OK, so since you all love this so much, HERE's the next chapter! *Reveals chapter with flourish* I hope you like it~! Also, always remember to review! Skye Willow OUT! *Ninja poof*

"Nihon-kun?" a shadow fell over Japan where he crouched, feeding a cat a few bits of chicken. "Hmmm? What is it, Heracles-kun?" Greece crouched next to the raven. After quietly watching the cat lick any and all last traces of chicken from Japan's hand for a few minutes, he asked in his lazy way, "...what would you do if I kissed you?" Japan jumped slightly and turned to see Greece's face. Surely he was joking..! But no, Japan could see it in his face that he was serious. He blushed deeply and began stuttering. "Ah, I-well, I-I-um, I-" but before he could finish embarassing himself, Greece leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to the smaller man's.

After a few minutes, Greece pulled back and watched Japan's face. Kiku felt his eyes flutter open-when had he closed them?-and stared back, not understanding what had just happened or his feelings. His heart was thumping like a rabbit's foot in a certain animated movie. Meanwhile, his brain was rewiring itself so that it could at least attempt to comprehend what had just happened.

After his brain had finished processing the data, Japan was able to put a name to his feelings. There was confusion, embarassment, approval-wait, what? He didn't actually like the kiss...did he? Greece was still staring at him, causing Kiku's face to heat up. 'Can't he tell that I'm very confused right now?' he mentally demanded.

Apparently not, for after a moment more Heracles kissed him again.

And this time Kiku kissed him back.

'What am I doing, what am I doing,' he mentally chanted as the kiss continued. Heracles shifted, going down onto one knee to balance a bit easier-and bring himself closer to Kiku. Kiku felt one of his hands reach up to rest against the other man's chest. 'What...is this feeling..?' the still semi-rational half of his brain asked itself. The other half answered, 'I don't know, but I like it!'

There you have it, the next chapter! You like~? Kiku is discovering his own feelings, and Greece is helping him along with that. But how will Turkey feel about that..? OhonhonHONhonhon... And 'Nihon' is Japanese for Japan. *Is proud of self for knowing this*