DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fruits Basket or any of its characters or story line.

A/N: This is a Sequel to To Heal His Heart. I'm going to do this in a 3 part POV of Yuki, Kyo and Shigure. There will be a final chapter at the end as well. I hope you enjoy it. Please R&R!


Shigure's POV

Shigure watched as Tohru moved about the kitchen in her usual fashion but lately something about her seem different. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but she seemed to hold herself differently and she seemed happy, not that Tohru wasn't always happy but she seemed a different kind of happy and for the life of him he couldn't figure out what it was.

Hiding behind his morning paper he studied her as she moved around preparing breakfast. What was it that had changed her so? His thoughts continued to ponder this new development as Kyo came in and sat down across from him. "Hey you dirty dog why are you looking at Tohru like that?"

"Hmm? Oh its nothing. Nothing at all. I was just lost in thought." He turned to smile at Kyo. "So what are you going to do today Kyo?"

"Well I had wanted to go do something with Tohru but she said she was going to go visit a friend so I guess I'm going to go by the Dojo and see if Master is there."

Yes Tohru had been going out alone lately to see a friend but it wasn't Arisa or Hana. Shigure knew this for certain because they often called looking for her when she was out. It was like it was any of his business where she went and who she saw but it just wasn't like her to hide anything from everyone.

Tohru turned towards the conjoining dining room and smiled when she saw Kyo and him sitting there. "Why good morning Kyo and to you too Shigure. I'll have breakfast ready in just a little while. I'm sorry I didn't notice you there before. I'll have your food out as soon as I can."

She bowed in apology as only Tohru could. Some things never would change Shigure thought. "No its quite alright Tohru we haven't been here long at all."

She smiled that content smile of hers and rushed back into the kitchen to finish up breakfast. While she bustled around finishing up the dishes Yuki walked in with bed crazy hair and the half awake expression he always wore every morning. Shigure knew that the morning was just about to begin and he was right the second Kyo opened his mouth.

"So rat you finally emerge from that cave of yours."

Shigure cringed. He knew it wasn't a good thing to bait Yuki first thing in the morning and Kyo knew as well but he still jumped Yuki's nerves the second he appeared.

"You damn cat don't you have anything better to do than to annoy me."

And so the morning had begun as Kyo and Yuki squabbled like the cat and rat the once were before the curse had been broken. Shigure had hoped that once that once the curse was broken that the two of them would loosed up and stopped the constant fighting but to no avail it seemed that would never happen. "Now now you two you really must stop this fighting. Tohru is standing there ready to serve breakfast and neither of you have even taken notice. Tsk tsk where did I go wrong with you?"

Tohru stood in the door way watching the squabble. She smiled at Shigure. "No no it's okay Shigure. I'll just put everything on the table and they can eat when they're finished."

Yuki and Kyo stopped fighting at once and turned to Tohru. She always seemed to have that effect on them. Kyo "hmpthed" and Yuki turned his princely smile on Tohru. "Well good morning Miss Honda. Would you like some help with putting breakfast on the table?"

She nodded and Yuki joined her in bring in the dishes. When they were all seated and eating the wonderful food Shigure decided he would pry a little and see where it got him. "So Tohru Kyo told me you were going out to see a friend today."

"Oh yes a very dear friend." She smiled at him.

"Since I have to head into town this morning might I walk with you a ways?"

He watched as Tohru bit her lip gently as if she was battling some internal battle but finally she smiled that Tohru smile. "I would like that a lot Shigure. Thanks so much."


Tohru seemed nervous as Shigure walked with her towards town. Her hands where held in front of her and she kept twitching them every so often. When they reached the outskirts of town she turned to him and smiled. "Thank you so much for walking with me Shigure but my friend is just a little ways away so I can go on my own from here."

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk with you the rest of the way."

"No no I'll be fine on my own honest. You have things to do and I don't want you to have to worry about me so honestly I'll be okay. It's just a little ways further after all."

"Well if you insist Tohru. Have fun today."

"Oh I will. Goodbye Shigure."

He walked a ways and turned a corner stopping and peeking around the side of the building. He watched as Tohru looked around her and took off back the way they had come. Shigure gave a bit of a head start and the followed her making sure to stay far enough back to be out of sight should she turn around.

He followed her a few minutes and it seemed as if she were heading back to the house. Maybe she forgot something when they left. No she was cutting into the forest heading north…towards the Sohma House.

Now why would Tohru be going there? Shigure was puzzled but seeing as how he come this far he'd continue his quest and find out what dear Tohru was up too. He watched as she slipped through the front gates of the main house. He waited a few minutes before he did the same. Slipping into the house he tried to locate which way Tohru had went but Hatori stepped out of his quarters and hailed him over.

"What brings you here Shigure?"

Shigure didn't want to lie to Hatori but he knew even if he did Hatori would see right through it. "I followed Tohru here. She had seemed so different lately that I became quite curious and followed her."

Hatori smiled a rare smile and motioned for him to follow him inside. "You know Shigure Tohru isn't the only one who has been acting different lately. Akito too has shown a great change in the last couple of weeks. It's quite remarkable really. Ever since the curse was broken his health seemed to stay like he had no will to live and then a couple weeks ago he just changed out of nowhere. His health has been improving and the strangest thing of all is he seems so happy."

"Akito happy? Are you sure?"

Hatori nodded. "I think the lovely Miss Tohru is the reason for this change in Akito."

Shigure thought for a moment. Tohru had seemed to fear Akito after her visit with him that one time after she had returned with Kyo, in cat form, in her arms after his Master had taken his beaded bracelet from him causing his true form to show. Why would she have come to see Akito after how cruelly he had treated her.

"You know Shigure with the way your mind works I figured you would have figured it out by now. Tohru has been coming here off and on for two weeks now and everytime she's here she's closed up behind locked doors with Akito and when she leaves she always has a smile on her face and Akito seems happier than ever. Are you really still trying to figure this one out?"

Shigure's eyes widened. "You don't mean that dear Tohru has…with Akito? No you must be mistaken. There's no way."

"Yes my dear friend I know for a fact. I remarked to Akito how different he seemed and he just smiled…yes he smiled at me and told me every last detail. Mind you I could have gone without knowing them but who else does he have to confide in?"

Shigure sat there in shock. Wow was the only word that kept coming to mind. Tohru and Akito…wow.

"I know Shigure it was quite a shock to me when he told me but I have to admit the evidence is there. You should see the change in Akito."

Now he knew why she seemed so different. Why she was so happy. He knew how it had bothered her when she couldn't reach Akito before. It seems she had now. He smiled. "Well Hatori I wonder how Yuki and Kyo are going to take this new development."

Shigure just smiled bigger when Hatori shook his head and turned away. Shigure was sure going to have fun with both of the boys. Let the games begin he thought to himself with one more huge smile.