Author's Note: I wasn't going to post this until it was completely done, but I need people to keep me on track because my amazing beta is very convincing and has made me take part of it in a totally different direction. Love you, Kellie!

Also, this story is taking on a mind of it's own and I have no idea how long it's going to be. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but you have been warned. ^_^

So, without further ado... "Forget Regret" sequel to "Over Him"

"Kendall! How are you?" Carlos cheerily asks over the phone.

Kendall sighs, "What do you want, Carlos?"

Feigning hurt, Carlos asks, "What, am I not allowed to ask my friend what he's been up to?"

"Not in that tone of voice."

Carlos clears his throat and re-asks the question in a monotone melancholy voice. "Hey, Kendall. How are you?" He clears his throat again. "There! Was that better?" he asks in his normal voice.

"Haha, very funny. I'm fine, but really - what do you want?"

"I'm hurt that you still think that I want something, but since we're on that topic, what are you doing in two weeks?"

"Ha! I knew it!" Kendall fists pumps in victory. "Wait! What's happening in two weeks?"

"Logan's summer break. We're planning on coming up to Minnesota. Wanted to make sure you're free."

"Yes! Goodness knows I miss you two idiots!"

Carlos blushes. "Just for that, I'll talk Logan into going to California to visit James instead."

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try."

"So, anyway, are you gonna be able to hang out with us when we get there?"

"I'll have to check our schedule, but I'll be able to see you guys at least once. I'll make sure of it."

"You better! Let me know as soon as you find out!"

"Yes, sir!" Kendall responds sarcastically.

"Logan! How ya doin'?"

"Hey, James! I'm good. Still trudging through textbooks. How's it going over in the entertainment capital?"

"It's so different from Minnesota, but I love it! How's Carlos?"

"He's good, too. It looks like he'll be following in his father's footsteps. Getting ready to join the police academy next month."

"That's awesome! I could definitely see Carlos running around the streets of Orlando catching the bad guys."

James and Logan chuckle.

"So, anyway, the reason I'm calling is to let you know that Carlos and I are heading up to Minnesota for summer break to visit family and are hoping to hang out with Kendall. If you aren't busy becoming famous and can go back, we'd love to have us all together again."

"Dude, that sounds awesome! When's break?"

"Two weeks."

"Perfect! That's mom's birthday. I was planning on surprising her! I'll just add a few more days to the vacation."

"Awesome! I'll send you our itinerary and such later. See ya in two weeks!"

"See ya then! Can't wait!"

Logan hangs up the phone and steps out into the living room in time to see Carlos hanging up as well. He takes a seat next to Carlos and instinctively places his arm around Carlos' shoulders and gives him a squeeze.

"So?" Logan asks.

"Kendall will have to see what their schedule looks like. Apparently they're in the hunt for the playoffs and each game is becoming more and more important."

"Does that make us horrible friends for not knowing that? It's not like we can't flip to ESPN every once in a while to see how Kendall's doing now that he's playing for the Wild."

"Yes. Yes, it does. We're horrible people." Carlos jokes.

Logan playfully punches him with his free hand.

"What did James say?"

"He was planning on heading back to surprise his mom for her birthday, so he'll just extend his vacation a few days."

"Perfect!" Carlos exclaims as a huge grin appears on his face.

They sit in silence for a while, each lost in his thoughts. After a few minutes, Carlos' stomach breaks them from their thoughts.

Carlos grabs his stomach and tries his best to hide it. It fails. Logan looks over at Carlos with a grin, "Hungry, are we?"

Carlos puts on a pouty face and nods. Logan removes his arm from the back of the couch and leans forward clasping his hands over his knees. "… and what would you like me to do about it?"

Carlos furrows his brows and switches on the toddler act he knows Logan can't refuse.

Logan knows exactly what Carlos is up to. "Uh-uh. That's not going to work on me. Not this time."

Carlos ignores this statement and continues the act. He places himself in Logan's peripheral vision and rubs his stomach. As if he planned it, his stomach growls again.

"No," Logan says as he shakes his head, "you're a grown man you can get your own food," he jokingly adds.

"Bu… bu… but?" Carlos stammers.

Logan closes his eyes, sticks his fingers in his ears, and starts chanting. "Lalalalalalalalalalala…"

Carlos pulls at Logan's hands trying to free up one of Logan's ears, but Logan's gotten stronger, a fact Carlos saves for a later date. He eventually gives up and sits back into the couch, arms crossed. Logan feels the pulling stop and cautiously removes his ear plugs and opens his eyes. He slowly turns toward Carlos.

"Damn it, Carlos! How do you do this to me?"

Logan gets up and makes his way to the kitchen. Carlos smirks and bounces up and down in his seat.

He flutters his eyes and says, "Awww… you know you love me!"

"Yeah, yeah…" Logan concedes as he waves Carlos off. "So, what do you want for dinner?" He glances back at the Latino who has the cheesiest grin on his face.

"Right," Logan sighs, "Why did I even ask?"

Logan opens up the freezer and pulls out a box of microwavable corndogs. In that short amount of time, Carlos has flown from the couch to the kitchen. He wraps his arms around Logan's waist and rests his chin on Logan's shoulder.

"Aww… you know me so well!" Carlos chuckles as he gives Logan a peck on the cheek.

Logan holds up the box and shakes it. Carlos takes the hint and lets him go so that Logan can get the food into the microwave before Carlos' stomach yells at them again.

With the corndogs in the microwave, Logan turns to face Carlos. "Last time!"

Carlos nods. "Uh-huh… we'll see," he says with a smirk.