I have been struck with a brilliant idea!

slut!Canada is recently my new favorite thing to write, so I've decided I'm going to make a collection of drabbles for whenever I get some ideas for him ^.^

So my first was inspired by the song Innocent High by Blood On The Dancefloor.

I soooo recommend it :P


I've recently been having thoughts I really shouldn't be having. They're about a student in my class. He used to seem innocent, but when he came back from the summer holidays, he was...

Well, a slut!

It was impossible to ignore him! He always had a sucker in his mouth, and when he talked, he let it rest against his full pale-pink lips. During class, he hardly looked like he was paying attention, but he was also giving far too much attention to that godforsaken candy! Thinking about it just made me...

"Mr. Jones?" the pencil I was holding snapped. I looked at the person who had said my name and flushed. Matthew Williams, the object of my insanity, leaned on my desk casually, twirling a sucker in his mouth. His glasses were missing, making his blazing violet eyes stand out clearly from behind a strand of wavy blonde hair. I sighed and leaned back, taking off my glasses so I couldn't see him so well.

"What is it, Matthew?" he sat on my desk and pulled the candy out of his mouth with a slight 'pop'.

"Well... I noticed that I have a D..." his voice got slightly seductive and my gaurd went up.

"Yes. Your daily work is average, but your tests are way below the rest of the class."

"I'm not a good test taker, sir..." Oh. This I haven't heard before. It was always 'I didn't get enough sleep!' or 'my mom didn't cook breakfast!'. I sat up and slipped my glasses back on.

"What part of testing do you have trouble with?"

"The words. I can't focus so well. At home, my dad reads my papers for me so I can focus and understand." I nodded.

"So do you want to try taking an oral test?" he smiled, but there was something in his eyes I didn't like.

"Oh, could I? I really need a good grade in this class..." I nodded.

"Yeah, just come in after school today and we can try." he smiled brighter and stood, slipping the sucker back into his mouth.

"Thanks, . See you later."

"Hey, do any of you have to give Matthew oral tests?" I asked the other faculty as we sat in the teacher's lounge for lunch.

"Who?" the Spanish teacher, Antonio Carriedo, asked as he leaned against a counter.

"Matthew Williams? That Canadian that always wears the really revealing clothes and always has a sucker?"

"I d'n't kn'w 'ny'ne l'ke th't..." the math teacher, Berwald Oxenstierna, mumbled. I couldn't understand any of it, though.

"Me neither..." Berwald's 'wife' and the home economics teacher, Tino Väinämöinen, said. (A/N: Why the fuck am I torturing myself with these names? !)

"Alfred are you imagining things again?" the English teacher, Arthur Kirkland, asked.

"No way! About this tall," I gestrured across my chest. "Blonde wavy hair, gorgeous violet eyes, an-"

"Ohh you are talking about mon enfant Mathieu!" the sex ed. teacher, Francis Bonnefoy, said, walking over to pour himself some coffee.

"Your child?" I asked incredulously. Thinking about it, I shook my head. "No, actually, that makes a ton of sense..."

"Oui! Mathieu has been acting strange recently, though... He insists on bringing two outfits to school." I frowned.

"Two outfits? Why?" Francis shrugged.

"He says it is to impress someone."

"Impress someone? By dressing like a slut?" Francis frowned, looking hurt.

"Mon cher, that's my child you are so thoughtlessly insulting."

"Well... Have you seen his outfit?"


"Then you know how true it is." Francis hummed and left.

"... Did anyone else know the frog had a child?" Arthur mumbled.

"No." everyone else said in unison.

I wrote a few notes on the white board before a knock resounded on the door. I looked at the door and saw a small blonde with glasses and wavy blonde hair. It certainly couldn't be the blonde I was waiting for, though. This one had empty hands and was wearing a hoodie as well as baggy jeans.

"Can I take my test now, sir?" the voice was so soft I had to strain to hear.

"Uhh... Sure?" who was this? He nodded and stepped in, slipping a bag off his back and dropping it next to a desk. I turned back to finish my notes and think about who the boy could be. Finishing, I capped the marker I was using and turned around. I jumped at what I saw. Matthew was sitting on a desk, tight shirt, short-shorts, sucker and all. He had his legs crossed and swinging slightly, one hand twirling a sucker in his mouth as his violet eyes gazed at me.

"Why do you look so shocked, Alfred?" he said in his confident, seductive, voice. I frowned

"Mr. Jones, Matthew." he smirked.

"It's just us here, let's drop the formalities, eh?" I sighed.


"Mattie." he cut me off, an odd sort of gleam in his eyes.

"... Matthew. Let's just get this test over with." I walked around my desk and grabbed my papers. When I turned back around, the blonde shoved me back and had me on my back on my desk, him on top of me.

"Teacher, teacher, teacher..." he mumbled and leaned down to me. "I've been a dirty whore..." I felt my heart race as he got even closer, his eyes staring right into mine. "I want your nails on my back like nails on a chalk board." he whispered before pressing a kiss to my lips.

"M-Mr. Williams, th-this i-is highly inappropriate!" I exclaimed, frozen in my place. The blonde smiled.

"But you like it, don't you, Alfred?" he whispered again, his smooth seductive voice making me shudder. "I think I'll pass this test, don't you agree?"

"I believe the test is supposed to be oral..." I said before I could stop myself. Matthew smirked.

"Oh, you're right, I'm so forgetful..." he moved down my body and I heard his feet hit the floor lightly as his hands started undoing my belt. Against my better judgement, I sat up on my elbows and just watched him as he took me out of my pants and start jerking it. "Now, I'm not expecting an A..." he flicked his tongue over the tip, making me twitch, while sending me a wink and a smirk. "But I can get real horny with Bs..." we were quiet for a few moments.

"... Deal."

And scene. :P

Now, I know what you're thinking. "OMGWTF Y?"

Well, keep your pants on, ho. There'll be plenty of slut!Canada sex eventually.

Canada: Hey, I made a small appearance...

slut!Canada: But the fans demand me~

*starts singing random (possible next idea :P) song* Bitch I dunno if you can handle this schlong ...

... Review :D