WHOA! I have SERIOUSLY neglected this story! I'M SO SORRY! *bursts into tears* On another hand, thanks so much for all of the lovely reviews! They made my day! I apologize if the characters in here seem kind of OOC. Especially Beastboy and Robin.

Disclaimers: I don't own the Teen Titans. Never will. WHY IS MY LIFE SO FULL OF DISAPPOINTMENT?

"I don't understand...why are you so upset about Aqualad marrying someone from Atlantis?" Beastboy asked, obviously confused. Titans East was on the line with Titans Central, and they were having a very intense discussion via video-chat. Speedy let out a huge sigh and rubbed his forehead roughly. They'd been over this about ten times already and Beastboy still could not grasp the situation.

"Because, BB, if he doesn't marry the girl, then his former mentor, Aquaman, a.k.a. King Orin will start a big fricking war and it will probably destroy all of Olympus," Speedy explained exasperatedly.

"Oh. That's bad," Beastboy said, eyes wide.

"No shit, Sherlock. Did you figure that out all by yourself?" Speedy snapped. He was not in very good mood, and the ditzy green Titan wasn't helping at all.

"Shut up, Bowhead," Bumblebee snarled, shooting him a glare that could've made Trigon cower in fear. Speedy glared right back, and the two held an extensive contest before Speedy broke off, crossing his arms, and turning away from the girl with a huff. Bumblebee, slightly pleased, turned back to the five original Titans, her face grim. "But, honestly? We really aren't prepared for this...I mean, Atlantis has always been a sketchy subject for Aqualad..."

"¡Sí! él nunca habla de su casa o su vida pasada," Mas pointed out while his brother nodded fervently. (Translation: Yes! He never talks about his home or his past life.)

"Speaking of Aqualad, where is he?" Robin asked, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity.

Speedy shrugged. "Packing I would guess. He's already made up his mind about the whole matter. We've tried to talk to him about it, but he just keeps saying that he has to do what's right for his people."

"Alright, well, that's good, because I think this is a conversation we need to have without him in the room," Robin said in a low voice.

"We think that possibly that this marriage scenario is just a trap or a ploy to get Aqualad into Atlantis," Raven continued. "A very similar incident happened to Starfire a while a go, and it was just a trick."

"My sister wished to do the trading of my hand in marriage for the Jewel of Charta," the red-haired alien added, her tone slightly bitter.

"So, what you're trying to say is that these Idyllist people are going to trade Aqualad for a valuable gemstone," Speedy asked skeptically.

Cyborg shook his head. "No, but it could be a different motive."

"Like what? The Idyllists hate him. They murdered his father," Speedy responded, not really thinking about his words.

"What?" Robin inquired, leaning slightly forward, his interest piqued.

"The Idyllist radicals murdered his father for some reason, banished his mom, and then kicked him out because of his purple eyes," Bumblebee clarified.

"But-" Raven started.

"Dude-he has purple eyes?" Beastboy asked, his eyes widening. Everybody looked irritably at the changeling who shrank back. "Sorry."

"If I may continue," Raven snapped, rolling her eyes.

"No one's stopping you," Beastboy had to point out snarkily.

"If you like how your face is right now, dude, I would shut up before Raven rearranges it," Cyborg advised.

"Thank you. Now, why is having purple eyes considered inferior in Atlantis?" Raven questioned.

Bumblebee, Speedy, and Mas and Menos exchanged worried glances, realizing just ho much they didn't know about their teammate. "He didn't really go into detail about it," Bumblebee spoke up. "It's probably a sore subject. He did say that he had powers that most Atlantians didn't have and that there was something about a prophecy..."

"Perhaps that is why they wish him to marry," Starfire suggested.

"It may have something to do with becoming king, or marrying, or about him having purple eyes," Robin mused aloud. "Now, when did he say he was leaving?"

"Tomorrow," Bumblebee and Speedy answered in unison.

"That doesn't leave a lot of time for you to talk to him," Cyborg said worriedly.

Speedy shrugged. "Eh. We still have the whole ride there and a couple of days before the ceremony..."

"What?" Robin asked, clearly bewildered. Bumblebee looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"You didn't actually think we weren't going to accompany him to Atlantis, did you?" she asked, placing a hand on her hip.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Beastboy asked, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

"Que fue con Starfire cuando tuvo que regresar a su planeta de origen!" Menos argued. (Translation: You went with Starfire when she had to go back to her home planet!)

"That's different," Robin, quickly spoke.

"How?" Speedy snapped. "All we're doing is supporting a friend. I don't see anything wrong with that."

"But-" Robin started to argue.

"They have a point, Robin," Cyborg said.

"All I'm saying is that it's really dangerou-" Robin argued, only to be cut off by Raven.

"Are you suggesting that what we did was dangerous? Actually, what we did was more dangerous than what Titans East want to do. We were in space," the empath pointed out.

"Well, that may be so, but-"

"Dude! You didn't put up this much of a fight when we went with Starfire! You were all gung-ho then, so why not now?" Beastboy asked.

"Fine! Fine! You guys win!" Robin snapped, throwing his hands up into the air. "You can go to Atlantis. Just make sure to call us and keep us updated every night, do you hear me?"

"Yes, yes, we hear you," Bumblebee answered, rolling her eyes.

"And remember: if anything goes wrong, push the red button on the side of your communicator and we'll come rescue you immediately. Oh! Also-" Robin said.

"Well, nice talking to you, we'll keep in touch," Speedy replied quickly, pressing a button on the keypad, and the computer screen went black.

"Speedy!" Bumblebee roared indignantly.

"Hey! Better than listening to Boy Blunder's ranting for another two hours," the archer protested, and Bumblebee sighed. He did have a point.

"Anyways, we convinced Robin and the rest of Titans Central. Man, that was harder than I expected," Bumblebee mumbled, leaning back in her chair.

"Well, that's easy compared to what we have to do now," Speedy groaned.

"What?" Bumblebee asked, her eyes wide.

"Now...we have to convince Aqualad."

"...I'm gonna let you handle this by yourself..."


"Sorry! I gotta...go...give the twins a bath!"


"Hey...err...Aqualad? Can I talk to you?" Speedy asked, knocking on the Atlantean's door.

"Sure," Aqualad responded, opening it and making a gesture for Speedy to come in. It didn't look any different than it had the last time Speedy had been in it, except for the small black suitcase on the bed. "What do you need?" His tone was light and slightly aloof, hiding any worry Aqualad had.

"Okay, well, we just talked to Titans Central about this entire thing..."

"You did?" Aqualad's eyes dilated. "And...what did they say?"

"Well, they're fine with your decision. But they think it could be a trap so they want us to be careful."

"Us?" Aqualad asked, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean, us?"

"Yeah, well, we're going to Atlantis with you," Speedy replied, his tone confident.

"As much as I appreciate that, it's much to dangerous, and-"

"Let me rephrase that: we're going to Atlantis with you whether you like it or not, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Not one of my best pieces of writing, but I'd still love reviews!
