Hehehe, Edward and Winry completly fit their roles. :D


Disclamer: I do not own FMA or Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I own only this story and plot, anyone who dares to copy it will be dealt with...beware!

Chapter 1: Bogota

Two blonds were sitting in two different chairs, both facing the same direction. Both of them were relaxed, although their expressions were mixed. Both were somewhat amused yet slightly annoyed expressions. There was a male and a female.

The male was wearing a full sleeved light blue shirt, with the sleeves folded casually. The top two buttons were open, showing off his perfectly chiseled chest. He wore a dark jacket over that, although it was attached to a hook on a stand which was by the door. A Rolex watch was on his wrists, while a wealth Nokia mobile phone was in the pocket. He wore dark jeans, faded in the middle. His long golden blonde hair was in a ponytail, which was resting on his shoulder. His golden eyes were fixed on the male in front of him, while he personally loathed every moment of it.

The female was in a cream colored light button up sleeveless shirt, exposing her toned and tanned arms to the world. She wore a brown skirt and tight blue jeans underneath, along with high heels. Her lemony blonde hair was in a ponytail, just as her husband liked it. Her sky blue eyes were fixed on the person in front of her, along with some loathing.

Before the person in front of them could say anything, the male started.

"Ok….I'll go first." He used his arms to give out a few needless gestures, but nothing much." Let me say, we don't really need to be here."

The person in front of them raised an eyebrow at that, but motioned him to continue.

"See, we've been married for 5 years. "

"Six."His wife interjected, hoping to rid him of his playful forgetfulness.

"Five-six years. So this is like…a check up for us. A chance to poke around the engine, change the oil, change the tires, test the suspension, and so on."

"Yeah that's it, nothing much."

The response sent the same thought through their minds.

"Very well then, let's pop the hood."

'I hate fucking hate counseling sessions!'

"On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy you are as a couple?"

The female was quick to reply. "Eight."

"Wait wait. 10 being perfectly happy and one being total hell? Or is that the other way around?"

"Just answer instinctively."


"You ready for this, Win?"


"Eight." their repose was together.

"How often do you have sex?"

This question brought mischievous smiles on the both of them. According to them, it was the wrong question. The right one would be 'how often you don't have sex?'

Those smirks answered the question for the councilor, but he still pressed on.

"I'm lost. Is this a 1 to 10 thing?" The male spoke out, as he was the first one to break off from his…..pleasant memories.

"Forget about that. How many times this week?"

The female remained silent, not wanting to disclose private information, choosing to look down in embarrassment, along with a blush coating her face. However, the male proudly held up 9 fingers.

"How do things usually go around you?"



A sight of their somewhat 'lost' faces was enough to make him understand that his question was not understood within his clients.

"Ok. Let me rephrase that. How do any new people react when they meet you both as a couple?"

"Well…." The male started.

"They act pretty much-"


"Describe a normal day in your life. Individually."

That was an expected question. Their 'normal' lives included them getting up, having tea or coffee, going to work, working their ass off, coming back, having dinner together, then sex. Only if they weren't tired too much. Their actual lives included them killing a multitude of people on the international hit list for their respective organizations, then having strenuous mental and physical conditioning, and ending the day of work with an hour of two at the shooting gallery. So, their 'normal' days were pretty much not normal at all.

"Describe how you first met."

"It was in Colombia."


"5 years ago."


"Ok. 5 or 6 years ago."

Colombia. 5 or 6 years ago.

The job was never much simpler for Edward. After a quick parachute drop into the wilderness, it just took him an hour or so to mix in the local populace as a tourist. Apparently, the tourist rate was high over there, as the local flora and fauna was worth seeing. But however, the local political boss was not worth seeing, as he was the reason for the higher taxes and military rule in that town. It was said that he was a decadent man, but Edward was never one to go completely with the countless rumors that floated along the streets like thrash. A rope and a silenced .22 pistol along with a harness proved to be enough for equipment for the mission. Soon, the political boss found out that hanging out by the balcony could be life threatening. Especially when a highly trained assassin decides to play makeshift bungee jumping along the same building while aiming his gun at him.

For Winry, the job did involve a bit of hassle. Being jetlagged from Russia and having multiple groups of hobos staring at her from each and every available corner was not really helping her to calm her mind down. She wanted the hit on the local barracuda, but someone had got it before her. Someone always did. After all, she wasn't the only assassin in the world. Thus, she had got with dealing with the extremely paranoid arms dealer down the corner. He being paranoid was certainly NOT a plus point, as she really didn't want to deal with multiple .50 cal bullets totting automated machine guns in every corner of her target's voice. But she found a way. She always. Did. The arms dealer soon found out that not double checking the fragmentation grenades could end up in a disaster.

However, that was just the easy part for both of them.

The hard part was getting out.

And that was the topic on which Edward was currently mulling on. Although having the magazine in hand and a cold beer in another were nice distractions. He really missed his martinis, and wished that he was back in the states. But again, there was the case of the extraction.

His thoughts were rudely interrupted when multiple police barged into the hotel, waving their guns around inexpertly. Playing the ever interested tourist, he leant over and asked the barkeep.

"What happen?"

"Someone killed the local barracuda. They are looking for tourists travelling alone."

Now that could be a problem. He didn't expect the police to react so quickly, they never did so fast. Unless…

Just then, the head of the patrol found him incredibly interesting as an interrogation target.

"You travel alone, senor?"

Rudely interrupted, Edward turned his head towards him and feigned deafness.


"You alone?"

Edward's hand was slowly starting to creep towards his Glock. Along with accuracy, it did provide with a large clip, enough to take out the group in front of him. Just then, the salvation arrived, similar to a gift from the heavens.

The door was thrown open once again, a very interesting female; in Edward's opinion walked in. Wearing a white dress, along with high heels. Lemony blonde hair that was set loose, draped over her shoulder. Sky blue eyes searching for company. A very feminine yet athletic body. All in all, 9 out of 10 for that.

Instantly, the police started badgering her with questions, asking her if she was travelling along. It was a very stupid thing to do so, for anyone with an IQ over 45 was able to guess that fact. Her eyes searched for some sort of way out of that mess, while she found that her set of throwing knives was begging to be used.

Her way out, or savoir was another American, or so it seemed. Golden eyes, along with golden hair in a ponytail; a rare sight. A white shirt with a handkerchief used a makeshift tie. Blue denim jeans. Shirt was missing 3 buttons, flaunting off his chiseled body. Whether the buttons were purposely missing or sheer mistake; she didn't want to find out.

They simply continued to stare into each other's eyes, the rest of the world forgotten.

They found something….which attracted them to each other, no matter the odds.

"Yes. I'm not alone. I'm with him."

"Yes, yes. She's with me."

The head of the patrol frowned at that, but let them pass on. After quickly traversing 2 floors and half cramped corridor-the hotel wasn't so good; they ended up in one of the rooms, pressed against the door. Both held their breaths till the noise of the police footsteps went away.

"I'm Winry."

"I'm Edward."

Both nodded in acceptance. After a while, Edward spoke up again, still having his back to the door while she had glued her ear to it.

"Wanna go for a drink later?"

In case you have seen, I have changed certain things from the movie, cause they are not Brad and Angelina, They're EdWin! Nothing in the world beats that pairing !

I will also add certain chapters or things that were not included in the film. Cause If I just go on inculding the movie here, that would be BS and not a fanfiction story. So, things are changed. ( No. No automail here. )

An idea like this was revolving around in my mind from a long time, and I finally decided on which movie to put in the fma cast. Most of you wont even believe which all movies I was considering. :P You all would consider me retarded. Believe me.

Review, flame, do whatever you want. Just drop a line.