Jennifer thought that now she was back in the city and back in her own bed she'd sleep like a log. Instead she found herself lying awake staring at her ceiling. Part of her wanted to believe that her current run in with insomnia was caused by the fact that every so often her brain told her the room was spinning and she was about to fall out of bed. But most of her knew that was not the real reason. The real reason she was lying awake was because her bed felt cold and lonely and she missed Ronon.

Rolling over in frustration she tried to banish all thoughts of the Satedan from her mind, knowing he didn't feel the same way about her. Despite her best attempts to forget about the runner her mind kept reminding her how comfortable it had felt to wake up nestled in his arms. Sighing she looked at her watch and groaned. Deciding she was not going to get to sleep she hit the light and started to dress. Ten minutes later she was standing on a balcony watching the waves and smelling the salty air.


Ronon had tried sparring, he'd tried jogging, he'd tried eating and he had even tried to listen to McKay's excuses about why the upgrades to the Jumper had caused it to go wrong. But no matter what he did he could not unwind enough to sleep. Deciding to go to his favourite balcony he nearly growled when he saw the cause of his unrest standing on his balcony, in his spot, as if they were deliberately trying to tease and torment him.

He came to a stop and debated turning and going somewhere else, but he knew that wouldn't help him sleep. So instead he decided to talk to Jennifer.

"Haven't you seen enough of the sea over the last few days?" He asked as he walked out onto the balcony. His unexpected presence causing Jennifer to spin round and exclaim.

"Ronon! What are you doing here?"

"Walking. You?"

"Same. Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd watch the waves for a bit."

"Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you." Ronon said. "I'll leave you to it."

"No." Jennifer said, too hastily for her liking. " I mean you don't have to go. I'd like the company."

"You sure?" Ronon asked trying to suppress a smile.

"I'm sure." Jennifer replied. However, she suddenly felt guilty that she had forced Ronon into staying and added. "But if you have something better to do I don't want to keep you."

"I don't." Ronon said walking towards the edge of the balcony. As he reached Jennifer he placed his hands on the railing, shifting his weight so his arm brushed against Jennifer. To his relief, rather than backing away Jennifer leaned against him, resting her head on his arm.

"So why can't you sleep?" Ronon asked. The question making Jennifer feel relieved that they were standing in darkness and Ronon couldn't see her blush.

"Just can't. Mind wouldn't shut off."

"You think to much." Ronon commented as he hooked his little finger round Jennifer's. The action causing Jennifer to look up at Ronon, only to find him staring down at her.

Nervously braking eye contact Jennifer asked. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

"Kept thinking about the mission and about you."

"Me?" Jennifer asked as her heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah, I….you…I mean….that is…I was…you…" Ronon started unable to find the right words. Growling in frustration Ronon gave up on trying to speak and instead turned round, wrapped his arms round Jennifer and kissed her.

For a moment Jennifer stood stationary, like a rabbit in headlights, too shocked to move. Her lack of reaction causing Ronon to pull away and say.

"Sorry, shouldn't have done that. I'll leave." With that he turned and hurriedly walked away from Jennifer only to here her call.

"No, Ronon wait."

Despite his better judgement Ronon stopped, but refused to turn round as he tried to bury his humiliation. Scurrying towards Ronon Jennifer moved round the Satedan and when standing in front of him said.

"You took me by surprise. I didn't think you wanted this, well not with me. I mean why would you? You're you and I'm me and we're so different and after you started to avoid me after we almost…well you know after the lock down. I just assumed that you weren't interested. Then whenever we had moments or almost moments on the ship you backed away. I mean what was I meant to think? How long was I meant to hope for?" She asked as she noticed Ronon looking at her strangely. "Okay, I'm babbling. What I'm trying to say is that I'm interested." When Ronon looked unsure Jennifer reached up and cupped Ronon's face in her hands before tugging him down and kissing him.

This time it was Ronon who was taken by surprise and slowly pulling away he asked.

"You want this? Me?"

"Of course I do. I can't stop thinking about you. Why do you think I'm really out here? Every time I shut my eyes all I see is you. You are all I can think about." Jennifer said, before her brained alerted her to what she had just confessed. "Can you pretend I didn't just say that?" She asked embarrassed.

"So you don't want this?" Ronon asked, wondering why it was so complicated.

"What? No. I want this. I just didn't want to sound like some lovesick teenager."

"But you want this?" Ronon asked again.


"You sure?"

Instead of answering, Jennifer once again pulled Ronon towards her and kissed the runner. This time he returned the sentiment, wrapping his arms round Jennifer and kissing her as the ocean waves lapped at the tower of their home.

-The End-

A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing. I hope you've enjoyed it. I might attempt a short follow up to this, but it won't be ready for awhile.