Ok so I hope you like this!


I shrunk back into the corner and stared at Jeb with cold unforgiving eyes. What he was about to do was normal. I may be the Great Maximum Ride, but even I knew this type of hurt was wrong.

If you're confused let me lay it out for you I am Maximum Ride. My mother got killed in a car accident 5 years ago. Four and a half years ago my dad started abusing me. It started off with small slaps and shoves. Now after all the different injuries he had given me I could be a nurse. I knew how to hide what Jeb did to me. I had enough concealer for half the world. Jeb does provide for me, nut I think it's just so he doesn't get caught. I mean if I had no money I wouldn't be able to buy my jeans and hoodies I always wear.

Now Jeb stood over me. With a beer bottle in his hand. He kicked me in the ribs hard. I swear I heard a crack. He started slapping and punching and kicking me everywhere. Then to finish me off he broke the beer bottle on my head. I gasped in pain as he walked away leaving me in the corner. I slowly stood up. Wincing at the pain in my rib cage. I limped up the stairs to my room. I took out one of my several first aid kits. I slowly wrapped my ribs tight so they could heal again. Then I cleaned the blood out of my hair. I had a good amount of bruises. Nothing to serious. I limped over to my bed and laid down slowly careful of my ribs. I feel asleep soon after only to have nightmares of other times Jeb hurt me...

Fang POV

Did I want to move to Arizona? No. Was I currently in a car with my adoptive mom and all of my adopted brothers and sisters on my way to Arizona? Yes. Was I happy about moving right before Sophomore Year? No! Did it matter what I thought? Of course not. I was perfectly happy in Florida at my high school with my girlfriend Vanessa. Now I was moving to a new house 2 weeks before my new school started with no girlfriend!

We were pulling up the road to our new house. I looked out the window when I saw it. It was a pretty nice house. I noticed there was a balcony on one side almost touching our neighbors. I saw a light on in the neighbors house but saw no shadows. We finally parked the car in our new driveway. I was in the back of our Minivan so I had to wait for all the others to get out. First there were Angel and Zephyr aka Gasman or Gazzy. Then Ella, the only one biologically related to our mom, and Monique a.k.a. Nudge who was a chatterbox. Then there was Iggy, my right hand man. Then our dog Total.

All the younger kids ran to the front door of the new house. I guess I was the only not in a good mood. I decided to be nice and get the luggage. I grabbed my bag of clothes along with Angel's and Gazzy's. I also made sure to grab Angel's special bear Celeste. The new house had 2 floors. Ella and Nudge were sharing a room. Gazzy, Iggy, Angel, and I got our own rooms. I immediately claimed the one with the balcony.

Maybe moving to a new place won't be so bad. Maybe I could be one of those people who move to a new house and then help save somebody. Yeah right I thought to myself.

Tomorrow we would meet the neighbors...wonder how that will be.

Short I know! Sorry I'll update soon!