Ok this is my new fiction. I am writing it for my new friend on here vampirelurv15 it's a Dean and Cas story based on the movie A walk to remember. Because I love Dean and Cas and I love the movie. The first chapter is pretty much following the script. That will change some as the chapter's progress however. So enjoy, and without further ado here's the story.

It's a foggy night in North Carolina. All the gang is out at the factory after leaving the dance. They are waiting for chuck the new kid to show up.

There's Lisa who is Dean's ex. Ash and Pamela who are together, Ash is an ass, but she still loves him. Pamela just does whatever he wants her to do.

Then there's Gabriel who drove Lisa here. Sam, Sam is Dean's best friend.

Ash asks. "Is he here yet?"

Gabriel replies. "Nope"

Pam says to Ash. "Maybe you scared him."

Sam says. "Hey, I've gotta take a massive piss."

Gabe says. "Dude any reason to take that thing out."

Dean pulls up in his Impala blaring music from the radio. He gets out of the car.

Dean asks. "Anyone got a beer?"

Pam says. "We finished them back at the school. Besides you've had enough."

Dean grins as he passes by Ash and Pamela; he greets Ash with a fist bump. Ash and Pamela go back to kissing as Dean walks away.

Lisa smiles at Dean. "I've got a beer."

Dean's smile fades.

It's not cold but it's yours." Lisa says

Sam sits on Ash's truck laying back.

"Yep all you got to do is sit up, beg, roll over and shake your ass for it." Sam says.

Lisa says. "Thanks a lot Sam."

"Anytime, anywhere." Sam says.

"This is gonna be sweet." Gabe says.

Ash smiles. "I'm glad I thought of it."

Pam pushes Ash away. "You guys are animals." She says. "Just because he is new."

"Hey" Ash says. "You've been talking shit since we got here. Why don't you be quiet?"

Ash shoves her against the truck roughly and walks off.

Pam says to Ash. "What's a matter with you?"

"You know how it is. No one is forcing him to show up." Dean says.

Lisa says. "Yeah if he doesn't I wanna go back to the dance."

"Hey, hey Lisa. Why don't you go back to the dance alone?" Ash says.

Sam laughs.

"I wasn't talking to you Ash." Lisa says.

"You know I don't dance." Dean says to Lisa.

Sam says "It's true; I've seen him try to dance. It's not pretty. But myself I can dance. So what do you say baby?"

Lisa just ignores Sam.

Chuck pulls up in his jeep then. And the group snickers at his car.

Ash grins clapping. "Hey he's here."

Chuck parks his jeep.

"Oh I can't wait to see you fly." Sam says.

Chuck gets out and walks over.

"Hey." Chuck says.

"Hi" Lisa replies.

Sam says. "Hey nice shirt."

Dean and ash laugh. And chuck shakes his head.

"You're late, I thought I said be here at 10." Ash says as he looks at his watch.

"When I say be here at 10 be here ok? You think you can remember that for next time?" Ash says.

Chuck just gives him a look.

Ash walks off laughing.

Chuck asks Dean. "Is he always like that?"

Dean throws an arm around Chuck. "Always" he replies. "So how about it?"

He spreads his arms like wings. "You ready to fly?"

Pam breaks away from Lisa to catch up with Ash.

"Wait up baby." She calls.

She jumps on his back. "Giddy up." She says.

Chuck is checking out the water. They reach the platform. Pam gets off Ash.

"Ok here's the deal. You're gonna jump from up there to in here." Ash says to Chuck.

Dean takes off his leather jacket and looks at Chuck.

"That's it. Then you're one of us ok?" Ash says.

Chuck nods.

"You ready?" Ash asks.

"Yeah" Chuck says.

Ash says. "Yeah?"

Chuck smiles.

"Yeah" Chuck says again.

Ash stands up.

"Let's do this ok?" He asks Chuck.

Dean looks at Chuck who looks worried. "Its easy man, I'm jumping with you." Dean says.

Chucks eyes look up. It's a huge jump.

"How deep is this?" Chuck asks.

"I don't know. Let's go find out, huh?" Dean asks.

Chuck takes off his jacket and his shirt. He's got another one on under that one. He looks at the platform again. Dean leads the way up the ladder. Everyone is watching down below.

They are yelling things from below that Dean and Chuck can't hear.

"Uh have you done this?" Chuck asks.

"Yeah man we all have." Dean says.

"Hey you guys gonna do this tonight?" Ash yells out loudly.

"On three" Dean says. "One, two, three!"

Dean stays put while Chuck jumps his body hitting the water hard. A minute passes and Chuck's body surfaces face down in the water.

"Oh my God" Pamela cries out.

"Oh shit." Gabe says.

"He's hurt, Dean he's hurt." Pamela calls.

Dean races down the platform as Pam yells at Ash.

"Ash what the heck." She yells

"You guy's he's hurt." Lisa calls out.

"Ash is he ok? Ash you idiot I told you not to do this."

"In the water." Sam yells

Dean splashes into the water.

"Is he dead?" Pam asks panicking.

Dean grabs Chuck.

"Come here, come here." Ash is yelling.

"Help me!" Dean is yelling.

Everyone is yelling now.

"Hurry get him over here." Lisa says.

"There's a lead pipe in there, he must have hit his head." Dean says.

"Come on; get him out of the water." Sam says his voice cracking.

"Hurry up."

Dean reaches the shore.

"Come on get him out." Sam says.

A security guard shines his flash light around.

"Hey who's down there?" He asks.

"Come on Pam now!" Ash yells.

Gabe pulls Lisa away.

"Sam" Dean calls.

Ash to Pamela. "Go!"

The security guard is talking on his walkie talkie now.

"Hey we got some trespassers down here send a squad car."

"Come on Dean." Sam calls.

"Come on!" Ash yells.

"Sam!" Gabe calls.

Ash, Lisa, and Gabe are running to the cars.

Ash says. "You guys just leave him."

"Come on forget about him." Sam says.

Dean hands chuck to Sam, Sam pulls him ashore.

"Watch his head." Dean says.

"He's alright. I got him. Alright come on. We got to get out of here." Sam says.

Dean jumps out and Sam helps him.

"Go!" Dean yells.

"Dean come on." Sam says.

"Get outta here!" Dean yells.

Dean kneels by Chuck. Chuck is coughing and moving his head rapidly from side to side.

"Calm down. Shh." Dean says.

Ash drives off squealing out of the parking lot.

Lisa is behind Gabe she looks back at Dean and Chuck.

"Lisa let's go." Gabe yells.

"Come on, get in. I'm driving." Gabe yells.

He hops in and takes off.

Chuck has a nasty gash on his forehead. Dean stares down at Chuck and then Dean runs to his Impala.

"Damnit." Dean yells as he gets in.

The car screeches off. He almost runs into a cop car. The car screeches around and follows him. The chase is on.

"Shit!" Dean yells.

Dean has nowhere to go he is driving wild trying to not crash. The cop pulls ahead and cuts him off. He crashes into a water barrel. Water splashes up and hits his now damaged car.

The cop comes over.

"Keep your hands on the wheel. " The cop replies.

Dean turns away and shuts his eyes placing his hands on the wheel.


A/N: The next chapter will have Cas in it –grins- Because that is what makes a story good Dean and Cas –grins more. I hope you enjoyed my story and please review. I appreciate them a lot.