One Night

By: Me, obviously

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Age 2, but if I did, trust and believe that this pairing would exist.

Warnings: Blahblahblah, Slash, MalexMale (not this chapter, but later), Yaoi, yadayadayada...

Hahaha, so, combined the third and fourth parts of my story into one chapter since Part 3 didn't have but 300 words...Alrighty, enjoy!

Anders felt his cheeks warm when Fenris met his eyes. He coughed a little, nervously, and said, "'s not a problem."

There was something in those eyes that he was terrified of, but at the same time, intrigued by. He turned away from the elf, and could feel his gaze on his back.

Fenris certainly had a way of making things hard for Anders. He remembered how, at the Hanged Man, right after Danarius had been killed, he had tried to heal the elf. He had raged at the mage, calling him 'worthless' and told him that he was just like Danarius.

Anders had genuinely been hurt by that comment. He had also wondered why the elf hadn't just decided to kill him already.

It seemed that Fenris was thinking the same thing, because he said, "I...apologize for my behavior last week. I should have...thanked you for your help."

Anders glanced back at the elf, noting that he was still standing in the same spot, but was fidgeting nervously.

The mage returned to his makeshift desk and said, after a while, "It's fine, Fenris. I didn't take it personally." He winced as he lied.

Fenris had probably noticed. He sighed and said, "If you have nothing else to sa-"

"There is one other thing," Fenris interrupted.

This time, Anders turned fully in his chair to look at the elf. "Oh? What is it?"

"It is a question. Feel free to ignore it if you wish."

Anders watched the elf curiously as he began to pace. He seemed to be arguing with himself over whether or not he should ask this question. Now, the mage was damned curious. He waited, though.

" you...hate me?"

Anders blinked stupidly for a moment. He said slowly, trying to figure why the elf had asked him such a thing, "Do I...hate you?"

Fenris, with some annoyance, said, "That is what I asked." The former slave couldn't seem to meet his eyes anymore. He looked at the ground, finding that a pebble near his foot looked surprisingly interesting.

Anders thought for a moment, and said, slowly and deliberately, " not hate you. I just...wish you would be more understanding."

Fenris relaxed visibly and said, "I...have been trying. Believe me..."

The conversation was becoming more and more awkward, and Anders couldn't stop himself from standing and running a hand agitatedly through his hair. He said, "You certainly are acting strange, Fenris."

"Is it strange to speak to one's comrades in a civil manner?" Fenris asked, with dry sarcasm.

Anders blushed and said, "N-no. What's strange is that you let me, a mage, heal you, and then thanked me for it."

"Is that not what one does when he receives treatment?"

"'s strange coming from you." Anders sighed and began pacing.

Fenris remained silent, knowing he could not refute the mage's words. He watched as Anders paced, taking a seat on one of the cots and leaning his forearms on his knees.

How was it that Fenris was the only person capable of making Anders so frustrated? He was the only one who could make the mage act like this. And why was he sitting so quietly and watching him? That only irritated Anders more.

The mage finally stopped and faced Fenris. He said, "Why are you still here?"

Fenris stood and walked up to the mage. He said quietly, "Have you been sleeping at all?"

Completely taken aback by the sudden and unrelated question, Anders stammered, "Wh-what?"

"You're overworking yourself," Fenris stated coolly. He was standing a couple feet away, but that distance was too close for the mage to handle. He stepped back, and was surprised (again) when the elf took a step towards him.

"Fenris..." Anders warned.

The elf ignored him and took another step. Now they were practically chest-to-chest. Anders found that he couldn't look away from Fenris's emerald eyes -had they always been that radiant?- and he blushed heavily at the closeness.

Fenris raised a hand, and Anders instinctively flinched, squeezing his eyes shut. When the expected blow didn't follow, he cracked open one eye. Fenris was staring at him curiously.

The elf put his hand on Anders's forehead, and the mage almost flinched again before realizing that Fenris wasn't going to hurt him. He gaped at the elf, who raised an eyebrow in return, and they both stared at the other in awkward silence.

Fenris was the first to move. He slid the hand that was on Anders's forehead down to his cheek and the mage blinked in surprise.

The elf brought his other hand to cup Anders's other cheek and leaned up, closing the two-inch height difference between them. He pressed his lips to the mage's and his eyes slid shut.

Anders, on the other hand, was mentally freaking out. He was frozen in place by the fact that Fenris was kissing him!

Fenris didn't expect much from the mage, but was pleasantly surprised when Anders started to reciprocate the kiss. He felt tentative hands wrap around his waist and pressed against the mage. He moved his own hands so he could wrap his arms around Anders's neck.

Anders was not sure why he was kissing the elf, and at this point, didn't particularly care anymore. He just knew what Fenris wanted, and that he was the one to give it to him.