1/2/13- Back in June, I had a little breakdown and scrubbed the hell out of everything in this story for content reasons. I've gone back and edited everything again and now it's somewhere between the original version and the squeaky clean freak out version.

I could have started much earlier in the timeline of the story but I didn't want to do a get-together plot with this one. I've also written it a little differently and it might be confusing at first. Just continue through the first few paragraphs and you'll see what I mean.

Searchlight- 1

He was almost out of time. Dante didn't regret what he'd done. There was no way he could. When he'd tossed his badge down on his captain's desk, he'd meant every damned word. Nothing mattered as much as the life of his partner, the only person who accepted him for who he was without reservation. Sweat dripped from his blue hair as he raced down an alley in the warehouse district and his fingers tightened on his gun. He'd finally end it this time. That bastard who'd taken Cole thought he could hide but he was so wrong. He was getting the smack down of his life as soon as Dante got his hands on him.

The Feds had tried to keep him out of the investigation, saying he was too close. Damned right he was close. Doctor Mercer kept wiggling out from under the system due to technicalities and botched investigations. Every dead body left in the man's wake was just a mocking reminder that the system didn't always work. He'd slipped through Dante's fingers twice now but he wasn't going to let him get away this time. Captain Wilson had warned him off and threatened to take his badge if he didn't listen and step back. He'd been stupid enough to listen at first but then the killer had grabbed Cole in order to draw him back in. To taunt him. Dante wasn't about to be teased. He'd thrown his career away in order to save his partner and he'd finish this one way or another.

Kicking open a rusted door, he braced his weapon and scanned the area. His breath caught as he saw Cole strapped to a table in the center of the dim space. When Cole saw Dante, his brown eyes widened and he shook his head, his muffled protests held in by the gag over his mouth. Of course he wouldn't want to be rescued. He knew what the captain threatened and if Dante was here, it could only mean that he'd given up everything. But the choice was clear. He couldn't have done anything else and they both knew it.

"So. You decided to show, Dante. Gutsy. Stupid, but gutsy. Too bad you showed up just in time to watch your partner die." Doctor Mercer stood next to the table, his glasses glinting in the dim light and his pink hair framing his smirking face. He held a vicious looking axe and let the blade hover dangerously close over Cole's throat.

"Freeze, you bastard!" Dante aimed for a headshot.

"I don't know. If you shoot me, I might twitch just a little." The blade nicked Cole's skin and drew a thin line of blood. The orange haired man gasped even as he tried to remain completely still.

Dante saw red and the gun trembled in his hand as Mercer started to laugh. He raised the axe suddenly in a swing that brought the weapon high over his head.

And the blade flew off the handle.

It bounced off the wall before rolling across the floor and tripping the sound guy who held the boom mike. He fell hard against a lighting tower that crashed into a tall, loaded tool cart that spilled its entire contents onto the floor. The ensuing destruction chased several waiting extras out of their chairs. It was a wild chain of events that wouldn't have happened that well even if it had been planned. Dante, Cole, and Mercer all blinked at each other in surprise. Until the moment was broken by an Dante's angry growl.

"Of for fuck's sake, Apporo," the blue haired man huffed.

"Cut!" The director stormed onto the set now that the scene was well and truly broken. "Grimmjow, we were still rolling." Urahara flapped his ever-present fan in agitation.

"Are you kidding? There's no way to salvage that shot now. No thanks to butterfingers over there."

"I am not the prop guy," Szayel replied with haughty disdain. "Take it up with him." He frowned at the bare head of the axe handle before tossing it casually aside and wandering off the set.

Grimmjow huffed out an irritated breath. They'd been working on this sequence all day. It would take time to reset and it might even mean going into overtime to get today's shots finished. This was the last day they on their filming permit for the warehouse so it had to be done today. Sometimes he really hated waiting even though that was half the job for an actor. Hurry up and wait.

Urahara waved a placating hand. "Take a break everybody. But don't go too far. We're going to pick up where we left off at seven. This is the last major scene before we get some reaction shots and wrap up this episode." Before he finished speaking, he was already in conference with the set guys who were surveying the damage.

Grimmjow watched them and wondered how long it would take to fix it. A muffled huff from the table drew his attention and glanced down to see Ichigo yanking at the restraints. He glared at everyone around him as they started to drift away.

Shrugging off his own irritation, Grimmjow chuckled and came a little closer. "I didn't quite catch that, Ichi."

Ichigo growled behind the gag and narrowed his eyes threateningly.

"Hey, it's not my fault the director likes authenticity and insists on tying you up for real." He held a hand up to his ear. "What's that? You said you'll be fine there? Good enough." Grimmjow actually walked away from the table, making the redhead call out to him with an angry, muffled whine. Everyone else was so busy, they seemed to have forgotten Ichigo entirely. But he kept walking anyway, his grin stretching wide. He'd just figured out how to kill some time until they were ready to shoot again. Once he was out of sight, he snagged a production assistant and sent him back to let the redhead loose. But he told him to wait at least five minutes.

Almost ten minutes later, Ichigo grumbled under his breath as he carefully picked his way around the scattered tools and tangles of wire as he left the set. Grimmjow had already sauntered off to his trailer, the bastard. The least he could have done was undo one hand so he could get himself loose. But no, he'd just left him and sent one of the gofers to do it. Ichigo rubbed his wrists irritably as he sidestepped a carpenter that had the look of a man on a mission. Everyone was scrambling to get things put back together so they could finish tonight. They were already behind schedule and this wasn't helping. But they'd manage, they always did.

As stars of the show Searchlight, Ichigo and Grimmjow were given quite a few privileges. His own trailer was just a few spots over from Grimmjow's and he was halfway across the lot to get there when he realized that he'd forgotten his phone. Dammit. It was sitting on his chair next to the craft service table and he let out a long sigh of pent up frustration. He'd spent nearly two hours tied to that table and he'd be strapped down on it again as soon as they started back up. Not wanting to waste any moments of the precious and possibly short dinner break, he decided to leave and continued toward his trailer. All he wanted was a snack a few minutes of quiet.

As he was passing Grimmjow's trailer, the door opened and a hand snaked out to grip his collar before yanking him inside. He barely had time to register what was happening before he was pressed back suddenly against the door that had slammed shut behind him. A pair of hungry lips crashed down on his own silencing any protest he might have made. Ichigo struggled briefly and let out a low moan before reaching up to tangle his fingers in the spiky blue locks of the man pinning him to the door.

Grimmjow mumbled against his mouth. "Careful. Mess up Shawlong's work and he'll shave your head." Their hairdresser could get a little pissed off if the actors went and ruined what he'd done. Not that he'd show it behind his calm exterior. That's what made him kind of scary.

"You started it, asshole," Ichigo muttered breathlessly. He was lifted nearly off his feet as Grimmjow maneuvered him around and walked a few feet to place him on the bed at the other end of the trailer. His pants were yanked down to the middle of this thighs and a hot mouth engulfed him. Ichigo groaned and threw his head back. "We. . .ah. . .gotta stop doing this. . .unh. . .at work."

Grimmjow chuckled low in his throat while his mouth still worked on him, making Ichigo moan again. He pulled off with a wet pop and a long lick before grinning up at the redhead. "I'm pretty sure it's not a secret anymore."

"Yeah, but it's not public. We agreed." Ichigo frowned and tried to get his thoughts together.

"Yeah, yeah. So all the guys who think we're cool can retain their masculinity and the girls still think we're available. Blah, blah, blah."

"It's not just that, moron. Well. . ." Ichigo grunted as Grimmjow started to suck on him again. "Shit." He started to pant as the other man quickened his pace. His thoughts drifted away again as the pleasured haze fogged his brain.

It hadn't always been like this. When the show had started almost two and a half years ago, they couldn't stand each other. Ichigo found it hard to be in the same room with Grimmjow and his ego. Grimmjow couldn't stand somebody so squeaky clean and noble. It worked out well enough for the show since their personal feelings bled into their acting. Dante and Cole were at odds in the story, both young cops who had been partnered together against their wishes. But as they spent more time together, they'd gotten closer. Mostly by accident.

It hadn't really gotten sexual until one extremely drunken night when they'd both decided to prove once and for all whose was bigger. There had been a strange kind of silence between them for a few minutes while they both stared at the open fly of each other's jeans. The moment was broken when they both muttered: "It really is your natural color." But it wasn't a flurry of passion right then. No, that had been later. Both had avoided each other after that first incident, neither wanting to get involved with a coworker. It had taken a while for their feelings to settle down and finally grow into something else.

But here they were, going at it like hormonal teenagers who couldn't keep a leash on their libidos. Ichigo arched his back on the bed, his vision blurring as orgasm shook him to his toes. When he finally looked down again with half lidded eyes, his lover smirked as he stroked himself, his own climax not far off. Grimmjow's breathing got a little heavier just before he caught his release in his hand and sighed.

"You know, I could have helped with that," Ichigo breathed, his voice tired and slightly annoyed.

"Seeing you is all I need." Grimmjow turned the smirk into a suggestive leer. "Do you know how damn hot you looked all trussed up like that?"

"Pervert," Ichigo muttered but he was smiling when he said it. "We should probably put ourselves back together. You know Urahara won't really give us until seven."

"He'll wait. They can't do shit without us."

Ichigo laughed and took a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh. "Maybe. But he'll be weird and bitchy all night if we do that."

"Yeah, I guess we should avoid that. On the bright side, I get to watch them tie you up again."

"I'm getting really tired being caught and kidnapped by the bad guys all the time." It came out as a pout and it made Ichigo frown.

"The ratings spike every time they write it in." Grimmjow smirked, seemingly loving how irritated the redhead was as he ran his fingers up and down his bare thigh.

"Yeah, well give it couple weeks and it will probably be your turn," Ichigo said in ill tempered retaliation. Which was true. It didn't happen every week but it was practically a running joke now.

Grimmjow laughed and helped him up before pulling his pants back into position himself. He gave Ichigo's crotch an affectionate pat after pulling the zipper up. "There. Don't want the goods hanging out for everyone to see."

The redhead snorted. "The world has already seen my ass. Remember season two, episode ten? There's not much mystery anymore."

Grimmjow pulled him close and held him tight. Their gazes were locked and his voice got lower as he stroked a hand up and down his back. "But the rest is mine. All of you is mine." He watched Ichigo's eyes get dark and heated even as his expression tried to remain irritated.

"Just remember it works the other way around too." The redhead reached around and squeezed Grimmjow's ass hard. "But if we don't go now, we won't."

"Hn." Grimmjow leaned in close and nuzzled the spot behind his ear. "Yeah."

"Hey." Ichigo squirmed in his arms. "I'm serious. Job? Show? Paycheck?" When that didn't get a response he huffed. "You won't get to beat up Szayel at the end of the scene until we actually finish it."

"Right, right." After one last nibble, Grimmjow finally pulled away. "Just had to have one last taste."

Ichigo shoved playfully at his chest. "Right."

"Let's eat first. There's no telling how long it'll be before we finally wrap for the night." Grimmjow let the leer show again. "And I'm still hungry."

"Good idea." But Ichigo's expression was wary as he headed to the fridge in the kitchen area. He never knew when he might be manhandled again. Not that he minded really.

They ate at the small table in Grimmjow's trailer and laughed about stupid things. They were so easy together. It just worked in a way neither of them could explain. Grimmjow held out a grape and Ichigo grinned before reaching out to take it with his tongue. He chewed thoughtfully before sliding across the bench to kiss him on the chin.

"You know, Ichi," Grimmjow said, his eyes half lidded as he held out another grape. "Most of our viewers are female."

"I'm aware of our demographics."

"Yeah, but did you know they get off on the idea of two guys together." He wiggled his brows suggestively.

"What?" Ichigo sat back and blinked at him. "No way."

"Why not? A lot of guys are turned on by girl on girl action. Why wouldn't it work the other way around?"

"Because it doesn't. I don't think." Ichigo shook his head and took a sip of his water. "Where the hell did you come up with that?"

"Have you read any of the fan fiction for our show?"

Ichigo raised a brow. "Have you?"

Grimmjow leered again and leaned in so their noses almost touched. "You remember Tuesday night?" He was rewarded with a hot blush from the redhead, a look that shot straight to his dick. "Got that from one of the stories I read." He closed the distance between them and nibbled at Ichigo's lips. "And there's a few more things I wanna try. Those girls are pretty damn inventive."

"Huh," was all Ichigo could say as he tilted his head to allow him better access to his throat. "Well maybe. . ." He paused as Grimmjow hit a particularly sensitive spot. ". . .maybe we could do a little more. . .ah. . .research." He laughed as the other man's fingers grazed his ribs in another sensitive, and rather ticklish, spot. If he let it go any further, they were going to be late. "Cut it out. We really do have to get back. If we don't finish that scene, we'll never get out of here tonight."

"In a minute." Grimmjow was too busy starting their earlier activity all over again to worry about going back to work. But a sudden banging on the door made Ichigo tense up suddenly in his arms. Cursing, Grimmjow whipped his head around. "What?!"

"Fifteen minute call." It must have been one of the more experienced production assistants because the brash tone didn't phase him at all. "Just be there," he muttered through the door as he walked away. Some of the newer ones lasted only a few days before running off in the wake of the infamous Jeagerjaques temper.

"Dammit," Grimmjow muttered.

Ichigo was already slipping out of his embrace to take care of the lunch leftovers. He was very cautious about his appearance and extremely protective of his persona. The redhead was serious about not being seen together in public in a romantic way. At first when they'd started hanging out together, it wasn't a big deal. They were just friends after all and that's all the public ever saw. And even when they'd started seeing each other on a more personal level, it had added spice to their relationship because it was something secret and seductive.

Grimmjow drummed his fingers on the tabletop irritably and frowned. Now it was starting to bug him that they had to slam on the breaks if there was even a chance that someone might see. He was tired of hiding, tired of being the dirty little secret that was kept hidden all the time. "See you on the set," he said as he got up and headed out the door. His words were tight which wouldn't normally be unusual but he rarely spoke that way to Ichigo when they were alone.

The redhead winced as the door to the trailer slammed shut. He was afraid that might happen. He knew he was being difficult but it was so hard. Growing up and figuring out who he was had been so difficult. It finally felt like he was getting his feet underneath him and he was afraid he'd had to fight to exist all over again. And he really aspired to be a great actor and he was worried of what coming out publicly would do to his career. Maybe a little too much but he couldn't quite shake the caution.

Grimmjow had been so patient with him which almost made it worse. But he seemed to be getting a little less patient lately and the other man got irritated relatively easily. There was a small but persistent fear that Grimmjow would give up and leave him. But Ichigo couldn't deal with it right this second. Shaking it off, he finished cleaning up and slipped out of the trailer so he could head back to the set.

Inside the sound stage, the builders were frantically putting the finishing touches on some of the set pieces but it looked like most everything was finished.

Ilfort, the head makeup artist, got Ichigo's attention and gestured frantically for him to sit in the chair. "Finally you show up. Get over here. I've got to check you over before we start rolling again."

Ichigo sighed and flopped down into the seat. "Fine."

"Jeez. You two didn't have a fight did you? Grimm was pissy when he showed up too. I thought you guys got over all that grandstanding crap in the first season."

Ichigo forced himself to relax and sighed again. "Let's just get this done. I want to finish up and go home."

"Okaaay," Ilfort said in an exaggerated tone. "Touchy. Why is it stars are always touchy?" he muttered to himself as he fixed Ichigo's makeup and sealed it with powder. After that was finished, the redhead went over to the table and sat patiently while the costume girl gagged him and the prop man laid him down and strapped him to the table again. He huffed quietly through his nose while he tried to focus and get in character. Cole was supposed to be worried because his partner Dante had just thrown his career away to rescue him. He wasn't supposed to be brooding over stumbling blocks in a romantic relationship that didn't exist on the screen.

"Trouble in paradise?" Szayel murmured as he came to stand by the table. He was taking lazy practice swings with the prop axe, presumably to make sure it didn't fall apart again. When Ichigo didn't answer, he tapped the rubber ax head on the table. "Your emotions read quite well my boy. It's what makes you a promising actor. Just remember to set personal issues aside and focus. We have a scene to do."

Ichigo glared up at him but couldn't really comment at the moment. The other man was right even though he didn't like it. Sighing and turning his head, he could see Grimmjow checking his mark. The other man's expression was hard to read as he took his prop gun from the assistant that handed it to him. A second runner came up to murmur in Grimmjow's ear and he nodded. Apparently, they were going to start a few lines in from Grimmjow's entrance where they left off. That was more than fine with Ichigo. He usually loved the job but right now, he didn't have a lot of interest. Visibly shaking himself, he got back into character and got ready for the director to say action.

"Alright people. The producers are getting edgy," Urahara said with a roll of his eyes. "We're on a deadline so we're going to continue on from here. We've still got the fight and some reaction shots before it's all in the can." Clapping his hands for silence, Urahara waved an imperious hand. "Action."

Mercer smiled evilly. "If you shoot me, I might twitch just a little." The blade nicked Cole's skin and drew a thin line of blood. The orange haired man gasped even as he tried to remain completely still.

Dante saw red and the gun trembled in his hand as Mercer started to laugh. The killer raised the axe suddenly in a swing that brought the weapon high over his head. A gunshot rang out and the axe handle cracked under the blow. Mercer blinked but he didn't have time to react as Dante leapt over the table, cutting one of the restraining straps along the way with a knife he'd pulled from his pocket. He slammed into Mercer and they both crashed to the floor. They'd finish this man to man.

Cole ripped his hand free and started working on the rest of the straps so he could help. Rolling off the table and ripping the gag free, he picked up Dante's discarded gun before taking aim. But the two men were grappling too closely for him to get a clear shot.


Fear coursed through him. Mercer was responsible for more than twelve deaths officially but that was only counting the bodies they'd actually found. He was suspected of nearly three times that number. And right now, he was wrestling with his partner who'd risked everything to save him. There was another shot and Cole's blood went cold. The moment hung heavily in the air as he wondered which one of them had fired and which one had died.

"Dante?" he whispered before shaking himself and going over to see for himself.

Mercer was lying on top of Dante until his lifeless body was shoved aside. The blue haired man groaned and Cole was instantly at his side checking him for injuries. Anger overrode his worry. "You stupid idiot!" he hissed. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"

"Besides saving your ass, you mean?" Dante grinned up at him with that infectious smile as he held his clutch piece against his chest. Cole shook his head even as his own lips twitched in weary amusement.

"You almost got yourself killed in the process." His exasperated tone softened. "And you threw it all away. You shouldn't have done that. Not for me."

Dante caught his eyes and held them, that intense blue nearly drowning him. "You're my partner." Like that was the only reason he needed. And maybe it was.

"The captain is going to rip you a new one," Cole said as he gripped Dante's hand and helped him to his feet. "I'm not sure you'll be able to charm you way out it this time."

"We'll see about that." They both headed toward the door as sirens blared and blue and red lights flashed in the windows.

"Aaaaand. Cut. Alright people. That was a passable finish. We'll set up for some close-ups and then I think we'll be done."

When Ichigo finally finished up his reaction shots for the day, he saw that Grimmjow was already gone. Trying not to look too disappointed, he changed out of his costume and grabbed his keys. He wasn't going to go crawling after him asking for forgiveness. That would just embarrass both of them. Sighing quietly, he went out to his car and drove home to his apartment. Traffic was light and not much of a challenge as he worked his way through the city streets. They had a reading for the next episode in the morning so he should just go to bed early. There was nothing else he wanted to do tonight. Unlocking his door and shuffling tiredly into his apartment, he shut and locked it behind him.

"Took you long enough," came a rough, amused voice from the living room. "What did you do, take the long way home?"

Ichigo's head snapped up and he peered around the entrance hall doorframe to see Grimmjow slouched on his sofa. The other man had his hands clasped over his middle and his feet were bare. He seemed completely at home which wasn't surprising since he spent so much time there. It was rare for them to spend the night in separate places anymore. Of course, it was easy since they lived in the same building.

"Sorry. I didn't expect you to be here." Ichigo took off his jacket and tossed it over a nearby chair. "I thought you were pissed."

Grimmjow shrugged and shifted on the couch. "I was." But he didn't elaborate. When Ichigo just stood there watching him, he held out a hand. "Come here."

Ichigo frowned but went over to reach out and wasn't surprised to be tugged down into the other man's lap. Settling more comfortably, he turned his face into Grimmjow's neck. The scent of him calmed his frazzled nerves and made him realize how unsettled he'd gotten earlier.

"I'm sorry," he murmured.

"Hn." Grimmjow held him close and kissed his hair. "No, you're smart."

That made Ichigo pull back and look at him with a raised brow.

"What? You are." Grimmjow brushed a stray lock of orange hair away from Ichigo's forehead. "I got thinking."

Ichigo smirked at him. "Did it hurt?" It earned him a chuckle from the other man who settled back further into the couch.

"Smartass. I just meant that you're right about the relationship thing. I'm not afraid of anyone knowing about us. But I don't want to end up on the cover of every tabloid each week with a ridiculous update on being together, breaking up, wedding plans, another breakup. None of which would actually be true. All that obnoxious bullshit drives me crazy."

Resting his head on Grimmjow's shoulder, Ichigo let out a long sigh and tried to relax. "I hadn't thought of that." But he was now and he didn't like it. Apparently, it showed.

"Do you want to call it off just to be safe?" Grimmjow asked him, his tone extremely dry.

Ichigo wrapped his arms around his neck and tightened his grip. The question hadn't been a serious one but he felt it required a serious answer. "No."

"Good thing because that isn't happening. We'll just be careful. It's been eighteen months now. If it hasn't officially come out yet, we'll be okay."

That's right, they'd worked together for nearly a year before they'd hooked up the fist time. Ichigo snuggled closer and sighed again but it was from contentment this time. "Okay."

Grimmjow shifted and pulled a box out of his pocket. "Speaking of eighteen months together," he said, his voice low. And if Ichigo didn't know better, he'd think he sounded a little nervous.

"You got me a gift? Like an anniversary gift?" He felt mildly abashed because he hadn't even considered it and hadn't done anything. It wouldn't be the first time. Grimmjow had gotten him something when they hit six months and then when they'd been together a year.

"Sort of. I guess." Grimmjow, who was usually extremely forward and overly confident about everything, seemed extremely uncomfortable right now. It was endearing and just a little bit cute. "I almost couldn't wait and was going to give it to you earlier." When they were interrupted. So it wasn't really Ichigo's attitude that had made him grumpy.

Ichigo pushed aside a small surge of guilt and took the box gently from his fingers. It was about four inches across and when he opened it and saw what it held, he made a soft sound. "I can't believe you kept this."

It was a coaster from the bar where they'd first gone out together. It wasn't really a date. Not officially anyway. But it had been the start of their personal relationship. It wasn't just the coaster that made it really special, it was the small blue stain at the corner that told him it was the same one from that night. Ichigo had ordered Grimmjow a blue martini just to see the other man's reaction. Never one to back down from a challenge, he'd downed the drink quickly enough for a single drip to dribble down the stem of the glass and onto the coaster.

At that point in their relationship, they had already zipped down and compared equipment and taken the time to get over the aftermath. The night out had been a peace offering between the two of them when the stress of not talking off the set had started to take a toll on their acting. It had been a surprise on both sides when they'd actually gotten along pretty well that night.

Holding the box tightly, Ichigo shifted in Grimmjow's lap and caught him in a slow, thorough kiss. The other man's hands slid down his back and pulled him closer. The redhead nipped and licked for a few moments before pulling back to look him in the eyes.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure," Grimmjow murmured. Well, it would be since they both knew where things would go from here. Ichigo set the box with the coaster carefully on the coffee table before returning the embrace.

. . . . . . .

A/N: As always, reviews are appreciated and encouraged. And I don't mind constructive criticism since I cherish thoughtful feedback. This won't be quite as long or epic as some of my other stories but I had fun writing this one and I hope you enjoy reading it.

(I know the scenes from the television show aren't a realistic portrayal of how filming is done. I know it's a lot of tedious hurry up and wait and repetition to get through filming and post production. I just wanted to portray scenes from the show as if the audience was watching it on screen. I hope it's not too confusing.)