A/N: Oh look, it's almost been a month since I've updated this! :3 Anyway, this was typed in the middle of the day (which is new for me) and there shouldn't really be any spelling or grammar fails. But if there are, SORRY :D Sorry if this kinda goes downhill; I'm trying (=_=;;) I hope you enjoy the fourth chapter of Insert Crappy Title Here Til I Find A New One~!

Oh, and sorry about the fail at Russian. Stupid old computer won't do right XU

Warnings: Glomping, a little (read: a lot) hand fetish, second or third base... A little voyeurism... Eh, that's it for now...

I awoke the next morning to the ringing of a telephone. I quickly scrambled out of America's bed and into my own bedroom, rushing to pick up the phone.

"H-hello?" I answered the phone.

"Ah, Privet, Lithuania... Is America there?" Russia slurred in a sultry voice.

"N-no, sir, he's out right now... Would you like me to send him a message when he gets back?" I asked.

"Ah, no thank you... I was just calling for him... He owes me something that I need right now..." He coughed.

"Well, it was nice to hear from you again, Mr. Russia..."

"The same to you, Liet..."

"Have a nice day..." I hung the phone on the hook, taking a deep breath. I wonder what Mr. Russia would call America for... Maybe it's best I stay out of things for right now... I sighed, resting against the wall. I was bored. Unbelievably, I was bored.

"Knock knock~" I walked up to the door, looking through the small peephole.

"Liet~ It's like, totes me~!" I know that voice.

"P-Poland?" I yanked open the door.

Bad idea.

I nearly fell over from the force of Poland's glomp.

"Liet~! I like, totes missed you!" He happily streamed, hugging me tight.

"I...missed you too..."

He pulled out of the embrace and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "So," he started. "What's been goin' on?"

"A-ah, nothing important..." I whispered, an obvious blush creeping on my face.

He didn't reply, instead he pressed his lips onto mine. I groaned and began to move my lips against his. He kissed back, lightly walking forward, which pushed me backwards. We somehow safely made it to the couch, our tongues fighting a fierce battle. I pulled away a little, leaving a trail of saliva between our lips.

"P-Poland... I didn't think you wou-"

"I meant what I said, Liet... I couldn't... stop... thinking... about... you..." With every pause, he kissed down my jaw to my neck. I gasped as he nipped slightly at the spot right above my collarbone.

"P-Poland..." I moaned, slightly shaking under his touch. He quickly grabbed for my rough hands, pulling them up to his face.

"Tsk, tsk," He sighed. "Your hands... They look horrible, Liet," He leaned over, gently kissing the back of it.

"W-well sorry... I work hard at my job sometimes..." I blushed. I love the way Poland's lips felt against my skin.

"Hmm... I wonder..." He whispered to himself before dragging his tongue against the side of my index finger.

"Ngh.. Poland..." I moaned, flushing even more. I don't think I'd ever admit it, but I might have a thing for people worshiping my hands...

"Y-your hands... They don't taste like what I thought they would..." He moaned quietly, taking another lick.

"W-what did you expect it to taste like..?"

He shrugged. "They taste sweet... And salty..."

He leaned in, close to my ear and saucily whispered. "I like it."

I moaned loudly at his voice, grabbing his face and roughly forcing his lips on mine. He quickly deepened our kiss, moving his hands down my back. I lay down on the couch, letting Poland climb on top of me, straddling my hips.

Then he stopped.

"Did you hear that...?" He asked, leaning off me.

"I-It sounds like America..." I straightened up on the couch and smoothed down my hair. "He doesn't know that you were coming today..."

"Well, you said that Russia drops by every so often; so why can't I?" He smiled, wiping a bit of slobber from his bottom lip. I returned the smile, giving him a small peck and straightening his shirt out.

"Liet, it's me~!" America chimed behind the door. I quickly stood, jogging to open it.

"Hey..." He smiled, pushing himself through the door. He failed to notice Poland on the couch, staring at him with hating eyes.

"Poland is just dropping by," I gestured to Poland. He smiled, waving a bit.

"Hello, Poland," He nodded, walking to his room.

"Hey Liet! Is the guest room clean? I might have Russia stay in there for a few... Weeks~!" He yelled from his room.

"It should be..." I said in a normal voice, quietly shifting back to Poland.

"Am I staying with you?" Poland asked, gazing into my eyes. I flushed a deep red, not wanting to break the gaze.

"Y-yes.." I whispered, leaning in a little bit to kiss him. He leaned the rest of the way, connecting or lips.

"Nugh..." I groaned, quickly deepening the kiss.

"Hey, Liet! I think I broke my s-" America yelled, walking into the room.

I was too caught up in the kiss to notice he was standing right there.

"Oh wow, Liet! I didn't know you were like that! Man, I should go get my camera!" He yelled again, ending it with his signature laugh.

I froze.

Poland smirked within the kiss and began to slip his tongue into my mouth.

I didn't move.

He pulled away "What's wrong? America's not going to do anything to us~" He giggled.

This is not going to end well.

A/N: This took about 2 days :3 I enjoy this chapter a bit too much... this will probably be the last update before school starts. T^T But I'll survive! There are probably mistakes, please tell me where and what they are so I can fix it. Thanks for reading! I still need a new name for this! :3 Sorry for the abrupt stop, I wasn't in the best mood to be writing this ^ ^;;;

Please R and R! Tell me what I need to do next! ^ ^
