So, here's what I think would happen after Last Sacrifice :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any recognisable characters, they belong to their respective authors. I reserve the right to include M rated scenes, but they will be clearly marked.

"What's the answer?" His warmth was all around me, as was his love, and again, I felt that completeness. I had that missing piece of my world back. The soul that complemented mine. My match. My equal. Not only that, I had my life back – my own life. I would protect Lissa, I would serve, but I was finally my own person.

"I don't know," I said, leaning into his chest. "But I think it's going to be good."

Dimitri kissed the top of my head and tightened his arms around me. We watched the rest of the ceremony like that, wrapped up in each other. We broke apart when Lissa was lead out onto the balcony that over looked Court. As part of her royal guard, I had to be there behind her, her shadow. Dimitri had to remain behind and protect Christian. I kissed him goodbye and followed the procession onto the balcony. The cheers from below rose up to meet us and drowned out any other sounds. Lissa took it all within her stride, and waved and smiled at the cheering masses.

She was out there for a few minutes, before the guardians below started ushering the crowd out of the courtyard. The people screamed "the dragon" and "Alexandra reborn" as she disappeared from view, and when the doors had closed, I ran forward and hugged her tightly.

"Congratulations." I said, beaming from ear to ear.

"Thanks." She said, grinning right back. I looked at her and tried to get a measure on her feelings, but it was harder than I imagined. "What?"

"What what?"

"What- Don't start. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"


"Fine, I was trying to guess what you are feeling. It's harder than I thought, you know. And it really feels weird without the bond. It's like losing a limb, but not painful."

"I feel it too. I never realised it was there, but I can defiantly feel that it's gone."

"Yeah, well I'm kind of glad it's gone. Now you're queen, you'd better start making little Dragomirs, and I really don't want to see Christian naked again."

"I never recall you seeing me naked, Rose." I jumped, not realising that whilst I had been teasing Lissa, Christian had come to find her, and was standing right behind me.

"Well, it wasn't really that amazing, believe me." I said, purposely looking at his crotch. He blushed and I laughed. "I'll leave you two alone." I chortled, walking over to join Dimitri, who was leaning against a nearby wall.

Just like he had when Lissa was being crowned, he grabbed my hand and pulled me close. I rested my head against his chest, and we stood there for a while, before he asked,

"When did you see Christian naked?" He looked so confused, that I burst out laughing. "What?" He repeated, looking even more puzzled.

"Oh, your face." I kissed him, and then explained about how I used to be pulled into Lissa's head when her emotions were heightened; an example of this was when her and Christian were getting hot and heavy.

"Oh." Was all he said, looking over at the couple whose position was matching ours. Then he looked down at me. "Should I feel jealous?" He asked, teasing a bit, but also asking me a real question.

"Oh Dimitri, he's got nothing on you." I replied. He gave me one of those full smiles, and looked at me with a glint in his eye.

"Oh really..." He said, bending his lips down to mine.

We broke apart when someone cleared their throats. Lissa and Christian were behind us, and both looked amused. Dimitri blushed but didn't move back.

"Yes?" I said, trying to keep a straight face.

"If you two have quite finished eating each other's faces off, we have a party to get ready for." Lissa said, smiling at us.

We all went to get changed for the party later, as Lissa and Christian had given us the night off, and we were due at the ballroom at seven. Back in our room, Dimitri 'helped' me shower. An hour later, we were finished, and I was searching for something to wear. It was a black-tie event, and I didn't have much in the way of formal, but there was that dress that Lissa had forced me to buy months ago. It was midnight blue, and came to just above the knee. It had spaghetti straps, and was very tight fitting, hugging my figure in all the right places. Earlier today, I had my bandages taken off, and now just had a small dressing over my stitches, meaning I could wear the dress, showing off my cleavage. I had a pair of black heels that complimented the black detail on the dress, and the Nazar my mum had given me matched the blue and I put in a set of Swarovski Crystal studs Lissa had gotten me for my 16th. I had minimal make up on, just a bit of eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss, and my hair was already in lose curls cascading down my back, so it really didn't take me long to get ready. Well, I took longer than Dimitri. He was wearing a black suit, white shirt and bow tie. His hair was lose, sitting just above his shoulders. God, he was gorgeous. If Lissa hadn't made me swear to go to the ball, I would have stayed in the room with Dimitri all night - if you get my meaning.

Although, I think he had the same idea. I think his mouth dropped a bit when I emerged from the bathroom.

"C'mon comrade. Wipe that drool of your chin, we need to get going." He smiled and followed, still eye-fucking me.

When we arrived in the ballroom, I literally could not believe my eyes. The only light came from the chandeliers, similar to the ones from the coronation, which hung from the ceiling. The walls were a jade green, re-painted when Lissa was elected Queen. The room was huge, easily able to fit in over 1000 guests. There was a full orchestra in one corner, and there were already over 300 people there, most of them Moroi aristocrats, but I recognised some of my friends amongst the crowd. I was people spotting, when I noticed the food table in the corner. I grabbed hold of Dimitri's hand, and dragged him with me. Most of it looked inedible, so I passed, still not feeling 100%. A few moments later, Lissa gave a speech saying how happy she was that everyone came, and spoke some more about being Queen et cetera et cetera. When she had finished, the orchestra started playing, and Dimitri pulled me into his arms and spun me around the dance floor. The music was all classical rubbish because of the aristocrats, but once it got past 10, a DJ would replace the orchestra and the music would get more modern; Lissa had promised me. I was content staying in Dimitri's arms the whole night, but my dad tapped him on the shoulder about an hour in.

"So, what did you want, old man?" I asked after a few minutes. He still hadn't said anything, and I kind of wanted Dimitri back.

"Can't I dance with my daughter without an ulterior motive?" He asked, smirking.

"Well, you could, but I know you too well, Zemy."

"Fine. I wanted to know what exactly you were doing in Detroit, and why you didn't stay in the safe area assigned to you."

"Oh, well, we needed to find Jill, and I hated just sitting around, doing nothing. Why?"

"I was just wondering what part the Alchemist played in all of this."

"Sydney did nothing! I talked her into coming with me, and she hated to do it, I could tell. But she knew that I could help, and she's my friend. What is going on between the two of you? What did she have to do for you to get her out of Russia?"

"Ah, well, that's between me and her. Don't worry about it, Rose." He gave me one of those weird smiles, and walked away, rather abruptly, if you ask me. I watched where he went, and saw him walk over to my mother.

"You know, you really are beautiful." I spun around, and saw my hot Russian man standing behind me, studying me.

"Well, thanks. You're not too bad yourself." I said, taking his outstretched hand. We danced for hours, before Dimitri went to talk to one of his guardian friends. I found Eddie, and we spoke about life. It turns out, that Lissa had pulled some strings and had got him out of the filling job, and made him one of her guardians. We spoke for a bit longer until Dimitri came up behind me.

"Hey Dimitri." Eddie greeted, eyeing Dimitri's arm that was around my waist.

"Hello Eddie."

"Rose...Is there something I should know..." He gave me a knowing look, trying and failing to keep the smile off his face. I grinned and kissed Dimitri on the cheek.


"HA! I knew it! Mia wouldn't believe me, but I knew there was something going on between you two!"

"How..." I thought we were quite sneaky at St. Vlad's.

"C'mon! It was pretty obvious. You were always around each other, giving those looks, and when Dimitri was involved in the attack on the school, you weren't seen for days, and when we found you, you looked like the living dead. You left the Academy as soon as you turned 18. You were rumoured to be in Russia, and when you came back, you looked different - not in a good way. Then, I help you break out a fugitive from prison, and a few weeks later, Dimitri is alive again. You look much happier, and you actually started smiling again! It wasn't difficult to figure out what was going on." I was shocked. "Look at that, Rose Hathaway rendered speechless!"

"I...I...Woah. Who are you and what have you done with Eddie? When did you get!"

"It's been known to happen." He said, smiling. "Well, I'll leave you two to it. See you guys later." He rushed off, and I saw him find Mia. Their conversation seemed very animated, and they kept looking over at me. Should I be worried?

I realised Dimitri hadn't said a word since Eddie had left.

"What's up, comrade?" He had a weird look on his face; it looked like he was in pain.

"Roza-" He sounded like something was chocking him. "Was...Was what Eddie said true? Did you-" He couldn't finish, and buried his face in his hands.

Then I realised what he was on about.

"Come on. We can't talk here." I took his hand and led him out thought one of the side doors. I found a bench by a willow tree, and I pulled us both down onto it. "What is it you wanted to know?"

"Is what Eddie was saying true? What happened after I...I...I was...turned?" I really didn't want to get into this. I had lived through it; I didn't really want to relive it all over again.

"Dimitri, I really don't want to-"

"Please Roza, I have to know." So I told him. Everything. I told him about the whole not-talking-to-anyone thing, how I left the Academy as soon as I could to look for him, and the deal I made with Adrian. I told him about how I thought he would go back to Russia, so that's where I went. He knew some of it, but not a lot. I told him about Sydney, the Strigoi and Baia. About his wake, and how kindly his family had treated me. I glazed over the part where he locked me up, but I told him why I hesitated to kill him the first time. I started to cry, but continued regardless. I told him about the bridge, and how it had felt when I staked him. How I hitch-hiked, and then passed out. I told him about when I got his letter, and how I felt both scared and happy. I told him what I had learnt about the Strigoi coming back to life, and what Abe told me about Viktor Dashkov. I explained about how I broke into and out of prison. How we went to Las Vegas to find Robert, and how I couldn't bring myself to kill him, not now I knew how to save him. I also told him about how I was going to kill him when he took Lissa. It wasn't just the fact he had taken the Moroi I was protecting. I knew he would have never forgiven himself if he had killed Lissa. I told him about how I had been depressed for so long, that even if he said he didn't love me anymore, the fact that he was alive was enough for me. By the end of it, I was sobbing. I still hadn't come to terms with the fact that I had lost him, but I really didn't want to.

"Oh, Roza." Dimitri pulled me into his lap, stroking my hair and murmuring to me in Russian until I calmed down.

"Sorry." I said, wiping the mascara smudges from under my eyes.

"Don't apologise. I'm sorry. So, so sorr-" I cut him off by fusing our mouths together.

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm just so glad you're safe, and here and alive." I said after a few minutes, standing up and holding out my hand. He took it and stood up with me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close. "I love you."

"I love you too, Roza." He said, burying his face in my hair.

We stayed like that for a while, before rejoining the party. The DJ had set up and the dance floor had turned into more of a club. That was fine by me. Lissa dragged me away from Dimitri as soon as she spotted me, and we danced for ages before our boyfriends stole us away. It was gone 3 when me and Dimitri decided to call it a night. For me, then end of the fun was when I saw my mother and father grinding on the dance floor, and the final straw was when I saw then making out, and my dad dragging my mum back to his room.

All thoughts of a new sibling were banished when we reached our room, and Dimitri pushed me up against the door, momentarily making me forget my name with his lips. I broke for air first, but he refused to remove his lips form my skin. He kissed his way down my neck, nibbling and sucking, making me moan. I made quick work of his jacket and tie, and he lifted my dress over my head, and moaned at the sight of my midnight blue lingerie. I pulled us over to the bed, and he lay on top of me, his lips never breaking contact with mine. I ripped his shirt off, marvelling at his perfectly sculpted chest.

***M scene***

His mouth burned against mine as he ran his hands up and down my body. He traced the outside of my bra with his fingers, before cupping my breasts in his hands and squeezing. I arched off the bed, pressing into his hands as much as I could. He moved his thumbs in little circles over my nipples and I let out a loud moan. He slid his hands underneath me and unfastened the clasp and throwing the bra over his shoulder.

He fondled my breasts for a bit longer before taking them into his mouth. God, I loved it when he did that. He sucked, hard, and nibbled, probably leaving a mark, but I really didn't care. I knotted my hands in his silky hair, and tried to remember to breathe. He moved his hands down my stomach, leaving his mouth attached to my chest. He hocked his thumb under the top of my thong, and deftly removed it one handed, throwing it over his other shoulder.

He moved his fingers, stroking my clit, making me cry out his name. He massaged the sensitive flesh some more before slipping one finger inside me. I cried out and tried to make his move faster. He understood my meaning, and pumped his finger in and out.

"Oh, God." I gasped. "Dimitri!"

He slipped another finger inside me, and massaged that spot deep inside. I screamed his name again, feeling the coil in my stomach wind tighter and tighter. A few more moves of those magic fingers, and one last nibble on my nipple, and I exploded. He continued to pump his fingers in and out, until my body had stopped shaking.

"Dimitri," I panted, still shaking a little bit. "Have I ever told you how much I love those fingers of yours?"

He laughed, and moved up to kiss me. "Well, I'm sure you'll love another part of me just as much." I openly gaped at him. Where was the reserved, shy, private Dimitri I knew? To be honest, I found this new, saucy Dimitri rather sexy. I was about to make some witty remark, but he cut me off, kissing me until I was breathless.

I gradually worked his trousers down round his ankles and he met me half way and kicked them off. That left him in only his boxers, and I could see the rather large tent inside. He found the pulse point on my neck, and sucked on it as my hands made their way down his chest. I traced his V and slipped my hands into his boxers. Woah, he was really hard. I stroked his dick and he bucked into my hands. I continued to move my hands up and down, and he was rather enjoying it, judging by his moans.

I pulled of his boxers, and wrapped my legs round his waist, pulling him closer. He kissed me, and entered me in one stroke, making me gasp at the feeling – God, he was huge! He remained still for a bit, letting me get used to his size, before he set a fast, powerful pace, pushing me to the edge faster than I thought possible. He hit that spot every time and I gasped out his name as he did. I could feel him throbbing inside me, and I rolled my hips, making him shout my name. I continued to move my hips, and he increased his pace. I could feel my walls start to quiver, and I knew I was close. He did too, and pushed in and out of me harder than he ever had before. I threw my head back and screamed as the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced washed over me. The feeling of my walls clamping down around him pushed him over the edge, and the feeling of him spilling into me prolonged the feeling, and we were both shaking by the end of it. He pulled out of me and we both groaned at the loss of contact.

***End of M scene***

He rolled over, and lay next to me. I wasn't having that, and I moved so I was half laying on him, his leg in between mine, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest. He pulled the duvet over us, and wrapped his arms around me. We fell asleep like that, both exhausted from the events of the day.

What do you think? Review :) x