A gasp escaped soft and pliant lips, the sound bouncing off the walls of her room. She was curled tightly, her arms wrapped around her torso in a grip that seemed to hinder her breathing. The only indication of her slumber being her closed eyelids, and the lack of awareness to the darkness within her bedroom.

Her breathing was labored, short and shallow breaths emanated from her mouth and nose as she dreamt. She was unaware at the sudden drop in temperature; of the slight knocking of her door as she whimpered in her sleep. The door opened silently, the creaking of it's hinges too slight to rouse Orihime from her obvious nightmare.

The figure shut the door silently, and stood patiently by the door as he gazed intently on her; jotting down every sound or movement Orihime produced in her sleep. He froze suddenly, appearing suddenly by Orihime's bed side when she spoke faintly. "Ulquiorra…" She murmured again, and the figure bent downwards, resting his forefinger on her cheek curiously. She gasped at the cool contact, and clasped her hands tightly onto her mouth in her sleep.

Ulquiorra observed her flushing face, suddenly aware of what kind of dream Orihime is having. He closes in to her face, parted her lips slightly with his thumb and presses his own against hers. Her lips were soft and warm, a stark contrast between his cold and hard ones as he further parted her lips with his tongue and deepened the kiss.

"Ulquiorra…"He heard her mumble in between their lips, and silenced her by nibbling on her bottom lip gently. Who know that kisses her would taste so good to him. He forced down the urge to pull her in closer, but froze suddenly when foreign hands were suddenly grasping onto his ebony hair. "Ulquiorra, what are you doing?" He opened his eyes, unsure of when he closed them, and stared almost sheepishly into Orihime's flushing and inquisitive visage. He has some explaining to do.