used to it, it's only because I need the boy to train and the girl to"…he didn't know what excuse to give for being worried about Bra.

Bulma then says something that really ticked Vegeta off Bulma says "you need Bra to give you hugs and kisses when you need them, and don't tell me you don't like when she does that I see the way you look at her, sometimes you look for her to have her comfort you".

Vegeta really getting mad because his wife is always right but he wasn't going to admit it so he says "Woman that is absurd, are you hearing yourself, since when do I need comfort, that is something only you humans like". Vegeta really did like when his daughter gave him hugs and kisses no matter how much he tried to deny it Bulma was right. Bulma knew she was right, but she didn't want to argue any longer she wanted to show the kids her invention. So she looked at the kids and said "you guys want to check the inside".

Trunks and Bra excited they both say "yeahhhh".

Vegeta said "NO" very harshly.

Trunks annoyed at his father he did't know why he's acting like he cares? No way Trunks thought so he says "Oh come on dad can't we just see it from the inside". Trunks said with a puppy face look. Bulma was getting really annoyed on her husband's behavior so she said to him,

Bulma tried to keep her mood happy says "Vegeta we'll be in there with them, nothing is going to happen, they want to see my invention, at least they appreciate it.

Vegeta looked at her and at his kids, it's not that he didn't appreciate her work he admired everything she does but this is far too dangerous for the kids to be around, in case they send themselves back to a time when Vegeta was a monster they would see what he doesn't want them to see they were too young to know any of it.

Although he would never admit it but he's grown too attached to his family to let any of them get hurt. And Trunks wasn't only a son to him but like a best friend, like a little brother, something more than a son he loved that boy with every fiber in his body, and beyond, and it was the same for his wife and daughter-his little princess.

He finally said "Fine". With that they all ran to the time machine except Vegeta who was walking and keeping a close eye on his kids especially Bra: she's a little girl she'll press any button.

Trunks really loved this machine he could play a lot of games in it. His mom was explaining that she put a built in playstation 3 and a Nintendo Wii. Trunks wanted to stay in the machine to play video games but he knew his father would say a deathly NO.

But that won't stop him from coming without anyone knowing. And it's not that he doesn't have any video games in the house, he does but it's nothing like what his mother built, she truly was a genius. Bra who was getting annoyed because her father was like her shadow, making

sure she won't do anything sneaky. Finally she turns around to face him.

Bra looked back at her father and says "Daddy I'm not going to touch anything, you can go over there".

With that Vegeta gave her a growl and turned around but kept his distance close to his daughter. Bra on the other her reason why she didn't want her daddy next to her because she found something that attracted her attention and with her father in the way she won't be able to check it out.

She walked over to this button a big pink button, she wondered what it has to offer her, besides pink was her favorite color, and this big pink button indicated that there are presents if she pushed the button. Vegeta was standing next to the exit door, and Bulma was right next to him. Suddenly the ship started shaking heavily Bulma fell on Vegeta and he lost his balance and fell out of the machine with Bulma while the door to the time machine closed tightly Trunks looked back to see what is going on. Bra has pushed the big pink button she couldn't resist any longer. Trunks tried to open the door before the time machine blasted away especially with his parents not in it, he wasn't sure what to do. Sure his mother has taught him a few things about technology but he's just a kid he still hasn't figured out a lot of things. He was getting ready to blast the thing when he heard his sister say,Trunks I'm so sorry" and with that the time machine flew out into the 'time zone'. Both Trunks and Bra fell to the floor not knowing what is happening. Few moments later they landed on an empty planet, Trunks got up from the floor, he looked out the window, if he didn't know any better he would think they landed on Mars. Bra ran next to Trunks to see where they were at. She looked around and she had was about to cry for her mommy and daddy when the machine lady started speaking to no one in particular.

Area planet Namek, year 1991" Trunks eyes went wide, first off he did not know what the hell is Namek and secondly they went all the way back before he was born. Bra spoke up not knowing whether this is a bad thing or good thing. "What (sniffle) do we do now". Trunks turned to fasce her, he was angry because he knew she pushed a button. "Bra see what you did, you just had to press a button, you couldn't handle yourself, now we don't even know where we're at". Trunks wanted to start crying himself he had no idea what to do here he is in a planet that looks a lot like mars and he is stuck with his little sister and his parents were at home safe…

10 Minutes have passed on Earth. Vegeta kept cursing himself for giving in about being next to Bra he should have known why she wanted to be alone so she can press buttons. Bulma on the other hand is crying her eyes out because she knew exactly where the machine has taken them, because she set it up on that time, she didn't know why. She hasn't told Vegeta where they were sent he's just so pissed that he keeps telling her that it was clearly her fault that their kids are not safe at home because she insisted they go 'inside' and check it out. "Listen you jerk, if you had a closer eye on Bra none of this would have happened"! Vegeta looked at her with cold eyes Bulma almost thought that's the old Vegeta from the way he looked at her. "You were the one that insisted to let them see what a dangerous machine you've invented". Bulma clearly had no energy to fight, she thought instead of them fighting they should be thinking about a way to get the children back to earth. Vegeta was forgetting something, he thought it was a time machine right? Well where did the location take them to? Now Vegeta looked at Bulma and knew something else is wrong, where did that woman set the time machine, he thought. Bulma knew that look too well she wouldn't know how to tell him. Suddenly he broke the silence "Where exactly is the time machine set to"? Bulma looked away and quietly said "Namek". Vegeta instantly turned super sayain 2 and screamed "WHAT". He took her arms and lightly, gently pinned her to the wall and held inches away from her face, and said

"You're going to built another damned time machine and send ourselves back to where you set that damned machine you hear me Woman". Bulma was so frightened by the look he gave he never looked like this, and he never pinned her to the wall ready to kill her, but she knew he would never lay a figure on her.

He was just too worried about the kids and what happened on Namek he wasn't ready to tell his kids the man he was. "How am I supposed to build a machine in less than a day, that one took me 6 months" Bulma said. Vegeta let go of her arms because he can see worry and fear in her eyes and he hated to see that in her because he didn't mean to scare her he's just worried, he spoke in a low soft voice. "I will help you build the machine and so will the Z fighters, we will get it done today". Bulma's eyes went wide, was Vegeta really willing to help her build the machine and tops of all that call all the Z fighters to help build this thing. Bulma spoke the silence "I'll call them to come right over". Vegeta said "no need to I'll raise my power level and they will all show up". Vegeta went outside while Bulma was getting her stuff ready to build the damned thing she was tired but she needed to get her babies back. Vegeta is outside raising his level high enough for everyone to come flying in no time, the first he saw was Goku who transmitted himself, he figured Goku would be there first along with Gohan.

"Hey Vegeta" Goku said with a confused look on his face and a goofy happy look. Vegeta looked at Goku, he was actually happy that Goku was around but he's never admit it. "I'll explain when everyone shows up" is all Vegeta said. Goku looked confused. Gohan stepped in and said "Vegeta I don't sense Trunks or Bra are they okay"? Before Vegeta could say anything he saw Krillin and Yamcha and Tien all land at the same time, and then he saw piccolo. Krillin broke the silence. "What's wrong Vegeta I was playing with maroon and all a sudden your power level goes haywire. Vegeta finally spoke "I was hoping you all can help Bulma and I build a time machine…" before he could finish what he wanted to say Yamcha interrupted "Since when did Bulma need our help to build anything". Vegeta looked very annoyed at him, like he was going to start pounding on his head. "If you shut up and listen you would know why you imbecile" Vegeta says. Everyone got quiet and gave their full attention. With that Vegeta continued to talk hoping not to become interrupted by any of those idiots. "as I was saying we need everyone's help to have it done by tonight, and the reason for that because my idiot children decided to press some buttons on the time machine Bulma just built". He finished hoping everyone would help them build the time machine but he felt bad for calling his children idiots, he was just so pissed at them, for putting themselves at risk like this, but they were still young and he had to understand that. Finally Krillin spoke "how long did it take Bulma to build the time machine". "six months" Vegeta said dryly. Yamcha spoke again which is getting on Vegeta's last nerve , "than how do you expect us to build one by tonight". Vegeta looked at him again and gave his deathly look like he is going to kill him, Yamcha swallowed hard he remembers that look. But Vegeta spoke again and after that no one else dared to say anything

else. "If you don't shut up I will tear out your tongue". Goku was quiet the entire time, he's never seen Vegeta get real worried like this, so they must've been sent to a time when he was evil… With that thought Goku decided to ask, "Vegeta where exactly were they sent to". Vegeta felt ashamed to say where, because they knew that time in Namek was hell for everyone, and to have his is experience something like that would be worst than hell for him. Vegeta looked at everyone but when he glanced at Piccolo he sensed that piccolo already knew the answer. Vegeta finally spoke "They were sent to Namek". And with that everyone's eyes went wide…

Trunks was looking around the time machine they were still inside the machine they haven't opened the door yet. But Trunks was trying to figure where this planet was and how far from earth it is, but his curiosity was taking over he wanted to check it out outside and his sister kept telling him to take her outside, but he wanted to know what this planet was before he went

outside. Bra on the other hand saw a mini built in fridge and decided to explore what's inside, besides she's a little girl she's prone to messing up stuff, so is Trunks for that matter. Bra opened the fridge she saw a plate of chocolate chip cookies they look professionally baked cookies. She grabbed the entire plate but the plate was much too heavy for her and she ended up dropping the whole thing on the floor and the glass scattered everywhere. Trunks heard the noise he ran to where his sister was, she already is in a whole lot of trouble. "Bra what did you do, it's enough you got us to some wack planet, now you broke glass". Trunks looked down to see what was in the glass and he sees cookies, he thought "great now they can't even have cookies while they're stuck in a time zone neither were born". He looked at Bra who was ready to cry and he looked down on her legs and there were blood spots on some parts of her legs, he thought it was the glass that scattered on her. "Bra your legs are bleeding". He picked her up and took her out of the glass then she started crying. He went to the chair and set her down and grabbed a wash cloth and whipped the blood from her legs. He then wrapped bandage on her legs, he reached over to open the door but he couldn't open it, he thought there must be a button somewhere to open the door he looked around the machine and he saw an emergency button he hesitated for a moment and then he pushed the button the door opened but the ship's machine lady started taking "will disengage in 5,4,3,2, before it hit one Trunks grabbed bra turning super sayain and flew outside and BOOM the ship blew up. Trunks and bra fell to the floor but Trunks was trying to protect his sister so she wouldn't get hurt she's already hurting as bad as it is. Trunks looks back at the ship and becomes very angry at himself for not trying to look for a real button not some emergency button. "Great now we're stuck here forever" Trunks stated. "Forever, but I miss mommy and daddy" bra said and tears started flowing down her face.

Back at Capsule Corpse the Z fighters were working on the time machine Vegeta hated asking for help but his kids were in danger and he had a feeling things are not going so well for his children. Chi Chi came over to also help and so did Goten besides it's his best friend who needs help. Goten worked pretty close with Vegeta, Vegeta didn't seem to mind besides it's his son's best friend they were like brothers. Goten broke the silence between him and Vegeta "Vegeta, you know I'm coming with you to get Trunks and Bra". Vegeta looked at him and said "like hell you are". Goten got mad it's his best friend he wants to help him, and he knew better than to argue with Vegeta but he didn't care this was Trunks his friends he wanted to help so he said "No I'm coming he's my best friend you know". Vegeta understood where this boy is coming from but this was more on a deeper level and he didn't want Goten there, it would be too much for them, if he took anyone he would take Goku and no one else. Vegeta said "He's my son, and I am going alone, I don't need you in the way". Vegeta spoke with a deadly look at Goten to scare him a little he didn't want anyone in the way and it's too dangerous for the kid it's bad enough his kids are there he defiantly didn't want anyone else in danger, he would never admit it but he cared for Goten. Bulma was lost in her mind she should have listened to

Vegeta and not let her kids see it, but she was too proud of her work and she knew Trunks wanted to follow her footsteps so she let them in to see her invention. She hoped this will be finished by tonight so her and Vegeta can go get the kids in one peace. But she had a feeling that Vegeta wasn't going to let her go with him, she thought either he will go alone or he will take Goku with him. Bulma let out a tear because she really missed her children she hoped they would be okay but what's hurting her the most is that her children might see their father and it won't be a pretty site. Vegeta noticed his wife is crying and is in deep thought he wanted to go comfort her but it was not time for it, he wanted to hurry up and finish the time machine. But the best of her was getting to him, he hated to see her sad he quickly went up to her have her and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheeks to assure her that everything will be okay , he scared her earlier and felt bad for it. HE went back his work and he didn't know that everyone saw what he did. Their hearts melted when they saw this they didn't think Vegeta would show his affection in front of everyone especially the Z fighters. They knew he's grown soft around them and they knew he was a changed man completely. Although he still has his bad ass attitude but it's just the way it is, this is who he is. Trunks and Bra were walking around this planet it was hot and sunny, very hot; there was nothing but dirt everywhere. Trunks was holding on to Bra's hand to make sure she doesn't go walking off somewhere. They would fly but his sister was still in the process of learning to fly. Suddenly Trunks spotted a orange looking bal with a star on it, he wasn't sure what it was but he remembered Bulma saying something about it. "Look Bra that looks like a dragon ball, but what are they doing here"? "What's a dragon ball"? "You remember mom used to talk about them, I'm not sure what they do but mom says you have to collect a bunch of them and then some big dragon comes up and you make a wish". Bra says "Cool". Bra ran to the dragon ball but Trunks was hesitant. :"Wait up Bra, you can't use them they're for something important".