Chapter Thirty-Three.

Soft singing from birds was the first thing Corlia processed, her mind jolting at the sound. Her eyes remained closed, her body stinging from sore muscles and healing wounds. Was she dreaming? It had been a long time since she had heard music from the birds. As she lay silently she tried to recollect her thoughts, the memory of the ground shaking beneath her before darkness consuming her the last thing she remembered. A shiver trailed down her spine; she knew the war was finally over, the sight of Mordor's tower falling coming back to mind. Her thoughts darkened for a moment, remembering she had no strength to even move as she watched that event; what was the cost of winning this war? Had anyone survived or was it a repeat of the past? She inwardly cringed, hoping at least someone had lived to tell the tale. Slowly she wiggled her fingers, soft silk comforting to her touch. Corlia tried her best to focus on her surroundings, figure out where she was but all she could hear was the singing of the birds. Frustrated by this she tried to call out for anyone nearby to hear but she was too weak, not a single sound left her lips.

Was this death? Had she left Middle Earth after completing her task? She mentally shook away those thoughts, remembering Gandalf's words when Sauron tried to overthrow Minas Tirith… no, she was not dead.
"She's slowly getting her strength back, it's a good thing you found her when you did. If she was left any longer I don't think my healing could have saved her… even the ring she wears could not have saved her" a strong male voice spoke and Corlia froze, she knew that voice. It was a voice she hadn't heard in a long time, was that truly him? There was a brief silence making her wonder if someone else was nearby.
"How long until she is awake Lord Elrond?" another voice said, her heart leaping as she recognised it as Legolas. His voice was worn and tired, something not often heard among the elves. Corlia tried her best to call out and comfort him, let him know that she was well but her lips refused to cooperate. Frustrated by this again she clenched the material in her grasp, her weak grip softening as she felt a warm hand upon hers. The two elves must have shared a glance at one another for a silence appeared again.
"I think you have your answer…" Lord Elrond replied,
"I must check on Frodo, I expect him to wake any day now" he continued on and Corlia faintly heard the elf leave the room.

A sigh escaped Legolas's lips as he looked down at Corlia, sitting himself on the bed next to her. She was covered in cuts and bruises but Lord Elrond's healing had done wonders to her. With soft words Legolas voiced what had happened after the battle, the sun outside slowly setting behind him as he spoke. Corlia was relieved that many had survived the battle, her heart warm at such news. Legolas's voice was going lower as he spoke on, it was clear that he had not rested.
"…Gimli and I spent hours looking for you" he continued on,
"It was only because of your ring that we found you. I… I thought you had fallen but there was still a pulse. I wasn't sure if we could get you back here in time but Arod never faltered as I rode him back with you. Lord Elrond was already here when I arrived, thankfully he was done seeing to Frodo and Sam so you didn't have to wait" Legolas carried on, his voice almost a whisper now.
"Corlia I…" Legolas tried to continue on but he paused as he felt Corlia's hand softly squeeze his. The elf let out another sigh, relief spreading through his body.
"…over…" Legolas heard her mumble and he looked at her face, her lips parted and her unseeing eyes half open.
"I… I can't beli-believe it's finally over…" Corlia strained voice spoke, coughing as she tried to clear her lungs. Legolas weakly smiled at her words, kissing her on the forehead.
"Yes its over" the elf quietly said, his eyes softening in her direction.
"Le-Legolas I…" Corlia tried to say but her voice gave up on her.
"Shh, rest my love" Legolas softly told her, not wanting the skin-changer to strain herself. The woman before him weakly smiled in acceptance, closing her eyes as she fell back to sleep.

Weeks flew by and the survivors from the war slowly recovered. Corlia was among them, finally having the strength to enjoy the day outside instead of being stuck inside a bed. Corlia had come to accept the events that had taken place over the years, even though she couldn't ask him she knew that Gil-galad was glad she had found happiness in her life again. Corlia knew that life would not be the same from now on, the past will often haunt her but knowing Legolas would be at her side she knew that it was going to be alright. Speaking of Legolas he would often find her enjoying the company of the hobbits or sitting alone on the front wall, a smile often on his face as he set his eyes on her. Whenever he wasn't by her side he was happily with Gimli, the pair inseparable at times much to Corlia and Aragorn's amusement.

Today was much different though as the elf arrived at the stables, a messy note left by Corlia his only hint to where she was. He noticed her straight away standing by one of the stable doors with outstretched arms. A small smile appeared on his face as he watched her fumble to try and find the latch; she had been in this situation before when they were in Edoras. He smoothly walked to her side, unlatching the door to the stable. The woman next to him jumped, surprised by his silent approach but he could see the small smile on her lips.
"I see you found my note Legolas" Corlia softly told him and the elf laughed, setting his arm around her waist as he kissed the top of her head. The woman sighed in content, leaning into his touch.
"I always do. Is that..? When did Narreanea return?" Legolas replied, his eyes upward and focused on the horse in the stable. The black stallion stared back at him, his head held high. The horse had lost weight since the last time he had seen him but he was clean, a bridle the only thing placed on him.
"Yesterday. Would you like to ride out with me?" Corlia said, holding out her hand towards the horse. Narreanea approached the woman, the reins of the bridle falling into the palms of her hands. Legolas's smile softened as he looked down at her.
"I think you already know the answer" he answered her in a playful tone making the woman laugh.

Both Legolas and Corlia couldn't help but relax as they left the city gates, the wide open space welcoming to them. Even Narreanea enjoyed himself as he happily walked along the recovering land, his footfalls smooth as he enjoyed the sight.
"Corlia" Legolas breathed, the elf fidgeting behind her as he pulled something out of his pocket.
"I was told to give this to you, a letter from Lothlórien… from Lady Galadriel herself" Legolas continued on making Corlia frown. She didn't open her hand to receive the letter; instead she turned her head slightly to the left to listen to him better.
"Can you read it for me?" Corlia softly asked and instantly Legolas nodded, opening the letter so he could reveal its contents.
"Tyrlylth, Mistress of the Blade, long I have known you and your duty is done. Peace will flourish among the land and your story is over. Fear not your past for a future is ahead of you, you will journey the land before leaving it behind. Farewell shape shifter but this is not goodbye. We will meet again, War Hero, but across the sea where only few can go…" Legolas quietly read. Corlia took in his words, her head bowed as she closed her eyes.

It felt as if a large weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Since meeting Gil-galad many years ago all she had ever done was fight a war that never seemed to end. Even after his fall she had travelled in the darkest of shadows, causing havoc on small orc parties travelling from one place to another. Corlia thought she would never live to see the end of it, especially after the One Ring was lost but the unthinkable was accomplished… the One Ring was finally gone from Middle Earth along with Sauron.
"Thank you Legolas" she slowly said, lifting her head again to feel the final rays of the evening sun upon her face. Legolas carefully returned the letter to his pocket, resting his arms back around her waist.

Legolas and Corlia knew that they were lucky to still be alive; it was going to take a long time to recover both mentally and physically from this war. None of them could tell what the future would bring them; all they knew for sure was that they were going to remain together.

The End.

Authors Note: I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this story; I can't believe this has finally come to an end. I will be returning to this story at some point to correct spelling mistakes, phrases and so on but this is sadly the end of this series.

I started this story several years ago in a small book without a single idea where it would lead. I only had a basic character, a Gil-galad themed past and an ending plotline to work on. If I could go back in time I would have told myself to work out the whole plotline instead of these little pieces, though to be honest I doubt my younger self would have listened. It's been a long journey and even though I'm sad that it's come to an end I'm also relieved that I finished something that I wanted to create in my early teens.

If you have enjoyed my writing feel free to check out some of my other stories. I have a few other Legolas based stories in the making but I plan to start one of them up in a month or so time. Once again thank you for reading this story and giving me support along the way, I doubt I would have done it without you. Happy reading in the future!