I am proud to announce Lady Electricity as the winner of the Alternate Ending contest! She is the one who actually inspired Hyper Obsession, so it's an honor to have her writing a chapter to it! Enjoy!

The Ending by Lady Electricity:

Erin/Will and Flik/Norry

Erin's head was buried deep into Will's shirt as she watched Jack and Mai sailed away on the Black Pearl, she was upset to see one of her best friends leave with the love of her life and start their own adventures but she wasn't that sad – Erin was now happily married to Will Turner, she smiled at the thought of that and looked up to Will who looked back smiling down at her.

"Do you think they will be alright?" A voice broke the couples trance and they looked over to see Norry and Flik holding hands together looking out to the ocean themselves.

"With them two, you never know" Will joked making them all laugh together and turn around going into the town centre of Port Royal.

Port Royal had changed since the last time they had been there – there was less soldiers now and more people out and about.

"What shall we do now?" Erin raised the important question to the other 3; they all looked at each other wondering the same thing: they had no home, or jobs.

"I know!" Flik smiled and came over to Erin taking her off away from the men who exchanged confused looks.

"Meet us at the Royal Anchor in an hour!" Flik called back over her shoulder leading the girl down to the shops.

"What are we doing Flik?" Erin asked, as they looked at all the shops around them.

"Wedding party! You just got married in a maelstrom and to Will Turner instead of Fish Lips! We need to celebrate!" She replied to her with a smile dragging her to the Royal Anchor.

"We don't have any money…!"

"Let me take care of that!" Flik winked to Erin pushing the tavern doors open.

"So, James…." Will struck up the conversation as they headed towards the Royal Anchor, they had been wondering around the town for a good few hours and Will had made enquires to some local people about finding a job – luckily they had remembered Will and Norry and told them they could invest in a local business of 'importing goods' from different islands around the Caribbean and that they could start first thing tomorrow.

"Yes Turner?"

"What is happening with you and Felicity? Do you… Do you love her?" Will asked a sensitive question stopping at the doors of the tavern.

Norry nodded and smiled to himself, he was utterly smitten with the woman she acted strange at first but he grew to like her weirdness remembering their first kiss they shared on deck.

"I love her…." Norry admitted, looking down to the floor.

"Marry her then!" Will blurted out, patting him on the back and then swinging open the door but he was taken back by cheers and lots of different people he didn't know.

"Will!" Erin got up from her seat rushing over to him and hugging him hard.

"What's this?" He asked pointing at the food at the tables, and people talking with Flik.

"Our wedding party… Flik did it of course" Erin smiled to Will who smiled back leaning in and giving Erin a lingering kiss on her lips.

"NORRY!" Flik waved her arms up and down in the air calling from the bar area whilst standing on the stool, she attempted to jump down but tripped landing with a crash onto the floor.

Norry rolled his eyes and smiled, going over and helping her up to her feet chuckling softly under his breathe to her.

"You laughing at me?"


"Yes you are!" Flik gasped, rolling her eyes to Norry suddenly he grabbed her hands in his and looked her deeply into her eyes.

"I'm laughing because I'm going to have an accident prone for a wife…" Norry explained but Flik didn't get what he was saying.

"ACCIDENT PRONE? I'M NOT…. HOLD ON…" Flik began to yell and then froze on the spot blinking a few times as she watched Norry get down on one knee smiling up to her still holding her hands in his.

"Felicity Todd, you are the madness, crazy and randomly women I've ever met and I don't want you to change one bit – I love you and will you marry me?" Norry asked, by the time he asked the whole tavern had their attention turned to them some men were whistling whilst the woman began to cry, nudging their husbands to be quiet.

"YES NORRY! YES I WILL!" Flik squealed happily which made everyone burst out with loud cheers and clapping watching Norry wrap his arms around Flik pulling her into one massive kiss.

Erin smiled at the happy couple cheering herself; she was now sitting on Will's lap with her arms securely around him not wanting to let him go.

Suddenly the doors to the tavern crashed open loudly….

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" The female voice squealed at the top of her lungs, the whole place fell silent and they looked towards the doors…

"Oh shit, it's her…" Flik gasped looking at the woman standing their dripping wet, her hair was splattered around her face and she seemed out of breath.

"Elizabeth…" Will glared evilly as Erin got off his lap watching Elizabeth or Flat Face; Erin liked to call her come over to where they were standing.

Elizabeth raised her hand high and smacked Erin across the cheek hard leaving a red mark.


"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Erin tutted back, they all thought she went into the sea to save Beckett's life because she liked him but obviously that wasn't the case.

"HE'S MY HUSBAND NOW FLAT FACE! GET USE TO IT AND GET OUT!" Erin shouted back, squaring up to her.

Flik quickly left her place next to Norry going over next to Erin, she could see both of their faces flashed with anger and ready to hit each other at any moment.

"You heard her Fish Lips… LEAVE!" Flik told her once again, but Elizabeth ignored it and was about to hit her but Erin got there first punching Elizabeth right in the mouth which made her fall backwards onto the floor.

"GET. THE. HELL. OUT…." Erin hissed, walking forward as the woman struggled backwards and then got up running out of the door.

Erin turned around brushing her hands together and looked to see everyone with their mouths open staring at her.


"GO ERIN!" Flik cheered loudly and then everyone began cheering again, drinking rum happily till the end of the night.

A Month Later…

"Aaaahhhh Norry!" Flik yelled as James whisked her up into his arms and kicked the door open to their new home.

"Welcome to our new home!" James said, putting her down in their hallway – it was a small cottage near the fishing docks with millions of different flowers outside and painted a light blue, Flik had always liked this cottage since she first saw it a few weeks ago and always admired it but it wasn't for sale.

"I can't believe this is ours!" Flik hugged Norry again; both of them went into their living room looking around.

"Do you like it? Mrs Norrington?" Flik shuddered as Norry said her new name; they had gotten married a few days ago with Erin and Will being their witnesses.

"Of course I do, Mr Norrington…" Flik bit her lip, leaning up and kissing Norry who took control pushing her backwards into the empty wall holding her against it deepening the kiss and letting his hand wander down to her skirt…

"Not here…" Flik breathed between kisses but he didn't take much notice and carried on. Both of them were too caught up in their situation they didn't notice the front door being opened and Erin and Will stepping through to surprise them, they both exchanged looks as they heard strange moans coming from the other room.

"Oh…dear…no…" Erin's eyes widen as she held her stomach lightly – they came over to tell them the exciting news.

Will didn't hear what Erin said and walked straight into the room and froze…



"WILLIAM WHAT THE FRESH UMBRELLAS?" Erin face palmed herself, shaking her head back and forth watching an object getting thrown at Will and him ducking.

"Sorry…!" Will stepped out of the room, and he was followed by Norry straightening his clothes and Flik flattening her hair and skirt.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Norry clenched his teeth, giving Will the death stare.

"I said I was sorry!"

"Don't worry… what brings you over here…" Flik butted in, and smiled to Erin.

"Let's go outside and tell them…"Erin looked up to Will and he nodded leading them outside where the sun was about to set on another day, leaving the sky deep rich with colours of red and orange.

"What's the news?" Norry asked, putting his arm around Flik.

"Me and Will… are going to have a baby!" Erin said happily, holding Will's hand looking down to her stomach and back to their reactions.

"CONGRATS!" Flik hugged Erin gently and then Will, Norry gave Will an handshake and then hugged Erin also.

"That's brilliant news!" James announced, and then they all turned towards the sunset holding each other.

"I wonder what Mai and Tori would say…"

"She would kill you Will for getting her best friend pregnant then she will be happy…" Erin smirked joking with him, leading her head on his shoulder.

All their thoughts went to Mai and Jack wondering if they were happy and keeping out of trouble… they all knew that whatever they were doing – they were being happy together doing it.

No words were spoken as they all watched the sunset finally set – all of them had what they wanted: each other.



"Yes luv?"

"Why do I have a blindfold over my eyes?" Maisie said, it had been a month since she left her two best friends in Port Royal and ever since she had been moping around, upset.

"It's a cheering up present, you see…" Jack took her hand in his, making her sit up and get off the bed with his help.

"Now – stand still…"

Maisie frowned and she heard his boots walk away from her and then the cabin door shutting.

"What is he up too?" She whispered, her hands feeling the air in front of her to see if anything was there – she began walking herself ignoring Jack's command but suddenly she bashed head forward into the wall.

"NNNNEE HAH!" Maisie cried out loud, dropping to the floor and the door to the cabin opened again with Jack staring down at Mai rolling his eyes.

"Thought I told you to stay still?"

"Yeah… right…" Mai mentally rolled her eyes, and felt a pair of hands help her up again and then leading her.

"What's happening?"

"I told you…." Jack reassured her, making her stand still on the deck as he walked behind her and sneakily kissed her neck before removing the blindfold.

Maisie gasped in relief blinking a few times but she then gasped again to see what was in front of her.

There was a small table for two set out in front of her with glass, a rum bottle and some food.

"Aw… Jack…" Maisie turned and smiled at him giving him another kiss before hurrying and standing at the seat.

"Ah!" Jack quickly came behind her, pulling the seat forward and gesturing her to sit down.

"Oh my god…" Maisie couldn't believe it, she had been dreaming about this – having a romantic dinner with Jack Sparrow since she could remember!

"Do you like it?" He whispered in her ear smiling against it too.

"I love it!" Mai whispered back, blushing slightly as he came away from her and sat in the opposite seat pouring a little bit of rum into her glass.

"That's all the rum I'm having?" She protested, grabbing the glass and raising her eyebrow.

"Remember the last time you had it…"

"Hmm…." Maisie replied, gulping down the rum and looking over to Jack who was staring at her.

"Do I have something on my face? Oh my god… I have a rum moustache don't I?" She frantically got a cloth but Jack stopped her shaking his head.

"No dearie, you don't… you are perfect" Jack told her, blinking with a plain look on his face as he stared at those twinkling blue eyes of hers.

"Do you care to dance?"

"I want to eat first…" Maisie told him, feeling her stomach rumbling as she looked at the gorgeous food on the plates.

He nodded and both tucked into their food making quiet conversation between mouthfuls about the food and rum.

"I wonder how Tori is getting on…" Maisie's mind wandered to Tori who brought her own ship and decided to set sail herself.

"She will be fine… and so will your friends too…" Jack told her before Maisie could mention Erin and Flik leaving them in Port Royal with their future husbands to be.

"How come you are so sure?"

"Enough talk…!" Jack waved his hands in the air and then grabbed Maisie's bringing her to her feet and close to his body.

"I didn't know you could dance honey…" Maisie asked as he held her waist and his other hand held her hand, both of them circling the deck together.

"There are lots of things you will get to know…" Jack winked to her and carried on dancing with him humming a tune…

"And really bad eggs…" He whispered in her ear making her laugh out loud as he dipped her down near the floor.

"Drink up me hearties... Yo ho!" Maisie finished his song, leaning in and kissing Jack passionately.

But suddenly their kiss was interrupted by the ship jolting forward making both of them fall hard onto the deck loudly.

"Ugh…!" Maisie rubbed her forehead looking over to Jack who was glaring evilly in front of him.

"Hector… A warning next time…" Jack told him, she looked forward herself to see Barbossa smiling at them with Jack the money on his shoulder.

"Aye, yes didn't want to ruin the moment…" Barbossa replied, rolling his eyes and looking in front of him.

"LADS! WE HAVE ARRIVED AT TORTUGA!" Barbossa bellowed to the rest of the crew and they began lowering the gangplank down to the dock.

"Are you okay Mai?" Jack used her nickname, and helped her up to her feet smiling.

"I am now…" Maisie cheekily grinned to him, and he wrapped his arm around her leading her off the Pearl onto the dock.

Maisie sighed out loud, taking her arm away from him and going towards the edge of the dock just in time to watch the sunset.

"Oh luv…." Jack came up behind her, resting his head on her shoulders and his arms around her waist.

"I will be fine…"

"The way I see it, is that they are happy… think about that and you will see them again when we get married…" Jack told her, kissing her neck again.

"That's true…" Maisie whispered, she sighed again watching the sun finally set and the sky slowly turn into the darkness.

"I love you Maisie…" Jack whispered again, she smiled and turned to him holding his hand.

"I love you too…"

Hope you enjoyed! Please check out Lady Electricity's stories!