DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fruits Basket or any of its characters of story line.



Yuki, Kyo and Shigure watched as Akito walked into the dining room and stood at Tohru's side. They all noticed the confidence in his stride and the self assured way he held himself as he gazed happily at Tohru. This wasn't the same man they had all feared for their entire lives. This was a changed man before them. A man filled with love and happiness and content at last with life.

The three of them could do nothing but stare as Tohru and Akito sat beside each other at the table and began putting food on their plates. Tohru looked at the three of them and smiled. "Well dig in you three. I made all your favorites. I hope you enjoy everything."

Shigure, not letting anything daunt him for long, smiled and began placing food on his plate as well as Kyo and Yuki's while they continued to sit there bewildered. "I'm sure we will. Everything you fix is a little slice of heaven. You spoil us so. Isn't that right Yuki? Kyo?"

"Uh…um…yeah that's right Miss Honda. You've been very good to us."

"Really it was no trouble at all. I enjoy taking care of you all. Really I do. You've all been so kind to me."

With that said everyone ate in silence casting the occasional glance at Akito who seem quite content with everything. When dinner was over and Tohru had served them dessert she stood at the head of the table and looked at them all. "Well I guess this is as good a time as any. I have something I want to share with all of you."

All noise ceased as everyone's attention was turned to Tohru. Akito too stood and went to stand beside Tohru. "Let me tell them Tohru please."

Tohru nodded and reached for his hand. Everyone waited in silence while Akito looked at each one of them. He took a deep breath and began. "First I want to apologize to everyone for my ruthless and cruel behavior towards all of you. I let my fear get the better of me and never stopped to wonder or care about anyone other than myself. Here I was ill with my life ending and there was nothing that I could do about it. I knew I was born to die but it didn't make it any easier to cope with. Even after the curse was broken I couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't real that it was all a dream and I was going to be waking up any moment to find myself still dying."

He paused a minute making sure he still had everyone's attention. "After the curse was broken every Sohma who was effected by the Zodiac curse decided to break a way from the family and start their lives finally since they no longer had to fear transforming. Having all of them leaving cut deep and I felt even lonelier as one by one my family moved off away from the Sohma House. My heart ached more and more each time. I myself was still too afraid to allow myself to live. I shied away from everyone. Then one day Tohru came to me. I thought she was there to ask something of me just as everyone else had but no instead she came to see me and we had a nice lunch together. From that day on I felt my barriers come down and only from one simple kind gesture. I realized that same day that all the hatred I had felt towards Tohru wasn't hatred at all but love disguised only because I was too scared to acknowledge it. When I told her I loved her I never dreamed that she would love me in return especially after the way I had treated her for so long but alas she did love me and I've never been happier."

Akito paused again to catch his breath and he noticed that each one of them watched him with apt attention. Eyes were locked with his from all three of his cousins. He couldn't feel any tension like before and because of that he felt braver. He was amazed at how much Tohru had changed the lives of all three of them. She had managed to heal them in ways he never thought were possible. She was their salvation…his salvation. He knew that they were letting their hearts open to forgiving him and for that he was thankful even though he knew he didn't deserve it.

Tohru noticed the tears forming in Akito's eyes. She squeezed his hand and smiled up at him. Her eyes asked him if he'd like for her to continue. He shook his head at her and looked back at his family. They were still waiting for him to continue.

"I came here today to share some important news with all of you. I want to share with all of you first because it was because of you that Tohru came into my life and for that I'm thankful. I want all of you to know that I have asked Tohru to marry me."

A pregnant silence followed his words. Though none of their faces showed in their minds anger then shock then forgiveness and then finally acceptance emerged. One by one each of the three of them began to clap and Tohru and Akito stood there smiling each with happy tears puddling their eyes.

This was the beginning of something completely knew for the Sohma family and Yuki, Kyo and Shigure knew it. They each knew that the Sohma family monster was finally put to rest and true happiness could now be found without fear of retribution. Deep down they all knew that even when curse had ended true happiness had to start somewhere and seeing Akito and Tohru together now they knew that the happiness had to begin with them. The realization hit all of them and with one collective breath they all sighed finally happy to be rid of the other Sohma family curse. Standing Yuki, Kyo and Shigure hugged Akito and Tohru.

Akito smiled. This was what family should be about. The love and support of those who care about you. Now he was a real part of all this. All because of Tohru. He knew that for now on things were going to get better and better and life to him now was more than just worth living.