
She kissed him to learn English, but that isn't the only language when the Titans go East.

Robin was often against taking breaks unless it was something necessary to their living—eating, going to the bathroom, sleeping, that kind of thing. The Titans knew he meant well, and had learned how to cope with that. There was still the occasional break from Jump City, however, like the time when they went to Tokyo to hunt down Brushogun.

Today, they were back in Steel City and staying over at Titans East, who had called and asked for help—there was apparently a copycat of the Brotherhood of Evil with a surprisingly good copy of the former's capabilities.

Aqualad briefed them on the situation (the army was too big for the Titans East alone, something Speedy was sensitive about) and Robin assured him their help at once, and started to prep everyone for the assault.

Robin was slightly bothered about Más and Menos' inability to communicate with the rest of them, being able to speak Spanish only.

"We've managed to get on fairly well without having to know what they're saying, since they can understand English anyway," said Bumblebee.

Robin turned to Cyborg, and without being asked, Cyborg said, "If you want it before the attack, no can do. I need more time."

He was just about to give up when Starfire took pity at the look on his face and picked up Más, who let out a 'Qué?'. "I think you are all forgetting of my ability to learn any language instantly?"

Robin turned a deep, delicate red in half a second. "No, Star, I don't think that's—"

But she had already kissed Más, to the twin's delight, his other half and Robin's annoyance, and everyone else's astonishment. Once she dropped the twin, Más let out a stream of what sounded like words of delight, at which Starfire giggled and Menos huffed.

Speedy, who looked completely over his defeat, grinned widely and nudged Robin with his elbow. Robin tried to hide his face from the room, which was hard since everyone in the room who couldn't speak Spanish was staring at him, clearly holding back laughter.

"Great," he said gruffly. "Glad that's over."