Author's Note: Hello, This is a collaboration between me and a close friend. This fanfic is based on LolliDictator's Usermanual fics. (I know, I know it's overused by we just couldn't resist~!) Please don't shot us~! (^.^). Anyway we only own the OCS and plot. Enjoy~!^.^

Heavy rain poured down from the heavens and a young girl around the age of 16 squinted through her thick glasses. The raindrops have accumulated on the lenses of her glasses as she ran through the cold pelting rain. She clutched her messenger bag and tried to shield her eyes from the rain. For a closer inspection, the said girl had chinky brown eyes, a pale yet hint of yellow complexion, she sported an angular bob which was cut shorter in the back and longer in the front and she stood around 5"3. You could say she was Asian: Chinese to be exact. She had forgotten to bring her umbrella earlier today since she didn't believe it was going to rain today. She finally saw her destination, she grinned and made her legs go at a faster pace but a car suddenly passed by and splashed her already soaked clothes with dirty water from the street.

"Ekk!" The girl squealed as the cold liquid came in contact with her skin. She could feel her cheeks burn with anger, she wanted to turn around and shout curses at the driver but the car had driven away before she even turned. She quickly walked towards the small house and crammed her hands in her coat, pockets. After she found her keys she jammed the keys and twisted the knob. The door opened and she quickly stepped in.

"I'm home~!" She greeted, quickly took of her soaked coat and placed it on the coat's rack then her shoes and socks. "Isa? Where are you?" The girl called out as she dropped her wet messenger back on the floor with a 'thud'.

"I'm in the kitchen~!" Another voice sang from the kitchen. The petite Chinese girl made her way to the kitchen and was greeted by the smell of something delicious and her apartment buddy's back. "Hey~!"

"Hi Mei-Lin, Dinner's gonna be done in half an hour." Her friend turned to face the still soaked Chinese girl who had a faint frown on her face. The girl nicknamed Isa had long black hair, black eyes hidden behind her glasses and a tanned complexion, and she was an inch shorter than her friend but don't her looks fool you because she was 17 years old. It didn't need to take a genius to figure out she was Asian too: A Filipino. The said girl smirked and motioned towards at her friend's waterlogged state. "This is what happens if you don't believe the Weather Network…"

The Chinese girl whose name was Mei scowled at her friend's teasing. "I just didn't want to bring an umbrella." Mei argued.

"Righhhttt~ " Isa returned to the food she was cooking and addressed her friend. "You should go and take a bath. I don't want to catch your cold." The Filipina teased her fellow Asian. "…Not that I'm implying anything…"

Mei's narrowed her eyes at her apartment buddy's back who was, mind you, shorter than her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing~!" Isa sang as she stirred the pot. "Now, Go take a bath~!"

Mei let out a 'humph', grabbed her messenger bag and made her way upstairs. She entered her room and placed her bag on her desk then made her way to her closet. She pulled out a big baggy t-shirt and some shorts. The Chinese girl could hear her friend's singing all the way down from the kitchen and shook her head in amusement. The last time she caught Larissa singing was when she barged in her friend's room to borrow a shirt and found the Filipina using a pen as a microphone and mouthing the lyrics with passion. Isa just blushed and shrugged off Mei's unexpected entrance and continued singing but this time a bit softer.

'At least Larissa's not a stuck-up bitch who likes to complain about food and she does not annoy the hell out of me…' Mei thought as she entered the washroom and locked the door.

"All by myseeelf~~! Don't wanna livee allll byyy my seeellf~~!" Liza screeched from the kitchen. "Anymoreee~!" The Filipina snickered loudly at her own antics and hummed the rest of the song

'The Fuck?' Mei winced at her friend's antics. Isa wasn't really a horrible singer per say but she likes to go—a wee bit-overboard with some songs. 'God how can a small girl like her have such a big voice?' The Chinese thought as she started her bath.

Dinner was quick and pleasant as always between the two friends. Mei told Isa about the things they did in yearbook today and Isa just smiled and nodded politely as she devoured her salad. The two girls go to the same school but Larissa was not the type that stays after school and help around, she'd rather go home. While, Mei-Lin likes to help around especially art exhibits at school and come home later. Wondering how they scored an apartment without parental supervision? Easy, they convinced their parents with their good grades and proved themselves to be responsible adults….and a few little white lies here and there.

"It's been a month since we moved in, no?" Mei poured the dressing on her salad. "I still can't believe our parents let us live on our own." She nibbled on her salad and pushed the cherry tomatoes around.

"Yeah, but seriously? It's so much better than having your mom breathing down your neck. Plus, I can stay up late as long as I freakin' want!" Isa smirked and popped a cherry tomato in her mouth. She pointed at her friend's bowl with her fork. "Are you eating your avocado?"

The Chinese girl glared at her friend. "Seriously, Isa? Stop being a pig." She stabbed the avocado and chewed it slowly. Mei hated avocadoes...actually that was an understatement…she despised the fruit with a passion. She just didn't like the texture of the small thing and it was so buttery.

'Ewwww. Ewww. Ewww…' Mei chanted in her mind. 'So freakin' disgusting!' The Chinese girl was able swallow the said fruit and her friend stared at her.

"Seriously? That took you like 3 minutes to eat.." Isa shrugged and pushed away her now empty bowl. " It's good for your health…" The Filipina jumped out of her seat and searched for something sweet in the fridge.

"Since when did the girl who hides junk food in her closet care about eating healthy?" The Chinese girl murmured from her seat. She pushed around the remaining cherry tomatoes in her bowl again. Larissa returned empty-handed and sat on her seat again, pouting. "I'm not going to be surprised if I find a week old burger in there...Now that's going to be interesting."

"Shut up. Blame my strange eating habits and laziness..." Larissa glared at her fellow Asian across the table the she suddenly perked up. "Speaking of interesting things, I have something to show you." The Filipina left the dining area to grab her laptop in the living room then returned to her waiting friend. She placed the laptop in front of her friend and Mei-Lin looked at the mail her friend received.

"…Hetalia Units…" Mei-Lin read out loud then glanced at her friend with a raised eyebrow. "You gotta be kidding me. Are you sure this is not a spam?"

Larissa shook her head. "I called the company just to make sure and lady said a unit will cost us about..uhmm… a year's rent." Mei stared at her friend with huge eyes and her mouth was open.

'OH MY GOD! One Unit. ONE FREAKIN' UNIT! COSTS A YEAR'S RENT!' The Chinese girl almost fainted at the large amount of money they would be wasting if they ever bought one. Isa didn't seem to notice her friend's expression and continued.

"But~~! Since I was nice and I was the billionth caller today she'll give us two for free." The Filipina smiled happily. "They got our address and telephone number and they said to just e-mail them in order to specify which units we want and they'll send it in like 3-5 days...So? You in?"

"But what if-!" Mei was about to start voicing out her opinions and the consequences if they ever did order the units but her friend interrupted her.

"MEI'S SUCH A FUCKIN' PARTY POPPER!" Isa shouted and pointed at her. Then ran to the window and screamed out loud that the neighbours could hear her. "MEI'S A PARTY POOPER WHO WILL ALWAYS BE A GODAMNED VIRGIN AND WILL NEVER GET LAI-!"

The Chinese girl threw herself at her friend and covered her mouth then shouted outside. "SHUT UP THE HELL UP! YOU IDIOT!" Mei closed the windows and glared at her friend who was grinning like the Cheshire cat since she knew what was going to happen next.

"Order those units now and I'll show you I am not a party pooper…better yet get me a Francis Bonnefois Unit…" the words came out of Mei's mouth before she could process what she said properly. Larissa typed franticly so that her friend could not take back what she said.

'Wait! NOOO!'

"DONEE~~!" Larissa sang and then a new message popped up on the screen. It Read:

"Congratulations, you have just acquired One (1) Arthur Kirkland Unit and (1) Francis Bonnefois Unit. The Units you ordered will arrive within 3-5 days from now. Please care for these units properly and we wish you the best of luck. ~ Flying Mint Bunny Corp."

'Crap. Crap. CRAP…What did I just get myself into?' Mei scowled darkly at her friend's back.

"I hope the units do arrive. It would be a upsetting if they don't~~." Isa said in a sing-song voice and skipped away with her laptop, forgetting the dishes and leaving her dear friend to do the dirty work.

The Chinese girl just 'humph'd and grumbled to herself about Larissa and her impulsiveness. Mei wanted to wake up from this nightmare and laugh off the prospect of having real Hetalia Units and the Flying Mint Bunny Corporation. She'll laugh it off in a week when her friend realizes that it was probably all a scam. Hopefully

A Review is appreciated from the readers. Again, thanks for reading~!^.^