Disclaimer: I'm not J.K. Rowling... Sadly :P. Hope you enjoy it anyway :D


Oh Merlin. No. Not again.

Somewhere deep in the back of my sub-consciousness I knew this was a dream... Correction; a nightmare! But no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't wake up. At all. It was as though I wanted to watch it all over again. See it on replay, constantly. But that's not what I wanted. The memory of losing one of my best friends wasn't something I wanted to relive. Not again. But my mind wouldn't give. I couldn't wake up and stop it. I couldn't stop what was going to happen. I never could. So I just watched myself from a distance all over again. Watched as I lost one of the most important people in my life...

"Leave him ALONE!" I watched myself shout as I approached The Marauders and Severus from the lake's edge. James and Sirius looked around at me and James's free hand immediately jumped to his hair. "All right, Evans?" said James, his tone suddenly pleasant, deeper, more mature.

"Leave him alone," I repeated, eyeing James with great dislike. "What's he done to you?"

"Well," James said appearing to deliberate the point, "it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean..." I rolled my eyes despite myself as I continued to watch my nightmare unfold before me. It was a typical James remark. Everyone laughed. Everyone but myself and Remus Lupin (one of James's friends). "You think you're funny," I heard myself say coldly. "But you're just an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter. Leave him alone."

"I will if you go out with me, Evans," he said quickly. "Go on... go out with me and I'll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again." I watched Snape as the jinx began to wear off, ignoring my conversation with James. I never liked how it'd gone and I certainly didn't want to witness it again. That was until Snape shouted out that dreadful word. "I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!" I blinked in shock, just like my dream self. It was still a shock now. Even after a whole year. I watched it all continue to unfold before my eyes, hurt evident in both my face and my dream self.

I didn't listen to anything else though and as my dream self hurried away from the scene, tears threatening to overflow at any point and I felt myself able to let go. Leave it all behind me and pull myself out of the dream.

I opened my eyes with a gasp and sat up. "Lily?" a quiet voice asked from next to me as my curtains were pulled back from my bed. My best friend Alice poked her head through and looked at my stricken expression. "The dream again, huh?" she asked. And I nodded, tears escaping the corner of my eyes. "Hey it's alright," she murmured, pulling me into one of her gentle hugs as she sat down next to me.

"He's not worth it honey," she continued to mutter, holding me tight. "It's his loss. He's the one who lost a great friend. Don't think about it, 'kay?" she asked as she pulled away from me. I nodded and quickly brushed away my tears, ashamed of myself. I hadn't cried since that day, not even after all those other times I'd had the dream. This time however, was different.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," I muttered. "It's never bothered me before." Alice nodded. "It's going to be hard sometimes," she whispered. "You lost a childhood friend. That's never easy." It was my turn to nod. "I know," I sighed. "Sorry." She laughed.

"What are you sorry for? It's okay to cry once in a while and have a friend to help," she smiled. "Thanks Ali," I smiled back and gave her another hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you," I muttered and she laughed again. "I'm always here for you Lil. You're my best friend, you know that?" I nodded smiling slightly.

"You too," I said and she giggled.

"We're being too mushy," she giggled again. "Even for us." And I had to laugh with her too.

"Thanks again, Ali," I said as she stood up and moved to her own bed, noticing for the first time that she was still in her school robes. "Alice?" I questioned.


"Why are you still in your robes? It's almost midnight," I said glancing at my bedside clock for confirmation.

"Oh umm..." she blushed.

"Alice Hope Prewett!" I almost shrieked.

"Ssshhh!" She hushed me desperately covering my mouth. I licked her hand in response. "Eeww!" I shrugged. Becoming friends with the Marauders has its advantages. "Tell me," I hissed at her. Again she blushed but muttered something that sounded like Frank.

"What?" I giggled gleefully. "You and Frank? Ooohhh! Finally!" And she laughed out loud at me and I giggled in response, placing my finger on my lips as Mary and Marlene shifted in their sleep. We giggled again quietly as we waited for them to relax back into their dreams. When we could hear their steady breathing again I turned back to Alice with a huge grin on my face.

"It's about time you two got together." She grinned back at me and winked.

"I'll tell you all about it tomorrow," she giggled as she hurried into the bathroom to get changed. I smiled to myself as I settled back under my duvet, it was about time she had a guy to love and look after her properly. "I'm so happy for you," I whispered as I heard Alice re-enter the dorm.

"Thanks Lily," she said smiling back as she climbed into her bed. "And don't you worry. You'll find someone soon too. I know James isn't going anyway," she chuckled at the shocked expression on my face. "Alice!" I hissed. "You know we're just friends. We've been just friends for nearly a year. I like hanging out with the Marauders, and that's it." She laughed as she pulled her curtains around her bed whispering, "Goodnight Lils."

"Night Ali," I muttered back sleepily.

"Lils?" Alice mumbled.

"Yeah?" I opened my eyes again to stare at my bed curtains.

"Who're you trying to convince? About James I mean? Me or yourself?" she muttered.

I thought about it before answering her honestly. Although I don't know whether I told her because I just couldn't lie to my best friend or because I was so tired I didn't actually know what I was saying; but I was pretty sure that I wouldn't remember this conversation in the morning.

"I don't know," I replied letting my eyes droop closed again as I heard her quiet, sleepy chuckle from next to me. And despite everything, I smiled and sighed contentedly, "Stupid Potter." I fell asleep with a small smile on my face as I thought about the messy, black-haired 16 year old boy...

Hey Guys,

This is my first Fanfic... Obvious much? Haha :) Anyway, I hope you like it? Lemme know what you think? I'll try & update as much as possible too :D But please...

R&R! :D

Loadsa Love
