I was looking on deviant art, and I saw that one of the artists had done the episode Betrothed Titans East style! So, I asked myself, why don't I make a fanfic about this abso-freaking-lutely brilliant idea? Just so you guys know, Bumblebee's real name is Karen Beecher, Speedy's is Roy Harper, and Aqualad's is Garth. Anyone know Mas and Menos'? Or have any ideas? All Spanish is translated by Google Translate. Here goes! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Don't own Teen Titans.

"Yo, Shafty," Bumblebee called out to her red-headed teammate, smirking slightly as he winced at the annoying moniker.

"What?" he snapped, clearly annoyed, as he was polishing his bow.

"You seen Aqualad? He hasn't come out of his room yet, and it's eleven. Usually he's the first one up," Bumblebee answered worriedly.

"No, I haven't. But you're right, this is weird, even for him. He never stays in bed past six thirty, and even then, he's usually awake," Speedy answered, a hint of panic creeping into his tone. "Have you asked the Tornado Twins?"

"Nope," Bumblebee answered. "But I will now." She turned towards the kitchen. "Mas! Menos!" There was a sudden blur of white, and suddenly the two Spanish-speaking twins appeared right in front of the duo.

"Hola, señorita Bumblebee!" Mas spoke. (Translation: Hello, Miss Bumblebee!)

"¿En qué podemos ayudarle?" Menos continued. (Translation: What can we help you with?)

"Errr...what?" Speedy asked Bumblebee. He had learned a long time ago how to block out the twins' incessant speaking, and had never learned how to speak Spanish. Bumblebee, however, took it upon herself to learn how to communicate with the to mischievous twins.

"¿Sabe usted...uhh... dónde Aqualad es?" Karen asked, her Spanish clearly rough. (Translation: Do you know where Aqualad is?)

"No, señorita Bumblebee. No hemos visto todo el día," Mas answered, shrugging, and Menos shook his head. (Translation: No, Miss Bumblebee. We haven't seen him all day.)

"Bien. Por favor, uhhh...mantenga un ojo...umm... hacia fuera para él. Gracias," Bumblebee replied, and Mas and Menos nodded their heads quickly before running off. (Translation: Okay. Please keep an eye out for him. Thank you.)

"What just happened?" Speedy demanded.

"In a nutshell, they haven't seen Aqualad," Bumblebee responded, her brow furrowing. "I wonder what's wrong..."

"Maybe we should go check on him," Speedy offered.

"No, no," the winged teen shook her head. "I don't want to disrespect Aqualad's privacy. If he doesn't come out by the time training is over, then we'll go see him."


"What's wrong with you today?" Bumblebee berated Speedy. "You missed almost every single target!"

"Look, Bee-otch," Speedy yelled back. "I'm just worried about Aqualad, okay? He's acting weird today."

"You got that right," Bumblebee said softly. Showing compassion and caring were rare things for Speedy to do, and when he did, no one wanted to tease him about it. "He didn't show up for training."

"Does this mean we get to go see what's wrong?"

"Yes. If he's done something bad...or someone's done something to him..."

"You don't think...you don't think that someone got into the tower...and...and..."

"No, Roy," Speedy started slightly at the sound of his name. "I'm just trying to think of all the possibilities, y'know?"

"Yeah," Speedy answered, but his masked eyes were still wide with panic. "Look, Bee, I really think we should-"

"-go see if he's okay? Yeah, I agree. Let's get Mas and Menos and go. Mas! Menos! ¡Ven aquí! Vamos...umm... a la...errr... habitación de Aqualad," Bumblebee beckoned for the red-headed twins to come over to them. (Translation: Mas! Menos! Come here! We're going to Aqualad's room.)


"Aqualad," Speedy called out, knocking quietly on Aqualad's door. Aqualad's room was further down in the tower, near the basement, because the air was cooler and more adapted to Aqualad's physiology. He also wanted to be near the ocean, and he built several windows in his room that showed the underwater paradise that the Titans East tower was placed on. "Aqualad? Are you in there? We're really worried." No one answered. "Aqualad?" Speedy pounded a bit harder. "Aqualad! Open your freaking door! AQUALAD!"

"Jesus Christ, Shafty, calm down!" Bumblebee snapped, slapping his hand away from the door.

"¿Y si fue secuestrado y por eso no es abrir la puerta?" Menos asked, his plump, childish face grim. (Translation: What if he was kidnapped and that's why he's not opening the door?)

"Don't talk like that!" Bumblebee reprimanded them, though a look of panic flitted across he face.

"What? What did he say?" Speedy demanded.

"Nothing," Bumblebee answered dismissively. "It's fine. Just...let's get this door open." She quickly placed her palm on the keypad outside of the Atlantean's door; all of her teammates watched silently.

"Identity-confirmed: Bumblebee," a mechanized voice said. "Access-granted." The door slid to the right slowly, without making a sound. The team quickly stepped inside before the panel closed again, shutting them off from sunlight.

Aqualad's bedroom was simple. There was a soft royal blue carpet spread across the floor, a ordinary dresser against the back wall (the only wall that didn't have floor to ceiling windows showing the bottom of the ocean), and a plain bed with navy sheets. The whole place had a slightly fishy, salty smell. There was a small lump on the bed, buried under the sheets.

"Aqualad?" Speedy asked timidly, taking small steps towards the bed.

"¿Señor Aqualad? ¿Estás bien?" Mas asked cautiously, he and his brother speeding forward quickly. (Translation: Mister Aqualad? Are you okay?)

"Garth," Bumblebee said gently, and the sound of his name caused Aqualad to stir slightly. "Garth, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it," was the muffled reply.

"You can tell us anything," Speedy promised, sitting on the edge of the raven-haired teen's bed. Aqualad sat him, and the team stared at him in silence. His face was shimmering with tear tracks, his deep violet eyes deep and puffy. (A/N: I know, he doesn't have purple eyes in the cartoon, but in the comics, he was banished from his home because purple eyes were supposed to be a curse.) Aqualad hiccuped slightly, and let out a small sob, clenching the sheets in his pale hands. Bumblebee quickly drew him into a hug, which he returned gratefully, sobbing into her neck, his lithe body shaking. The twins and Speedy exchanged looks. This was not how Aqualad acted. Not at all.

"Garth...you gotta tell us what's wrong...we can help you..." Speedy murmured quietly.

"No, you can't. Not this time," Aqualad said, closing his eyes.

"Of course we can! We're the freaking Teen Titans!" Speedy argued.

"Shafty, I think it would help if we actually knew what was wrong," Bumblebee pointed out.

"Oh. Right. So, fishboy, what's wrong?"

"I'm going home," Aqualad muttered angrily, blinking back fresh tears.

"Eso no es tan malo, aunque ... ¿verdad?" Menos spoke suddnely. (Translation: That isn't that bad...is it?)

"No. It gets worse," Aqualad choked out.

"How?" Speedy asked, fearful of the answer.

"I'm going to get married."

I know, you all hate me right now. How will the team react? Keep reading to find out! I have something to ask anyone reading this story...could you PM me with a synopsis of Aqualad's past? 'Cause I really don't understand anything...and I need it for the next chapter...Thanks! Also, I'm thinking about making this a Spaqua...because they are just so darned cute together!

Please Review!
