*snif snif* Its over! I'm gonna miss this story! It was my first Twilight fanfiction... I hope you all have like what I have written and thanks for sticking with me for this long, crazy ride! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me and I will get back to you ASAP! I am also sorry for any mistakes. I DIDN'T send this to my wonderful beta... well, becasue I wanted to ended it like I started it. If that made any sense at all. ;P

For the last time in this story: I, Silentmusic226, do not own Twilight or Seth or anything else that is in the Twilight books. I on;y own the plot to this story and the characters I created. (though I only half own some of them...)

And on with the epilouge!

Home is Where the Heart is


Nadya's POV

Five Years Later….

And I'm standing in my white veil

About to say I do

As Momma smiles, teardrops in her eyes

Then I realize I was something

Momma always knew

Love was what I was reeling out to find

She said home is where the heart is

-Home is Where the Heart Is by Lady Antabellum

I was pacing the length of the room, my hands shaking with nerves. I was starting to think fighting Jose was much easier than this! "Nadya! Calm down! You're going to freak yourself out. Quit pacing like a caged animal!" My mom scolded me, frowning. "Sorry, Mom." I said, blushing.

"Nadya, Sweetheart, will you please sit down so I can do your hair?" Sue asked. I nodded and made my way over to the chair she was standing next to. I watched her in the mirror as she worked her magic.

As I sat there, I thought about when I came back from Peru. I was jumpy like I had ants in my pants. We were currently sitting in the airport in New York. I had already called Seth to let him know that I was back in the States. I also let him know when my flight from New York to Seattle would come in. "Okay Nadya, I'll meet you there." Seth said into the phone. I smiled. "Okay, see you Seth. Bye." I said before hanging up.

I started tapping my fingers on the arm-rest, willing with everything I had for the plane to arrive early. Fingers closed over mine, stopping their worrying. "Nadya, the plane will come. If you don't sit still, I will hold your hand like a little kid." Damien warned me. I narrowed my eyes. I pulled my hand away and crossed my arms. A few seconds later, my foot started tapping. The others started, smirking and laughing at my antics. Damien sighed before reaching over and pulling me into his lap, holding me a certain way where I couldn't move at all. "Damien! Let me go!" I whined. He only laughed and didn't loosen his grip on me. The others were full-on laughing at me. I growled under my breath and tried to get free, but Christian and Xander helped pin me. I probably stayed that way for the next ten minutes.

"Flight 41 to Seattle is now boarding." A lady's voice announced over the intercom. I squeaked and almost managed to shake off all the guys. Ace sighed and helped me to my feet. "Come on guys. Lets get on that plane before Nadya kills everyone trying to get on before her." I didn't say anything because I was already rushing towards where we boarded the plane. "Hi!" I said, out of breath as I shoved my ticket at the ticket-lady. She laughed. "Hold your horses miss. Can't wait to get to Seattle huh?" She asked, still smiling at me. I had to hold in a growl. Couldn't she hurry up already and let me go on? "Yeah. My boyfriend is going to met me at the airport there and I haven't seen in like forever!" I said, my foot tapping restlessly. The lady laughed again, and said the magic words. "Go on ahead sweetie." I was already boarding the plane before she finished speaking.

As I waited for everyone else to painfully slowly get on, I was bouncing up and down in my seat, looking at my watch. "If you don't calm down right now, I will hold you all the way to Seattle." Damien threatened as he took the seat across from me. I glared at him. He just smiled innocently back at me. Hon'mana and Hikari slid into the seats besides me. I smiled hugely at them and they smiled back. "Only five more hours Nadya!" Hon'mana sang. I laughed. "I know! What is taking so long?" I whined, anxious to be up in the air already.

Eventually everyone was on and the plane was streaking down the runway. For a while I stared at out the window until I got board with that. I pulled out my phone and got onto the internet. It was a little slow, but I eventually got to where I wanted. "What are you doing?" Hon'mana asked me. I showed her the screen of my phone. "I'm on . it's a website where people can write stories with the characters from the books they love. Like the one I'm reading right now. Its called Wizard Work by justawriter33. it's a fan fiction for the Enchanted Forest books. I really like, though I wish she would update! I hate it when I really get into a story and then they leave you hanging and don't update!" I ranted. Hon'mana laughed softly. "That's mean of them. Why don't you write your own?"

"I do. My user name is ThePrincessWhoDared.* I have written a couple of stories. Speaking of which, I haven't updated in a while…." I mused, staring off into space.

"Who's the hypocrite now?" Hikari laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her then turned back to my phone. I probably read through hundreds fan fictions during the flight. The others slept, but I didn't. I was too full of nervous energy. I couldn't wait to see Seth! Though somehow, I don't know how, but I fell asleep. I was woken up to a smirking Damien. I just blinked at him, not knowing what was going on since I was still half in the land of dreams. "Wake up Nadya, we're here. We going to land in Seattle in a few minutes." THAT woke me up. I jerk up so fast that I knocked my head on the seat in front of me. I apologized to the person who was sitting in front of me.

"This is your caption speaking. I would like to thank you for flying with us today and have a nice day." The masculine voice said over the intercom. I smiled hugely and grabbed my bag and set it on my lap so I could move once the plane had landed. Sharing a look, Damien and Christian reached over and grabbed my arms. I glared at them until I saw that people were now allowed to get off the plane. They made me wait until EVERYONE ELSE WAS OFF THE PLANE! By that time they both sported black eyes, stupid grins, and my hair was out its ponytail. I probably looked like a crazy woman and I didn't care. As long as I got to my Seth!

They were all waiting for me. I searched my welcome-home party for the one who was my other half. The one who could make the pain in my heart go away. I was getting desperate when I couldn't see him. Then, a certain pair of warm brown eyes locked onto mine. I dropped me bag to the floor as I ran to him, and him running to me. Seth and I met in the middle. I leaped into his arms and he swung me around, never loosing his grip even for a second. When he set me on the ground and I pulled back to look in his eyes, I didn't have a chance to catch my breath because Seth smashed his lips onto mine. I immediately kissed him back. My arms wound their way around his neck and his tightened around my waist. I don't know if we have never stopped if someone hadn't cleared their voice. Sam was looking at us expectantly and I had pulled away from Seth only far enough to speak. With my cheeks blushed, I introduced everyone. Then we headed back home.

"There! Done! What do you think dear?" Sue asked. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. "I look beautiful! Thank you Sue!" I said, turning around to hug Seth's chuckled and hugged me back.

There was a knock on the door. Elizabeth stuck her in the room. "Its time." She said. I squealed and quickly got up from my seat. Everyone in the room laughed at me. Leah walked over and handed me a banquet of roses. "You look beautiful. Seth is going to die when he sees you."

"Thank you Leah," I answered. We lined up in the correct order and we waited for the music to start. I turned to my father. "You ready for this?" I asked.

"Ready for what? To give you away? Never." My dad said, blinking away tears. I placed my hand on his cheek. "Remember, I will always love you, no matter what." I turned back forward, blinking back my own tears. Oh how I wished my real biological parents were here, but I knew that they were looking down at me from heaven. I smiled as the music started and the doors were swung open. Leah, Elizabeth, Hon'mana, and Hikira led the way down the row as me and my father followed slowly behind. Everyone's eyes were on me, but I couldn't see anything except for Seth waiting for me at the alter. My mother was right: home was where the heart is, and Seth had mine from the moment our eyes first met.

The End