Author's note: Just a small little chapter to finish things off for this episode and there is a bit of fluff :P

Also, I have just posted a new story, so if you like Harry Potter go and have a look. I need some feedback to help me decide if I should keep going with it, cause it's a different idea, considering I will be using an already established series of events, unlike Doctor Who for me. You don't have to have a look, but I would appreciate it. It's called The Untold Tales.

I hope you enjoy!

The Doctor stood in the console room alone until Bella finally joined him, smelling of sweet shampoo.

"Out of everyone I have ever travelled with," the Doctor said turning to her with a crooked smile, "that was the longest shower anyone has ever had."

Bella grinned innocently; she was up to something, the Doctor thought.

"I was getting something ready," she said in answer, walking towards him. "Now close your eyes, I have a surprise for you."

The Doctor raised his eyebrows.

"And don't bother asking the TARDIS what it is, I've told her not to say anything, so you'll just have to wait and see!"

The Doctor's eyebrows rose even more as he thought that Bella knew him better than he had thought.

She literally swore me to secrecy, said the TARDIS's soft, gentle voice in his mind.

"Too right I did!" Bella said as the Doctor grinned, "Now close your eyes," she added to the Doctor warmly.

Thinking that he didn't have much choice in the matter, the Doctor did as he was told and closed his eyes.

"No peaking!" added Bella with amused undertones, as he felt her hand close itself around his. She led him silently through the TARDIS, his grip on Bella's hand quite tight. He had never done this before, walk blindly through his own ship being led by one of his companions. To be fair, the TARDIS had never ganged up on him this bad either.

Finally they came to a stop and Bella let go of his hand. He heard her move in front of him before saying "Okay, you can look now."

The Doctor opened his eyes and felt his jaw drop.

They were standing in the kitchen and Bella was standing beside the wooden table in the centre of the room beside what the Doctor gathered was his surprise, which was definitely what he was now feeling.

In the very middle of the table sat a miniature TARDIS that stood to around fifty centimetres tall.

"Merry Christmas, Doctor." Bella said and the Doctor heard how much emotion and feeling went into that sentence.

The Doctor was momentarily speechless. "Bella, is this a cake?"

Bella's face broke into a proud grin and the Doctor gave a shocked, disbelieving laugh before moving forward to examine the extraordinary cake in more detail.

The blue icing was a perfect match to the real colour of the TARDIS and there even seemed to be wood grain running through it too. The windows seemed to shine with real light and the doors stood slightly ajar so the Doctor could make out a tiny part of the console room. He looked to Bella, who had been watching him somewhat nervously to see if he liked it.

"Do you like it?"

"Bella," he said before moving forward to pull her into his arms, his voice full of emotion, "I love it!"

Bella grinned and hugged the Doctor tightly.

He's such a softy, said the TARDIS, making the both of them laugh.

The Doctor let go of Bella slowly, clearing his throat and hiding his face from Bella until he could wipe the few tears of happiness that had escaped from his eyes away. Bella saw this and smiled warmly, taking one of his hands in her while handing him a long knife.

"Oh no!" he complained loudly.

"Just do it," she laughed, rolling her eyes slightly. "I'll make you another one for your birthday, if I ever find out when that is!"

The Doctor grinned and gingerly cut a piece of cake for both Bella and himself. It was the best cake he had ever tasted, even better than the cake Bella had made for Sarah Jane.

"Oh," the Doctor said suddenly through a mouthful of cake, "we have somewhere to be!"

"We do?" Bella asked him, perplexed.

"Mmm," he said, swallowing the rest of his mouthful of cake before continuing, "I volunteered us to be a part of a 'Welcome Home' committee for a certain group of aliens." He finished with a smile as Bella grinned at him.