Disclaimer: Zoom in on my empty wallet.

She was 17. As she swung around the pole she was handcuffed to, one man caught her eye: the blonde one who lived upstairs. She didn't remember his name, but she remembered him helping her move in and his roommate scolding him about disappearing the night before and just now getting back at 2 PM. The blonde guy and the guy with the glasses had helped her carry all of her cheap furniture into her new apartment and then they went upstairs, Glasses bickering with and mothering Blondie.

Honestly, from that first impression, she thought they were gay. Blondie had the weirdest bleaching job she had ever seen and Glasses was wearing a scarf in May and they were living together. In her opinion, it wasn't wrong to be gay; it was just a waste in the case of Blondie. Then again, she had already learned that the best ones are jerks, gay, or taken. It appeared that Blondie was the latter two.

Then again, if he was gay and taken, what the hell was he doing here, at the club? Mimi had never claimed to be intelligent; in fact, she had spent her entire life hearing the exact opposite from her father, teachers, and peers. But she knew that gay men did not go to S&M clubs, and Glasses was nowhere to be seen. Maybe Blondie was just experimenting and now he was done!

He was hot as hell; she wasn't ashamed to admit how readily she'd tap that. He was definitely better than the rest of the disgusting perverts here. It's a living, she repeated to herself. It was the closest to real dancing that she could get right now and she needed a job. It's not like she was going to become like those other girls. She was young and full of potential and she'd get thereā€¦.eventually.

And then her trail of happy thoughts was interrupted by the feeling of a whip hitting her back and the sight of a redhead running up to Blondie. She gritted her teeth. Rosa knew you weren't supposed to hit that hard; it's not like she was new to this. That one had definitely drawn blood that Mimi would now have to clean up and possibly cover up with an outfit change during her break.

The redhead looked pretty pissed. She was swatting at Blondie's arm, but he ignored her for a good two minutes as he focused on the stage. The redhead, who Mimi noticed had a rather horse-ish looking face, started tugging on Blondie's arm until Blondie gave in to Horse Face and they left together. Mimi rolled her eyes and went back to her dancing.

So he had a girlfriend. That was much easier to fix than him having a boyfriend. She was hotter than Horse Face, for sure. She'd just have to eventually sneak her way in. That was totally doable. Blondie better be ready for Mimi Marquez. Because once you experience the best ass below Fourteenth Street, there is no way you'll ever go back.

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