Please Read

This fic has been abandoned.

I haven't updated in months,
I haven't written for this story in months.

Honestly, I just don't like writing it anymore.

If anyone wants to try and continue this story and send me a chapter to put in, I would be all for it. Though I'd have to read through, I could help fit it in so it's like other chapters and add my own sass.

I've started a new fic. It's called:

Do You Know it's Me? I Know it's You.

It's a soulmate fic and I'd really appreciate it if you'd all go and look at it.
It's in progress and people like it, just not enough people.

I've also written two short drabbles and I can be found on tumblr (The-Red-C. tumblr. com) and ScarvesandCoffee as The-Red-C

I am so sorry for anyone who is upset about this, please PM me or review or follow me on tumblr.

I love you all and I appreciate every word you guys say.

I hope we can still be friends?

